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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130603
01/07/06 10:05 PM
01/07/06 10:05 PM
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I'm dealing with gargoyles tonight and the fire spells seem to hit them hard at times, but not always. Lightning seems to hurt them badly. I like to get a group of them in front of me, then hit them with meteor or starburst.

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130604
01/07/06 10:51 PM
01/07/06 10:51 PM
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Acid Burst is always good, also Implosion

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130605
01/08/06 04:45 AM
01/08/06 04:45 AM
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Okay, I don't have implosion as a skill yet, but I saw some scrolls..the blades just don't seem to get him..sure did the marble ones though.
**Edit Here** Skippy, want my group? I'll send them right over

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130606
01/08/06 11:23 AM
01/08/06 11:23 AM
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Sure Ingie ! Send them over ! lol

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130607
01/08/06 10:12 PM
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Well from my luck in the Temple of the Fire Lord my group and I shall be there until you know what freezes over. I don't know what's confusing me more - the map of the dungeon or the directions on how to get through it rotfl

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130608
01/08/06 10:33 PM
01/08/06 10:33 PM
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Oh that Fire Lord quest darn near drove me nuts. It took me a while to figure out that I was dropping down chutes which then led to different tunnels. I was so happy when I finished it, and it took me a while.

I just finished the Monolith which was tough going. Those druids and rock beasts took a lot of work to kill.

I'm worn out now. Going to sleep

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130609
01/08/06 10:33 PM
01/08/06 10:33 PM
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Syd, it might help if you go back to the room with the raised part you drop onto, the place with all the sections cut out of the floor..they all lead to different hallways, so try going down each hole in some kind of order, like clockways, keep track of which ones you already dropped into and after you have been down every one (and returning to the starting point by clicking on any tribal head wall painting each time) you should have seen/done all you need to.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130610
01/09/06 06:50 AM
01/09/06 06:50 AM
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I might be headed there, I can't find my Calgon Estate to finish it off..I lost it somewhere..while looking of course I'm find other things..druids btw are not friendly.. mad kindred spirit and all that..patootie happydance I have no remorse at all and like the loot evil
**Edit Here** Oh Skippy I might have found where you are, nasty druids..nasty
Good luck y'all
So we're suppose to drop down to the bottom and not try and stay on one of the platforms?? Well huh..I gave up for then, thought I hate to learn a skill like "sucker feet"

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130611
01/09/06 04:26 PM
01/09/06 04:26 PM
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Just dropped into a corner of Paradise Valley, and it's no paradise., blue and gold dragons. I'm toast. I think I'll need to beef up a bit more. scared

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130612
01/09/06 08:46 PM
01/09/06 08:46 PM
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Oh great so Paradise Valley is like Dragonsand? What on earth kills those dragons by the way? I've tried everything to kill them.

Man Skippy I wished you'd have dropped bread crumbs in this crummy place - I am soooo lost.

Schwab you must have read my mind because that is just what I've been doing the past two days. Starting at the round thingie and taking each hole in order. I save right before I drop down and if I've been there before completely I reload and drop down the next hole. Hopefully I'll find whatever it is I'm looking for that way. At least now I have a plan laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130613
01/09/06 09:46 PM
01/09/06 09:46 PM
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Syd, have you come to the big room filled with gobbies yet?

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130614
01/09/06 10:13 PM
01/09/06 10:13 PM
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Is that the room with the green floor? If so - yep I've been there - more times than I can count lol I think I've killed everything in this place but according to the fire lord I'm still missing whatever it is that is warding the doors or whatever the heck he's saying laugh

I think I may be closing in on whatever it is however - I'm feeling vibes rotfl

Where are you heading now Skippy? Ingie?

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130615
01/10/06 01:07 AM
01/10/06 01:07 AM
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There is a high level Earth spell called Mass Distortion which has a chance of doing HUGE damage to dragons. Just a suggestion wink

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130616
01/10/06 06:47 PM
01/10/06 06:47 PM
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Bless you Schwab praise as soon as I get out of this dratted Fire Temple I'm heading off to get that spell. I've seen it but didn't think it really did anything so never bought it.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130617
01/11/06 07:28 PM
01/11/06 07:28 PM
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I need some help please.. help

In the Monolith and have reached a point where these huge rock guys come after us.
I've tried dang near everything and nothing is working..any suggestions at all??

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130618
01/11/06 07:55 PM
01/11/06 07:55 PM
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Ingie - I used Meteor shower on them and also blades works if I recall correctly.

I finished with the Temple of the Fire Lord. Want to hear something sad? I had to do it twice because when I finally found the chest I needed to find - guess what? I lost the key to it somehow slapforehead Luckily I had another save not too far back so I re-did everything. Now I'm trying to get the Mass Distortion spell but so far it's not offered for sale. I think I'll let a day or so go buy and see if he restocks and then look out dragons! rotfl

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130619
01/11/06 08:45 PM
01/11/06 08:45 PM
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Hi Syd, wave

I found that spell book in Free Haven..I think, could be wrong, but it seems they offer you more if you lots of $$$ and if ranks are up over the 20 mark....good luck

I'll try, dang I think I did, but the big guy had two hidden behind him...the chickens..

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130620
01/11/06 09:46 PM
01/11/06 09:46 PM
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We're in Darkmoor Castle and it sure lives up to its reputation for being a nightmare. This is going to take a very long time. I can only take it in small doses. eek

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130621
01/12/06 06:04 AM
01/12/06 06:04 AM
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Hi all,

Oh Skippy.....Castle Darkmoor....shudder....
I couldn't wait to get that one out of the way when I was playing.

You should see the Tomb of a 10000 terrors in MM9 (that's where I am now), just as scary and guess what? It has the dreded eyes again. Jeeze.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130622
01/12/06 07:20 AM
01/12/06 07:20 AM
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Oh boy, something else to look forward to.. happydance good luck Skippy

I've got to get those nasty Rocky thingees today..
I have a plan, but boy have they been going wrong..
I was thinking rock, scissors, paper..perhaps if I cover them up with paper that'll work!!!now to find a spell that allows that..wonder which element I'll find that under??

Ingie lol

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130623
01/12/06 12:23 PM
01/12/06 12:23 PM
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I got those rascals..used rock blast on them and it did, blast them I mean. happydance

Now for all the Druids, I know what can kill them, it's the not being killed by them that is challenging..

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130624
01/14/06 05:43 AM
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Am I alone??

I finally finished the Monolith!! Very tricky and tons of fun..

using son's puter and log in again..great to see the other games are progressing well!!


Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130625
01/14/06 08:29 AM
01/14/06 08:29 AM
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No my dear you are not alone - well maybe on the surface laugh

I have been in Kreigspire Castle trying to get that jeweled egg for I don't know how long [sigh] If you think the Minatours are tough up top, try them down below arrrrgggghhhh. I have nothing other than plugging away at them that works and they generally kill me way before I plug them enough. I think I've managed to kill about 5 of them and that's it. I made the mistake of going into this circular room and I swear, 30 dropped down from above and surrounded me. I was toast in under three seconds.

I also can't find the Mass Distortion spell. The guy that sells the high earth spells in Free Haven hasn't had it when I've been there. I hope after a few days (game days that is) he has new stock laugh

So Ingie where you going to next? Skippy you still with us?

Good grief I just did a fast check and I've been playing the game since October and I'm still not done eek

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130626
01/14/06 02:04 PM
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Still in Castle Kreigspire - still slowly killing Minitours and their kings (how many dang kings are there for crying out loud?

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130627
01/14/06 04:15 PM
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We're struggling our way through Blackmoor Castle. It's tedious. Those nasty eyes are hitting us constantly with fear and insanity. If you don't hear from me again, please come and pull our bodies out of there. mad

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