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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130628
01/14/06 04:45 PM
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wave Susan. I've heard horror stories about that place. Deal - if we don't hear from you after a few days I'll send the group in to bring out the bodies laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130629
01/14/06 06:12 PM
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I found that spell in the Silver Cove at the earth guru...

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130630
01/14/06 07:16 PM
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I must have missed something..where is the Devil's Outpost that Lord Temper wants me to Destroy??
I've looked on maps and walked on water to can do..where is it?? what is it??
Lord Temper is in Free Haven..but I can't find a Devil's Outpost.. duh


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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130631
01/14/06 07:31 PM
01/14/06 07:31 PM
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Ingie Devil's Outpost is in Kreigspire and Kreigspire is a nasty place filled with Minatours, their mages and their kings. IIRC it's back behind the castle (actually it's behind the mountain the castle is in).

I got my Mass Distortion spell finally. My guy in Free Haven finally had one - matter of fact he had two and I almost bought them both but decided not to for now.

I've pretty well gotten this castle cleaned out - I'm working on the Linch right now but I still haven't found that stupid egg. This is not a nice place. lol

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130632
01/14/06 09:28 PM
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Thanks Syd!

Hi everyone!

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130633
01/14/06 09:35 PM
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Got the jeweled egg and the Linch is history. I also have some kind of crystal ball thing with a face in it. Don't know what I'm supposed to do with it but since the Linch was guarding it I figure it must be important laugh

Now I'm off again to Dragonsland to see if the Mass Distortion spell is all it's cracked up to be laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130634
01/14/06 09:39 PM
01/14/06 09:39 PM
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Tried to get into this game again, but I'm having basic nav problems. Namely that using the arrow keys to turn left and right are too twitchy. I tap for the barest moment and end up pointing to far in that direction. Any hints or is this something you get used to as you play?

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130635
01/14/06 11:12 PM
01/14/06 11:12 PM
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Pib, try going into your game menu and choosing Controls, you can adjust the turn rate there, I recommend setting it to SMOOTH.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130636
01/14/06 11:15 PM
01/14/06 11:15 PM
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Thanks, didn't think to see if there was a control for it. D'oh!

[add]That was it! Much much better. [/add]

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130637
01/15/06 04:20 AM
01/15/06 04:20 AM
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Oh Good Pib, great to have another that has played this before for those of us the game is new for.
**Edit** Oh syd, way to go're doing great..tame that beast please.
I thank you for the the information about the Devil's Outpost..I don't think I even know where that is yet. I thought I'd try to finish some of these quests up, and this one seemed not that"important"

I also am trying to find the expert and master trainers for some of my folks...anyone seen an expert trainer for Mace?? How about master for Disarm and Preception?
I've walked into so many homes at least a dozen times, looking for these folks in the towns, I swear I heard the last one say some thing about getting a Pit Bull.. eek

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130638
01/15/06 04:33 AM
01/15/06 04:33 AM
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Played == yes. Finished....ummmm...I don't think I managed that. cry

So here's hoping this time I make it. I was a lot happier playing with the smooth turning.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130639
01/15/06 08:49 AM
01/15/06 08:49 AM
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Ingie -

You're welcome. I sorta stumbled on that dungeon whilst running away from Minatours. It's one big room with a lot of baddies so be aware and stay by the door so you can exit out in a hurry laugh

I checked my notes and Master for Disarm Traps is in Frozen Highlands - I think in the town not where the castle is but I could be wrong (I generally am) The guy's name is Gabe Lester.

Expert Mace is either in Frozen Highlands (Dickson Parks) or Mired of the Damned (Jack Crow). The Master for Mace is in Blackshire (Errol Ostermann)

As to the Linch, I have to confess the game cheated for me. He got stuck in this room with a red bench and couldn't move so I was able to shoot him with arrows until he expired laugh Did I feel bad about the "help"? Not on your life rotfl

Well made it into Dragonsand and I guess I've been gone long enough that the area reset so all the fire lizards et al that I killed before are back [sigh]

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130640
01/15/06 04:05 PM
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Okay, I'm not in Dragonsand. Decided to do something easier for awhile so I'm in Corlagan's Estate trying not to age myself into social security rotfl

I must be doing the Mass Distortion spell wrong because I can't see that it does anything. Schwab, how do you tell if it's working? I know when I cast "feeblemind" the baddie has the notation next to him/her when you right click.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130641
01/15/06 06:30 PM
01/15/06 06:30 PM
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Hmm, Syd I used it on the Rock folks, and eventually they just crumbled, I don't remember anything else..did you right click to check the stats to see if it did anything to them/it?

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130642
01/15/06 06:59 PM
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I right clicked but it didn't look like it did anything - maybe I don't know what I'm looking for. Anyway I just got Corlagon's Estate cleaned out so now I'm going to head back to Dragonsand. I would love to get all the obleisks found before the game is over - I sure could use the 200,000 gold about now lol

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130643
01/15/06 07:21 PM
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Syd, mass distortion just does damage, you should see a little message above your party portraits saying how much it did. If not, it didn't do any damage. Read the spell description, it's meant for large enemies, like the Titans or dragons.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130644
01/16/06 08:36 PM
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I think I've come to the end of the line. I'm in Darkmoor, at the back where you go up the ramp at the side of the castle. Then down a hallway with a window opening up over a large room jam-packed with liches and eyes. You need to jump down into the room. It's the only way I can see to get in, and I get slaughtered immediately. I can't even run anywhere to hide and pick them off slowly. There is no where to go.

Before I pack it in, does anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130645
01/16/06 10:43 PM
01/16/06 10:43 PM
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If you're where I think you are (with all the floating eyes outside and around back?) then you don't have to go up the ramp, there is a front entrance...

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130646
01/17/06 08:24 AM
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Ohhh what quest is this Skippy??

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130647
01/17/06 10:13 AM
01/17/06 10:13 AM
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I'm doing the two quests together in Darkmoor castle: the "Destroy the book of liches" and get the "Memory crystal delta" quest, might as well do it at the same time. I'd rather get them both over with, than have to come back later and face this again. This is the area that you access after turning the ceiling cube red in the first part of the castle. After turning the cube red in the first part of the castle I went around to the back (nw) hall and into a new area, which had opened up and appeared to be a courtyard where there were a lot of eyes.

I killed the eyes and wandered around until I found an entrance. This led to a hallway which led into a large room filled with eyes and liches. After killing them all I wandered around a bit upstairs but found nothing interesting.

After checking some online help I discovered that I had to go around the left of the castle and up a ramp to a secret door to access the rest of the castle where the two items were that I needed. I went back out the entrance and around the side killing eyes until I found some trash heaps. Further down were more eyes and then I found the ramp. Went up the ramp, opened the secret door, went down the hall until I found this room that can only be seen through an opening in the wall. It's so full of liches, that no matter where I jump down I can't escape. There are so many of them that I'm taken out before I can walk forward. I've tried to figure out where I could strategically go to pick them off slowly, but there doesn't appear to be a place.

Is there something I need to do in the first room of eyes/liches that will open up another way?

It appears that jumping through the window down into the room is the only way to gain access to the items I need. We're level 40, so I would think we could handle this. I can deal with monsters but not when I'm right in the midst of them. So I'm thinking there must be another way to get there where I can pick them off slowly.


Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130648
01/17/06 08:07 PM
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Oh brother Skippy - it sounds like you're in a horribly tough place. I'm still trying to pick off dragons in Dragonsand and not doing well. I finally gave up last night. There must be 40 of them in this one location and there is no way I can get them before they get me.

I think I may go back to Gharik's Forge and see if I can at least get through that. Have you been through there? My group is about level 45 and I'm still getting the [blip] beat out of me.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130649
01/17/06 08:48 PM
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I had a tough time with the dragons too. I couldn't even get past them to get to Sweetwater. The only dragon I managed to kill was Longfang.

I figured I would take care of the Darkmoor quests and then try the dragons later. But I'm not optimistic about it at the moment. I might have to take some time off and try again later. I tried again several times today to jump down into that room filled with liches and was taken out before I even had a chance to hit them. There must be dozens of them along with some eyes. I probably need to be beefier or have better protection.

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130650
01/17/06 09:40 PM
01/17/06 09:40 PM
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I forgot to mention about Gharik's Forge. The last time I was there we were around level 20, so perhaps it would be easier to return there now and try that quest again. I got stuck in the area where there were levers and bridges.

If I still can't get that done I might just take a bit of time away from the game. It usually helps to clear my head a bit. I enjoy the challenges but if they get to be impossible I don't have the same enjoyment with the game.

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130651
01/17/06 09:55 PM
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Skippy, I don't remember being forced to jump into a room filled with enemies. But, this is a confusing place, so rather than figuring out exactly where you are, I hope this walkthrough helps some:


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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130652
01/18/06 07:05 AM
01/18/06 07:05 AM
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Geez y'all, I'm think I'm in trouble now..look what I have to look forward too- eek

I think I'm still in the Frozen highlands..going towards I hope some place called Storm or is it I can do a few quests and get a few I suppose..I am celebrating the fact some of the party just hit level 30!..oh well, someone must bring up the rear and benefit from everyone else's gameplay, I volunteer wave I have a choice right now.. rotfl

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