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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130678
01/21/06 03:19 PM
01/21/06 03:19 PM
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The Hour Glass of Time is mine bwaha-hahahahahahaha - ooops sorry - must have gotten hit with the Insanity spell once too often laugh

Ingie I'm not sure what level I was - maybe around 30 - make sure you have a Cure Disease spell with you because you'll need it. I didn't have many problems with the werewolves IIRC.

Ah, San Fran - [sigh] First off I hate driving in that place. It's full of one way streets, steep, and I mean steep hills and no where to park, plus the fact they are tearing up off and on ramps due to the on-going "let's repair the Bay Bridge for a gazillion dollars just so we can tear it down and build another bridge for 6 gazillion dollars". This pretty much makes most maps useless (that and the fact I can't read a map anyway) rolleyes

So last week Wednesday my boss walks in my office around 9 am (I had just gotten to work because there were three different accidents on the road I take and it took two and a half hours to drive 20 miles) and asks me if I'm working on anything pressing. I foolishly told him no, did he want me to do something? He grinned (evily I might add) and said "yep, I need you to go to a job walk in SF at 10." Now at best it's an hour's drive from my office into the city if you knew where you were going and I had less than 45 minutes to get to a place I had no clue how to get to, added to the fact that it was raining - hard. So armed with Map Quest's turn left at this street, turn right at this street, I head out with a warning to everyone in the office they were not to step two feet away from the phones in case I called. Believe it or not I made it to the hospital (UCSF - that's where the job walk was) laugh just fine, pulled into the parking lot (and we're talking an 8 story high lot) and guess what? Full. So, I followed the line of cars back out and wound up on a street I had no clue where it went, drove around the block because I saw another parking lot next door - well, full again. This time the exit came out on a street that went straight up and I mean straight up. I tried to accelerate to get up the hill and due to the roads being wet it was like driving on ice - I wasn't going anywhere. My tires spun and I literally burned rubber trying to get to the stop sign and not roll back into the car behind me (I have an automatic but it drove like I was in a standard). Finally made it to the top and pulled into a bus stop (yep illegally and I didn't care). I tried to call the office to figure out where the heck I was but the phone wouldn't work because somehow I locked the keypad - this was a new phone and I had no idea how I locked it in the first place so didn't know how to unlock it - I was not in a good mood by this time. I finally figured out how to unlock the keypad, called the office, found out what street I was on and where I needed to go to get back to the hospital. Next problem was I couldn't get back onto the street because no one would let me in. Now California has some of the rudest drivers on the planet and the majority of them drive in the city - about now I fully understood road rage because I was having a large dose of it lol I finally got back onto the street, tried the hospital parking lot again and low and behold - a parking place. Well by this time it's 11:30 but I figured what the heck maybe someone will still be there - they were laugh I had a private meeting with the general contractor - got back in the car and remembered I had directions on how to get into the city but not how to get out slapforehead Great - so I'm on the phone again - this time to my son and told him to get on the computer, log onto Map Quest and give me directions out. So using Jeremy as my personal GPS, I made it back to my office, kissed the ground and vowed never to leave the office again.

And I should have stuck to it because the next day in the middle of rush hour traffic my transmission went out - I was not pleased laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130679
01/21/06 04:49 PM
01/21/06 04:49 PM
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Syd, congrats on finishing the Forge, was that the last council quest for ya?

I lived in SF for 9 years and took public transportation most of the time, the parking situation is notorious there. Even though the last 2 years I was there I had a brand new car I never drove it except to go outside the area. Which is why I only have 16K miles on a 5 year old car..

Maybe you should take BART/MUNI next time? wink

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130680
01/21/06 09:29 PM
01/21/06 09:29 PM
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Way to go Syd! I've got past the bridges and am clearing out some magicians.

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130681
01/21/06 10:32 PM
01/21/06 10:32 PM
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Hot diggity happydance I got the shield finally and returned it to Lord somebody imortant..
I'm going to get the quests done yet.. lol

Ingie.. laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130682
01/22/06 05:39 AM
01/22/06 05:39 AM
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Hi all,

Oh poor Syd.....I would have been lost forever because I am not good in directions in a city unless I was familiar with the place and even then it would be very hard. You did great in getting back to the office and I don't blame you for not wanting to leave again. Phew.

Love Thy Neighbor

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130683
01/22/06 06:02 AM
01/22/06 06:02 AM
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If it helps a bit y'all, you're not alone..

My Mom once told me I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag, which made me mad..because she's right.
Always lost..

I'm in the wolf den..should be call the wolfoozie
place..good grief..

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130684
01/22/06 07:53 AM
01/22/06 07:53 AM
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Ingie much luck in the wolf den you're going to need it laugh

I blame my lousy sense of direction on my mother - she and I are just alike and when you put the two of us together we're a disaster waiting to happen. Our excursions together are stuff family legends are written about rotfl

Schwab believe me if I knew how to take public transportation I would. BART I can manage but after that, good grief laugh

And yup, that was my last council quest except for the fact that 'ole Snaggletooth or whatever his name is, is still giving me the thumbs down. I need to complain to someone but I don't know who. I'm thinking I should try Darkmoor and get the quest off my books - I only have two left - something about praying at the soltice and getting that crystal. I'm thinking I'll head to Free Haven and get some more training in and see if anyone has any spells for sale - need a few more dark and light ones also. Still am having a devil of a time with those dragons. I never will get the obelisk in that area I'm afraid frown

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130685
01/22/06 09:12 AM
01/22/06 09:12 AM
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If I am reading this right and the SG right..the reason he is given you a thumbs down..he's a nasty guy...I won't spoil it for you..way to go btw

I did get a peek at the dragons on the Sandy place, eek oh delightful..

We're at I think 33-31 in level..but I need to find some better spell books..almost done with the werewolf thing..I think there are more gooey things than werewolves..and I don't care for them at all..
look like gravy spilled and gotten cold. razz

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130686
01/22/06 09:54 AM
01/22/06 09:54 AM
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Ah yes those crawly acid thingies - I found that Ice Bolt worked wonders on them - froze those babies right up laugh

I took my complaints to Lord Humphrey and he insists Snaggletooth is under some kind of spell. Yea, right, sure he is. LH isn't the sharpest crayon in the box is he? He wants me to go to the Superior Temple of Baa and find a cure for said Snaggletooth and bring him back proof that 'ole Snaggle is cured -

I do have a question - can I unload Lord K's shield and Snergal's axe? No one seems to want them and they are taking up much needed inventory space but don't want to get rid of them if they are necessary.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130687
01/22/06 11:36 AM
01/22/06 11:36 AM
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I think I gave that shield to Lord Humphrey..the guy with the royal kid..maybe I sold it after I tried to give it to him..don't have anymore though.

Well I'm not upstairs in the wolf lair, thinking is this really necassary?? this dying all the time..

Ingie - werewolves..humph

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130688
01/22/06 12:45 PM
01/22/06 12:45 PM
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Loved your story, Syd. But my favorite is still the toilet seat one. lol
And yeah, you can get rid of that stuff, once you take the shield to show Lord whosis.

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- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130689
01/23/06 06:22 AM
01/23/06 06:22 AM
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Hi all,

The oozes can be shot with fireball or sparks or use a cold spell depending on what kind they are. I think on the red ones use fireball try different spells to see what works. They can't be killed by using weapons only magic.

As far as getting rid of stuff....once you know that you don't need an can drop it anywhere on the ground or you can even put it in any chest you find but the place will respawn after a period of time so the item will dissapear. Make sure you don't need it anymore first.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130690
01/23/06 07:52 AM
01/23/06 07:52 AM
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Well I'm getting the ooze, I'm now at the top of the one set of stairs, where in the room are werewolves and expert swordmen..I take care of 3 at a time..but not over and over..Seems the more I kill the more I have to kill. So, think I'll leave this for a bit..and go back to Silver Cove and find something, can't remember right now..

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130691
01/23/06 11:55 AM
01/23/06 11:55 AM
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I got the hourglass of time from Gharik's Forge, so now I need to figure out what to do next. Haven't done the wolf lair yet. Any tips on what I can offer the wolfies to soften them up? Doggie biscuits perhaps? lol

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130692
01/23/06 03:05 PM
01/23/06 03:05 PM
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Nope, apparently they don't want anything but our deaths. wink

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130693
01/25/06 07:00 PM
01/25/06 07:00 PM
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Nothing new to report from my little group. We are slowly and I mean slowly wacking away at those dragons in Dragonsand. At the rate of two dragons a night this is going to take me awhile lol I can most times get the red and blue dragons but those golden ones - oi - they are tough.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130694
01/25/06 07:33 PM
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Syd, why kill all the dragons? I never did simply because they weren't quest related and it truly was a pain just to get rid of a few (they constanly wreck your equipment). Have you gotten to the quests where you get the memory crystals?

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130695
01/25/06 09:10 PM
01/25/06 09:10 PM
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Hi Schwab - nope haven't gotten those quests yet - where do I go to get them? The only reason I'm killing dragons is to get to the obelisk which I just did laugh Now I'm trying to gather up the bodies of the dead so I can reap the reward - so I'm darting in, grabbing and running out before I get smacked by the survivors. I now have three more obelisks to go : Infested Waters, Hermit Isle and Paradise Valley.

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130696
01/25/06 10:18 PM
01/25/06 10:18 PM
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You have to finish the council quests part, then you get to see the Oracle and get the crystals quest. It all relates to the central story.

Paradise Valley is a nightmare rolleyes

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130697
01/26/06 07:09 PM
01/26/06 07:09 PM
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Ah that means I have to get the poop on Snaggletooth first then. When I went to the oracle after talking to Lord Humphrey she just gave me a shield she said I lost - I couldn't convince her I lost it on purpose laugh

Oh gee - another nightmare - thanks Schwab slapforehead

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130698
01/26/06 08:19 PM
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Syd, what have you found to be effective against the gold dragons? I'm trying to get past one in the Temple of the Snake.

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130699
01/26/06 10:30 PM
01/26/06 10:30 PM
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Phew. I got him. It took us 20 minutes of constant chipping away at him. That was tiring.

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130700
01/27/06 02:53 AM
01/27/06 02:53 AM
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Good for you Skippy, evil

Ingie laugh

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Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130701
01/27/06 09:17 AM
01/27/06 09:17 AM
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I know what you mean about taking a break. I need to do that sometimes. We just kept hitting the dragon with lightning, static charge,ice and implosion spells. It seemed that each time we healed up he hit us again. We were hoping that his wings would get tired as he was hovering in front of us especially considering his size. Some spells did nothing. Shrinking ray didn't work at all. Mass distortion didn't seem to have any effect. I wish I had something more powerful to use against them so I wouldn't have to struggle for so long.

Re: Might & Magic VI partaay *Spoilers, of course* #130702
01/27/06 10:18 AM
01/27/06 10:18 AM
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Good grief and I think these robot looking things eek are bad..I have to hit and then run..over and over..but almost there...this quest had better be worth it

Ingie laugh

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