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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131170
02/19/06 03:11 AM
02/19/06 03:11 AM
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You have to join, remember you're working as a "spy" of sorts and this is part of the main quest, it's the only way to obtain an item.
this is why you need pickpocket skill..

Ingie laugh

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131171
02/19/06 10:41 AM
02/19/06 10:41 AM
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Ok, thanks guys! Unfortunately I didn't choose the pickpocket skill yet, but I was saving one for an emergency and I'll use it now.

laugh laugh laugh

Re: Divine Divinity Help #131172
02/19/06 10:51 AM
02/19/06 10:51 AM
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You may be able to do it with one skill..the guy is drunk and you're told to take his keys or something..

Ingie laugh

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131173
02/19/06 09:40 PM
02/19/06 09:40 PM
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exalthim2 Offline OP
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If you steal the keys from the Commander Town Watch for Finnegan and give them to him you can buy them back from him and they're magical so you'll never need any other lockpicks. It cost me 34 pieces of gold. I have 2 lev of lockpick and couldn't get very far in the basement.
I am trrying to get the Holy Grail now and I keep getting killed. I can't seem to be able to run out fast enough. I guess I have to stay and fight. Any suggestions?

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131174
02/20/06 06:13 AM
02/20/06 06:13 AM
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nickie Offline
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Do you have a black potion to take, so you can become invisible? It's a lot easier to run out that way!

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131175
02/20/06 03:47 PM
02/20/06 03:47 PM
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Thanks Nickie I'll try it

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131176
02/21/06 12:03 PM
02/21/06 12:03 PM
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Alright, I got the keys. Thanks!

Re: Divine Divinity Help #131177
02/21/06 12:05 PM
02/21/06 12:05 PM
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Does anybody remember where the jeweler Dwarf is? I need to get the brooch from him.

Re: Divine Divinity Help #131178
02/21/06 12:35 PM
02/21/06 12:35 PM
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He's a long way from where you are...he's in the Dwarf Mountain, you'll find him a little later in the game.

Ingie laugh

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131179
02/21/06 04:31 PM
02/21/06 04:31 PM
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Thanks Ingie!

Well, this is one BIG game, isn't it?

Re: Divine Divinity Help #131180
02/25/06 08:18 AM
02/25/06 08:18 AM
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exalthim2 Offline OP
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Thanks Nickie, got the grail by using the potion. Those shadow potions are great. I Used them to get away from Elona's pet and the orcs in the treasure roomm of the castle. Even tho I'm a lev 36 for some reason I couldn't kill either of them. So I ran (cowardly but I live to fight another day evil )
I think I'm on my to the council quests now. Hopefully, not too hard.

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131181
02/25/06 03:37 PM
02/25/06 03:37 PM
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That's great! And running away is a tried and true battle tactic - something magical about "living to fight another day". lol And no, the council quests aren't too hard at all, and then you're rewarded with a magnificent cut scene (where I think the game should have ended actually, but that's another story laugh )

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131182
02/26/06 09:18 PM
02/26/06 09:18 PM
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How appalling. Yesterday, for the first time in the game, I noticed that when trading, there are these little balances beside your picture and the shopkeeper. All this time, I've been doing the final balancing of the trade the hard way! One little button and gold to match the other side is just there.

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131183
02/26/06 09:42 PM
02/26/06 09:42 PM
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exalthim2 Offline OP
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Luckily I found that out early on but quite by accident. It helps a lot. But I have a question. I'm in the warrior's guild and I'm supposed to go in the catacombs to find the dragon armor. I went down the stairway but i can't go any but around in a little square. Are these the right catacombs?

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131184
02/27/06 05:03 AM
02/27/06 05:03 AM
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rotfl rotfl rotfl for Pib..

To Kim, huh?? I don't know..I played a warrior once and I honestly cannot get a memory cell to cough up this memory..
Hope someone comes along that can..sorry Kim


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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131185
02/27/06 05:51 AM
02/27/06 05:51 AM
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Hi all,

Yes exalthim2 you are in the right area.
you have to first clean out the areas which are located to the north,south,east and west of baddies and in each of those areas you will have a pillar on which to activate a switch. Once you have activated all the switches you will then have a new area where there is a big boss and the armor is in the chest there.

Don't forget to pick up the (forget what it is called) after you kill the big guy to bring back with you.

I hope I have remembered this one correctly.

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131186
02/27/06 06:07 AM
02/27/06 06:07 AM
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Hi Magic, wave

Thanks for the help, my mind is a complete blank, I'm thinking I may not have done this one

Ingie laugh

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131187
02/27/06 04:21 PM
02/27/06 04:21 PM
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exalthim2 Offline OP
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Thanks VHLMagic. I am a little concerned because I've done almost every quest and I'm only a lev 37. Should I be higher going into the final battle? I've explored almost every area and even went back in the sewers to kill more things, which there weren't that many left. How do I raise my levels more?

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131188
02/27/06 04:43 PM
02/27/06 04:43 PM
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and I'm only a lev 37.
Only level 37? Looks pretty darned good to me.

Different RPGs have different leveling capacities. If this were Neverwinter Nights, level 13 is about as far as you can go in the first module! If you have a saved game, just wade in and see if you can do the final battle.

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131189
02/27/06 09:12 PM
02/27/06 09:12 PM
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That's a good idea Pib. I'll try it. I was able to get through all those skeletons and get the eye of the cyclops. I resurrected the Guardian of the eye and he helped me but now I can't rid of him. i guess that's not a bad thing evil

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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131190
03/01/06 07:51 PM
03/01/06 07:51 PM
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Can anybody help me with the lockpicking quest? I failed to complete it for some reason, although I can open all five doors on the corridor to the south. But when I go talk to the thief, he says I gave up on the second...


Re: Divine Divinity Help #131191
03/02/06 12:01 AM
03/02/06 12:01 AM
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Try to unlock again..if no go..go back from a prior save and redo that action..make sure if prior to the lockpick..

If no go..may have to contact the company and
check their forum to see if anyone else had that problem


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Re: Divine Divinity Help #131192
03/02/06 01:03 AM
03/02/06 01:03 AM
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Thanks Ingie, I'll try again.

I'm a level 30 now and still have lots to do. I didn't go to the castle yet, still trying to get stronger.

I'm loving this game!
laugh laugh laugh

Re: Divine Divinity Help #131193
03/02/06 04:56 AM
03/02/06 04:56 AM
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This thread is getting long in the tooth and since there is another one going as I now close this one folks the other one, will right now be very close..just look for Divine Divinity and you'll find it.

Ingie laugh

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