Re: Starting a replay of Arcanum---any joiners?
02/15/06 12:38 AM
02/15/06 12:38 AM
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Settled Boomer
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I have made it to Ashbury and have done most of the quests there. I am now in the haunted castle attempting to slay the dark lord. I succeeded once, but then Magnus wouldn't follow me (I had my party hold while I lured the slaves out to slaughter). No matter how many times I told him to stop waiting, he just stood there.  I would leave the stubborn man if I didn't want the stuff he was carrying. I'm replaying with two (dog and Mug) waiting outside the door and trying to lure with Magnus flying into harm's way! We have slain several slaves. Now I am tired of saving and reloading constantly so I am off to bed.
Re: Starting a replay of Arcanum---any joiners?
02/15/06 07:36 PM
02/15/06 07:36 PM
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Settled Boomer
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This seems to be a bug with Magnus. I had it happen when I accepted the pig slaying quest. After I ask the group to wait only Magnus would not "quit waiting" when I told him to. I do have some dwarven snuff but can't figure out how to get him to recognize that I have given it to him. Once before, when my beauty was down to 4, he quit following me and did mention the snuff. I replayed that part to keep him and shortly thereafter my beauty jumped up to 9. Don't know what I did to make it go down, or how it went back up. Had to be something I was wearing, don't you think? Anyway, I am going back to try to keep him alive long enough to lure all the slaves out to Dog and Mug. Then we can all rush the dark lord and Mug usually kills before any of our party is badly hurt. Will report success or failure later! 
Re: Starting a replay of Arcanum---any joiners?
02/16/06 01:40 AM
02/16/06 01:40 AM
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Sig Segorn
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Peggy, what pig-slaying quest are you talking about? I don't think you mean the one for that farmer in Ashbury, cuz you wouldn't have had party members wait behind for you on that one. How are you trying to give Magnus that dwarven snuff? The way I would do it is . . . open your inventory, drag the snuff over to the "Use box" on the right (that oval with the hand on it), then, when it switches back to the regular game view, click the pointer either on Magnus or his portrait. I don't care for him---he wouldn't even talk to us much when we met him. Let me know if you need some help finding other recruitable characters you might be interested in. And, about your Beauty fluctuations, check the Kills & Injuries tab (I think it's called) in your log book. The "Injuries" refers to you. Since you've been having a tough time of it, you might be all scarred up. What does it say there? Something like "Treated injuries are struck out." About Dog, I also like how he's low-maintenance.
Don't know if you were kidding, Debra, but 98% morally straight means that you're 48% more good than neutral, and even neutral is more good than Dark Elves are, so Z'an Al'urin was seeing quite a disparity between you and her. But I like her more than Raven and picked her up in my first playthrough, though I may not in this one. I just got the location of her village marked on my world map, but I want to do some side quests before going there. In the next session, I think I'll go pick up Jormund (who's a dwarf that I actually like), then fight through part of the Wheel Clan area, so I can get the Mithril ore for the Bronwyck's Gun I wanna make. My party's shaping up nicely. Looking forward to getting rid of the gangs in The Boil when we get around to the re-attempt on that. (Hmm. We need a "Cheers" gremlin who's hoisting a frothy mug of ale. Anyway . . . Cheers!)
Re: Starting a replay of Arcanum---any joiners?
02/18/06 12:56 AM
02/18/06 12:56 AM
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Sig Segorn
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It seemed like you have to do the Jormund deal your first time in Qintarra, though the strategy guide makes no mention of this. I'm pretty sure I picked him up in my first playthrough, but, this time, I didn't try to clear him of his mentor's death till my 2nd time there, and, no matter what I tried, I couldn't get the necessary dialogue choices to pursue the matter from either the guy guarding him or that gal near the vase that's supposed to have the vial of poison in it. Hated to leave Jormund under house arrest, but there was nothing I could do about it. I'll probably try to pick up Perriman Smythe a little later on, as I'd like to have a spellcaster in the group. Didn't pick him up the first time, but he's my 2nd choice, after Jormund.
No, I've never played any game as a bad character, and I guess I never will. Neutral is as low as I go, but in THIS game I'm as good as I can be. Right now, I'm in the middle of taking out both gangs in The Boil, after which I will loot the whole place. After that, I'll probably go do the rest of the side stuff in Ashbury. Enjoying the discourse in this thread as we all play it together. Syd should be starting any day now, don't you think?
Re: Starting a replay of Arcanum---any joiners?
02/19/06 03:42 PM
02/19/06 03:42 PM
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Sig Segorn
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Debra, the strategy guide says that you get this password from Hadrian, at the temple in Caladon, when you tell him you're an archaeologist. He gives you the password so you can access an extra section of the catacombs beneath the temple, but it's also used to enter Mannox's cave for that Wheel Clan side quest. Alexander, an acolyte at the temple, directs you to Hadrian, an archaeologist in one of the offices just behind him, when you ask for more information about Nasrudin. Okay?
Re: Starting a replay of Arcanum---any joiners?
02/19/06 09:21 PM
02/19/06 09:21 PM
Joined: Sep 2001
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Settled Boomer
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I have gone adventuring in the real world. Took a 3 day trip to New Orleans for the first weekend of Mardi Gras. My younger son was in a parade and we want to give all the help and support that we can. Those folks so need tourists back as the economy depends on tourism. But it is still not quite up to snuff as many restaurants are closed, many hotels are nearly full of displaced persons and clean-up crews. Employers are having a hard time finding staff and on and on. My heart just hurts for them. I bought a lovely fleur-de-lis as so many natives are doing as a symbol of hope. Sig, I don't know where my brain was when I tried giving Magnus the snuff. I just put it in his inventory and thought, "Oh, well. He doesn't recognize that I gave it to him". So, I'll just take it back and "give" it the right way. I had thought of the scarring I must be suffering, but did not know how to check on it. By the time I finish this game I am sure to have figured it out! I am always good as I just like being a hero/heroine. I thrive on all those accolades. 
Re: Starting a replay of Arcanum---any joiners?
02/23/06 03:08 AM
02/23/06 03:08 AM
Joined: Dec 2001
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Sig Segorn
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Hi, Peggy. About Jormund being gone when you got back, some---maybe most---of the recruitable characters will vanish if you have them wait too long. The other issue, about the various gods and their altars, is more complicated. It takes up 2-and-a-half pages in the strategy guide, and much of that is fine print. Here's part of it:
" . . . some gods will curse you for making offerings to other gods, unless you've first made an offering to an in-between god. Aldous Buxington at Tarant University can explain them to you, give you a book describing them in detail, and show you the diagram for Mazzerin's Mystery---the key to Velorien's Blessing of Ultimate Power."
Hope that helps.