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Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132727
10/02/06 12:42 AM
10/02/06 12:42 AM
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I just did the gorgon fight. I was never able to separate them but with the lich summon they really weren't too hard. He is nice to have along.

For a great walkthrough complete with full maps I am using

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while
Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132730
10/02/06 11:09 AM
10/02/06 11:09 AM
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Nickie laugh

It is a real bummer being lost in one of those and I like the one Satine gave all of us as it is bigger. My eyesight is not too good for the tiny one on the screen, so this helps a lot, also the information.

Good Luck Nickie

Maggie bravo bravo bravo thumbsup thumbsup

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132731
10/02/06 02:46 PM
10/02/06 02:46 PM
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Nickie, I forget what level my character was in that 3rd Telkine fight, but it still had me worried. Got Morrowind reinstalled and am getting back into that, so off I go. An adventurer's work is never done. wave

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132733
10/03/06 12:38 AM
10/03/06 12:38 AM
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nickie Offline OP
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That's great, Maggie! I just finished the game, and enjoyed it. For me, I think the hardest boss character was the Bull you meet way before the end. I was covering those same tracks several times laugh

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Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132734
10/04/06 12:55 AM
10/04/06 12:55 AM
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NIckie- smile

So glad that you enjoyed it, for me it is a keeper of a game. I just came out of an ice cave into Outer Mongolia and am fighting lots of beasts as usual. I am stopping for the night as it is almost midnight here and I will play it again tomorrow. I will look forward to that beast you are talking about. Do you remember about where it is?


Maggie happydance thumbsup thumbsup

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132735
10/04/06 07:48 AM
10/04/06 07:48 AM
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nickie Offline OP
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Hey Maggie! lol I can't remember the name of the place where you meet the bull, but it's on the ridge right after you get the quest to find a woman's two sisters, so right next to the wetlands. You can't proceed without killing the bull, as its death opens up a magical gate. At your level, I'm pretty sure you won't have any difficulty though.

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Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132736
10/04/06 11:04 AM
10/04/06 11:04 AM
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HI Nickie- smile rolleyes

I am trying to get out of the city of Chang'an, I want to go to the Jade Palace, but door will not open, due to a quest and the door (?) the baddies made is out to the fields, but you can/t get anywhere.
Can you help me here?


Maggie duh wave wave wave

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132737
10/04/06 11:22 AM
10/04/06 11:22 AM
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nickie Offline OP
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Hi Maggie wave That locked door won't get you out to the Jade Palace - it's for a quest later in the game. You do get to further areas by that hole in the wall, it is just very tricky to see where those rings of ground open, so you can get out of there! I had to study the tiny map as I did it, looking for a break in the ring to get to the next. It's kind of a serpentine pattern. It's very confusing, I know. If I recall correctly, you had to go right, then all the way back left, and then right again and it opened up to get out of there. Very hard to see.

"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on."
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Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132740
10/05/06 08:36 AM
10/05/06 08:36 AM
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Hi I am very near the end of this game and looking forward to playing the next level. "Epic "
My question is in the epic level will I get two more Mastery points ?
I like my character but I put those points in Warrior and Defence. I think I should have choosen something else besides defence. Something that would allow me to summon creatures. Do the summoned ceatures stay with you after battle ? How do I give them life potions ? It would be great if I got two more Mastery points :]]] Thanks

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132741
10/05/06 12:34 PM
10/05/06 12:34 PM
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nickie Offline OP
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Maryjo, I leveled up when I killed the final boss, and I couldn't remember if I got points or not. rolleyes Just now played in Epic until I leveled up, and at the next level got 3 more mastery points. thumbsup Remember if you don't like what you have the points in, you can change it for a fee in town - that guy that has a globe over his head.
I know at least the lich stays with you whether you're combatting or not, until he is killed. I would guess that is the same for all the summoned. That is the only being I've summoned though. I don't know of a way to give it potions, but you can of course just summon another, as soon as the spell recharges.

"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on."
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Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132743
10/05/06 03:26 PM
10/05/06 03:26 PM
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Nickie and Maryjo- laugh

I started in Epic and this time picked a woman, but then would not let me start Epic, even though I had finished all of the first one. So I am in Epic, but with my first person. Any way to change this at all?


Maggie bravo bravo

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132744
10/05/06 05:08 PM
10/05/06 05:08 PM
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nickie Offline OP
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No, you have to play the same character.

"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132745
10/05/06 06:53 PM
10/05/06 06:53 PM
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Hi, Made it to Olympus :]] and I'm DYING, DYING and DYING
Those Cylopes are way too many. About 6-8 in all
I've managed to run by them a couple times and made it to where the Titan is. :]] I can't kill him. I tried doing it like the guide said. Destroy statues 1st. but when I clicke on them my Hero just stands there :[ Forget the Titan He just looks at me and I die. Any HINTS or a SPOILER would be GREAT Thanks P.S. the last time I got to him the Cylopes did too !!!

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132748
10/06/06 01:08 AM
10/06/06 01:08 AM
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nickie Offline OP
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Maryjo, I didn't use a trainer and I was level 29. What I did was summon the lich and then go up and down the stairs to make the cyclops come singly. They're very slow, so you can often outrun them and they don't all chase you. I did die a couple times though, when I would let them get too close. laugh
I don't know why the guide said that, as the two times I played the game, the statues did not activate (I'm guessing they will in epic). Used the same tactic with the titan, running forward to engage, and then back out of the way, hitting him and running. I had a lot of potions, and I had to make sure I stayed out of reach. I only went so close to just barely see a part of him, and hit him with a spell, don't know if that has anything to do with it being only him. I did it a second time when I was trying to answer your previous question, and I went all the way in, and he activated three or four liches, so it was harder the second time.
Without the lich being summoned, no doubt it would have been a ton harder. frown

"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on."
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Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132749
10/06/06 07:33 AM
10/06/06 07:33 AM
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Hi,Thanks, but I'm melee all the way. No spells or summons to use :[[ But I'll keep trying and use your tips :]] The one about running away and then back for a hit :] Maybe I should try with a bow ? I better buy a better one. HE He He the 1 I have only does 12-24 damage.I can deal alot of damage with it HE He He. If I use Maggie's trainer how do I tell which version I'm useing. I did update this game useing the update tab in the game. I'm guessing that would make it the lastest version of the game ? Knew I should't have picked Defence as a second Mastery. Thanks Maryjo

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132750
10/06/06 11:44 AM
10/06/06 11:44 AM
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nickie Offline OP
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If you're skilled with a bow, yes, that sounds like a very smart idea. The more you can keep away from the baddie's hands, the better off you are. It takes longer to not just wade in to be sure, but hitting and running remains an effective tactic no matter what game! laugh
If you used the update, I believe you should have the latest version of the game. However, Sig mentioned on this thread that the trainer he was using did not cover the battle where you are having the problem, and he was waiting for an addition to be produced. But then again Maggie used it and so I don't know how it corresponds to which version or anything like that - I haven't used the trainers, so I'm not familiar with them, sorry.

"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on."
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Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132751
10/06/06 01:58 PM
10/06/06 01:58 PM
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Maryjo- laugh

The trainer by apache I sent you is for the updated game 1.20. You can use just a little of it to help you in the game or more.

Hope you get all the baddies.

Maggie bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo

Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132752
10/09/06 03:17 PM
10/09/06 03:17 PM
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NIckie laugh

In your Mastery, how can you summon a beast to help you in this game?


Re: Has Anyone played Titan Quest? #132753
10/10/06 12:40 AM
10/10/06 12:40 AM
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nickie Offline OP
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I picked the Spirit mastery, and then selected "Summon Liche King" to put the points in. When I did that, I got an icon at the bottom of the screen, and whenever I wanted him, I just clicked on it. The Earth mastery has a cave dweller that can be summoned, Storm has a wisp, and Nature has a wolf. Fun!!!

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