I managed to get all the pixies, too. For the little guy on the high rock in the dark regions, I had to find the sparkly spot to trigger the steps. It was difficult because I had already accessed the area once via air spirals and got something on the other side of the pillar. I think the sparkly spot the first time triggered money. When I went back to it the second time it triggered steps.
I tried to uninstall the game and it's telling me it can't because the uninstall file is corrupt. I'm not sure what to do because I don't want to leave it on my hard drive. Any suggestions?
nickie, what is your "save" file called in the program? I wanted to save my games to a zip disk, and accidently moved them instead and renamed them. That may be why my uninstall won't work. I copied them back to the program but don't know what to call them.