Thanks Pokey: At least you tied it in to the fact I had to use W and/or S. I had been hitting w and then s and then w, etc., but this time I hit W and waited and then W again, and I finally got to swinging and got to the rabbit. I followed the rabbit, went onto the two fungi to the rope and swung to a ledge on the tree. Is that the correct ledge? The WT says to swing to the ledge guarded by an Ant. I didn't see an ant. Maybe I killed it earlier. Anyway, I went on the ledge around the tree counterclockwise and got to a very narrow section, made a bad move and fell to my death. I went back to my save on the fungus ready to go on the rope. I plan on going back on the ledge circumventing the tree and going in the other direction, but I'm knocking off for happy hour, and thought I'd fill you in on my progress and have you confirm or uncomfirm the ledge around the tree being the ledge where an ant once was.