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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334042
11/20/24 03:31 AM
11/20/24 03:31 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Emergency rations of instant coffee and knäckebröd available in the break room.

Zero Celsius and windy. But not as windy as Vancouver island. However the snow cannon effect will affect some areas over here.
Will cause troubles, no doubt worsend as winter has not really begun and many will be unprepared. Local chaos expected.

Fortunately I can remain indoors today, mostly. May see if there's time for some StarCraft (1). I don't do FPS but Real time strategy on the other hand can be fun. Managed to spawn a virtual machine with the XP alternative ReactOS. It's in alpha mode and not fully functional but can run StarCraft 1. with 16 colors and no sound. Limited but fully playable. I managed to rescue General Duke and his Norad yesterday.

Happy Wednesday GameBoomers


Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334043
11/20/24 03:33 AM
11/20/24 03:33 AM
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Good Morning connie, soot, Fogfighter, Draclvr, hagatha, Mad, and everyone. Wide Awake Double Dark brew awaits! wave

My introduction to action games was the Tomb Raider series. I can still play the original TR 1, 2, and 3 on my very old computer! Graphics were not good back then...I have all the old ones on the original Disks. I do not have the recent TR games...I think there are 3 of them...don't think I could play them on my IMac...they are to complicted in the combat sequences for me.

Hope you all enjoy your day! wave

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334052
11/20/24 08:28 AM
11/20/24 08:28 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. Music Bingo at the Eagles tonight. Stay safe hagatha. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334055
11/20/24 09:17 AM
11/20/24 09:17 AM
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Good morning Connie, Gerry, Fogfighter, Hagatha, Draclvr, Mad and everyone. Hope your dermatology appointment went well yesterday Draclvr. Hope the storm moves on quickly Hagatha. Enjoying a cup of WADDB and snacking on knäckebröd and donuts.

Hump Day! 🐫



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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334065
11/20/24 10:50 AM
11/20/24 10:50 AM
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Good morning everyone.

The storm continues and our power has been off for about 18 hours. It's not too cold inside because I have my propane fireplace.

This morning I'm thankful I made a flask of cold brew coffee. It tastes great even if it's cold. I may make another flask for tomorrow just in case, because this power outage is widespread and it could take a long time to get it all back up and running.

I might charge up my Steam Deck and play for a bit. My two Tough Light lanterns have enough juice to charge phones and other devices and still have tons of battery life left for lighting. Handy gadgets!

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334071
11/20/24 11:34 AM
11/20/24 11:34 AM
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It sounds like British Columbia is getting hammered, hagatha. But It also sounds like things are as good for you as they could be, though, under the circumstances. smile

We are supposed to start feeling the effects of the bomb cyclone on Friday/Saturday. While it is not going to be anywhere near as severe as what you are experiencing, it's an awful lot of rain packed into several days and I will be surprised if we don't have a power outage at some point. We are making what preparations that we can for such an eventuality, as we still don't have a generator.

Wishing everyone a good day. wave

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334074
11/20/24 12:17 PM
11/20/24 12:17 PM
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At least the sun is out and apart from the wind it's a lovely morning., very sunny.

Last edited by hagatha; 11/20/24 12:17 PM.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334079
11/20/24 02:53 PM
11/20/24 02:53 PM
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Good Wednesday afternoon. Nothing like your wind, hagatha, but hoo boy! It's hard to even stand up in the wind we're having here. Like you though, at least it's sunny.

Was asked to cater the horse rescue volunteer brunch in December again. This will make 12 years I've been doing it, so I pretty much have everything down to a fine science. That's the week I will have my two grandkids from Colorado here, so I'm going to put them to work making my mom's cinnamon rolls! They both love to cook, so I suspect there will be music and dancing in the kitchen too!

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334086
11/20/24 05:24 PM
11/20/24 05:24 PM
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Looks like we'll be having another night with no power. Bummer. But I made another flask of cold brew coffe, so I can at least have my morning brew.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334102
11/21/24 03:11 AM
11/21/24 03:11 AM
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Good morning everyone!

Emergency kits of instant coffee and knäckebröd available in the break room. Just add water. If possible hot.

-3 Celsius and snowing over here. Parts of the country report local power outages.

Good to hear you're doing well Hagatha. Cold brew coffee is also really not bad. I should try it again some time.

Happy Thursday GameBoomers!

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334103
11/21/24 03:32 AM
11/21/24 03:32 AM
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Good Morning Fogfighter, connie, soot, hagatha, Draclvr, Marian and everyone! Wide Awake Double Dark Brew is ready to share with Fogfighter's emergency knackebrod. wave

Fogfighterhow much snow are you expecting? I'll bet it is pretty to watch if you don't have to go out in the cold! Hagatha I hope you get your power back soon...glad you have the propane fireplace to help keep you warm. Marian I hope you don't lose sounds like you are in for some very stormy weather! Draclvr sounds like a busy month in December at the horse rescue, but nice to have the extra help from your 2 grandkids!

Hope everyone has a good day! wave

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334104
11/21/24 08:12 AM
11/21/24 08:12 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. Lunch and Netflix with a friend today. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334107
11/21/24 08:59 AM
11/21/24 08:59 AM
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Good morning everyone. A chilly morning here but got my walk in and the sun is warming things up. Hope you get you power back today Hagatha. Stay warm Fogfighter. Enjoying a cup of your WADDB Gerry with knäckebröd and bagels.

Have a great Thursday everyone wave


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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334120
11/21/24 11:00 AM
11/21/24 11:00 AM
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Good Thursday morning! Temp hovering around 35 degrees F, but the wind is absolutely howling out there! I really didn't want to get out of my nice warm bed this morning! But three hungry kitties made me feel guilty! The WADDB is warming me up nicely.

We got 6 more neglected horses last night - saw the trailers go by about 9:00. An older woman has a derelict barn in the St. Louis suburbs and had 15 horses there which she was unable to care for. We took 9 a month ago. She agreed to get desperately need vet care for the remaining horses. When they did a follow-up 30 days later, she had not done anything, so the local police helped us get them out of there and safely in nice warm stalls last night. Thankfully, they also condemned the barn so she can't get any more animals.

Laundry and league bowling tonight on my agenda.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334128
11/21/24 02:01 PM
11/21/24 02:01 PM
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Good morning everyone.

I was expecting a second night with no power but at 6 pm the lights came back on. Loads of damage out there. The BC Hydro crews were out all day cutting fallen trees and repairing downed poles.

Our internet is still down, though, and it's a widespread outage.

Another storm is on its way, though.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334167
11/22/24 02:46 AM
11/22/24 02:46 AM
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Good morning everyone!

Emergency rations of instant coffee and knäckebröd available in the break room.

Stockholm minus six Celsius and just enough snow to mask the slippery icy spots on roads and pavements (or whatever you call the area you drive on and walk on).

Further north they got one feet of snow, and counting. Enough to cause traffic problems. Apparently like Hagatha's situation many lost power up north. But unsung heros are working tirelessly to restore power and clear roads.

Hang in there Hagatha. Have you considered preparing a thermos of hot water? Can come in handy the first hours of a new power outage. No long term solution of course.

Happy Friday GameBoomers!

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334173
11/22/24 03:53 AM
11/22/24 03:53 AM
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Good Morning Fogfighter, connie, soot, Draclv, hagatha and everyone! Wide Awake Double Dark Brew is hot and ready to consume! wave

Fogfighter I hope you don't have to go out in the slippery snow covered conditions! Hagatha hope your power stays on and your internet is restored before the next storm arrives. Draclvr your Horse Rescue is so lucky to have volunteers like you willing to devote your time and energy to helping those poor horses.

We got much needed rain yesterday...1.08 inches and some showers are expected this morning and again this evening. It will help keep the potential for wild fires down.

It's Friday! Time to get ready to enjoy the weekend! wave

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334183
11/22/24 08:01 AM
11/22/24 08:01 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. Chilly here this morning. Enjoy the day and Hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334192
11/22/24 09:48 AM
11/22/24 09:48 AM
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Good morning Connie, Gerry, Fogfighter, Hagatha, Draclvr and everyone. You and the rescue organization rock Draclvr...hope bowling went well. Glad you got power back Hagatha, I imagine internet will take longer. Good news about the rain Gerry. It did get chilly down there Connie but see some warmer weather in your future. Grocery shopping is on my docket today.

Take care everyone and enjoy Friyay! wave


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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334208
11/22/24 11:55 AM
11/22/24 11:55 AM
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Good morning everyone,

Finally, our internet is back up. Of course, another, lesser bomb cyclone is headed our way today. I have everything recharged and ready to go. Also, I have been researching small generators, thinking I might be able to hook one up to my large propane tank. Not a cheap proposition, given the requirement for a gas line extension and all the necessary electrical work, but it would be handy, and probably a good selling point down the road.

Fogfighter, sounds like you are now firmly in the grips of winter. Don't slip on that hidden ice!

Last edited by hagatha; 11/22/24 11:55 AM.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334209
11/22/24 11:58 AM
11/22/24 11:58 AM
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Good Friday morning! Cold here, but at least that wind has died down... I thought this old farmhouse was going to blow off the hill!

Gerry, thank goodness for at least a little rain. We didn't really need the 10" we got over a couple of days a bit ago, but at least we aren't so dangerously dry. Fogfighter, hope you get to stay inside and away from all those slick spots.

Dinner with the fam tonight at a local restaurant and grandson wants to celebrate his 26th birthday at a place called Smokin' Oak Wood Fired Pizza tomorrow. Stepdaughter and her SO will hook up their camper trailer where they have been staying up at the farm and head back to Virginia Sunday.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334227
11/22/24 02:16 PM
11/22/24 02:16 PM
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I pop into the Break Room every morning but only sit in the corner and sip my lactose free latte, I just like to look and listen.

Our power has been going off and on for the last two days, we did not get the worse of the Bomb Cyclone like hagatha, but still had to drag our gas generator out so we could boil water for a hot drink or two.

We did manage to get out and about this pass year and went on three cruises plus some local ( in Canada) holidays, so now are happy to sit at home until this very bad weather passes, so I gues that will be next year some time!

Stay safe everyone.

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334231
11/22/24 02:38 PM
11/22/24 02:38 PM
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Hi, copper! The break room corner is a happy little place most days! Sounds like you had an eventful year and I can understand just being happy to sit at home. After my busy summer, I'm ready for it too.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334251
11/22/24 07:33 PM
11/22/24 07:33 PM
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Hey everyone! We are moving over to a fresh break room so come join in here.

See ya over there! car

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