Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/13/03 06:53 AM
03/13/03 06:53 AM
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Maybe some clearing up:
The cyclops eye is not a relic for the elves. The relics for the elves are all located at the same area. Go south of the elven village and follow the orcs/dwarves in to their camp. Get ready for a big and hard fight. At the wishing well, either choose the level up or the stat increase. When entering the Wastelands, you always gain 5 levels.
What is a drop of rain, compared to a storm... What is a thought, compared to the mind...
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/13/03 08:03 AM
03/13/03 08:03 AM
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You're right, Niku'a. I remember now that the cyclops eye was one of the items I had to get to join the Warrior's Guild.
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Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/13/03 11:24 AM
03/13/03 11:24 AM
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Norma, that cave is kind of hard to spot, but if you go through the orc camp to the canyon wall and walk around, you should see it. If you can't, I'll reload the game and give you better directions, but I think it was northwest in that little area. Niku'a was right about the relics for the elves - and there's three in the same place. But Niku'a, are you sure about the five levels up? I'm pretty sure I just raised up four.
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/13/03 06:54 PM
03/13/03 06:54 PM
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Hi Norma,
I got the Holy Grail cup by grabbing it and then running as fast as I could - I knew I could never defeat all of those guardians. And I made it and they didn't follow me ... might want to try that if you want to do that quest.
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Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/13/03 09:43 PM
03/13/03 09:43 PM
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Or you could take a black potion and go invisible.
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 12:15 AM
03/14/03 12:15 AM
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For tough battles I used elemental hail and life leech the most frequently, which is probably what I used in the caves there.
Don't waste a whole lot of time trying to pick up the gold in the room outside of where the chalice is. I found that even though I picked it all up, when I got outside it was only a few pieces.
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Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 08:34 AM
03/14/03 08:34 AM
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When I got to the Wastelands with my warrior I went from lvl 40 to lvl 45. I ended the game at lvl 50, so it doesn't really matter.
What is a drop of rain, compared to a storm... What is a thought, compared to the mind...
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 11:46 AM
03/14/03 11:46 AM
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Hi Norma:
That rain was beautiful, wasn't it? Their aren't any other weather changes, unfortunately.
I think the best armor I bought was in the village. The Warrior's Guild didn't have anything good (at least for me, by the time I got there). The smith in Dwarven Halls actually has some quite good armor, also. I didn't buy from him since I was a mage and didn't want heavy stuff, but maybe he has things you can use.
Nickie and Niku'a, I'm pretty sure I went up 5 levels also when I got to the Wastelands. I'll do a search later today on my last thread for when I finished it because I know I mentioned it there.
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Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 12:29 PM
03/14/03 12:29 PM
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Hi Jean, I will try to go shopping after I get out of the bad lands and the elf area. I am stuck in a cave where there is a floor tile. I followed the path down from the elf camp and found some errant dwarfs who are trying to start a fight with the elfs. I went into a cave and there was a floor tile that I took down to another level where some woman said she was starting a fight with the Elves. I got attacked bye a bunch of dwarfs and someother creature and got killed almost immediately. I think this is where i find the relics for the Elf so he will join the council of 7. How can I get passed this part? Thank you 
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 12:58 PM
03/14/03 12:58 PM
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Norma, that is the tough fight I was talking about. When you first go into the lower area, if you stand on the one side of the ladder, where you can't see the woman, do the dwarves come to your side of the room and attack you? If they do, then you can pick them off without having to face the sorceress at the same time. If they don't, do you have the skeleton wall spell or the death knight guy spell, that you can use- throwing it out there and running back, so they are lured over to you? The woman is a real toughie, and I had to reload so many times I lost count. The way I finally beat her was to take a black potion so that I was invisible, get right next to her, and hit her with my hail spell over and over, and also summon my own knight. I was playing as a wizard though. I also dropped a teleporter on the other side of the room next to the ladder, so I could run for it, and come back when weak. If you have a sword with frost on it, that works well,and if you are a warrior, your special move works well, but the freeze spell itself seems to have no effect on her. Although I didn't use it, I have since read that the blind spell works very well against her. Just remember that this is a very tough battle, and it may take you a while to finish it, so don't get discouraged. Hope this helps. If not, yell again, and we'll see what we can come up with.
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 06:38 PM
03/14/03 06:38 PM
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Okay you all, just got Divine Divinity, I'm shaking....I have not a clue as to what to do once I load it on, but I'm so excited..oh, I can't believe this is not Adventure but 'that other side'....
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Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 07:15 PM
03/14/03 07:15 PM
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Ingie - I have re-started the game because I did some dumb things early on (like lose most of my reputation/respect score because I killed thieves) so I'm playing a little more cautiously now and saving more often. There were a few other things that I decided to change so, what the hey, I started it over. And I'm having a ball since I know a littler more about what I'm doing (like picking out better skills). I have a question that I haven't been able to figure out. Once you use a charm on something, can you take back the charm to use on something else? Marion
Does wine count as a serving of fruit?
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 07:44 PM
03/14/03 07:44 PM
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Thanks for the help, Nickie. I think I have one black potion. Does the blind spell work well with the little dwarfs also? Have another question. I have two of the 3 things to make the enchanted weapon. I went into that cave along time ago and touched the 4 graves there. Does that ruin this quest? Another question A large section below the elf camp is dark on my map and I am not able to get into that part. It is between the wastelands and that lake. It is little plots of land, but no way to get up in the center of it. Were you able to get there? Thank you 
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/14/03 07:47 PM
03/14/03 07:47 PM
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One more question... Should I level up on constitution also as much as strength, intelligence and agility? Should they be equal in points? Thanks again! 
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/15/03 03:59 AM
03/15/03 03:59 AM
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Hi Norma, let me see if I can help on some of those. I've heard that a high level blind spell works well on most everything. I used the disc spell against the hard people, but only found it effective at the highest level, and then it really cleared everybody out! (I didn't find out how well blind worked until I was almost finished). The bad dwarfs are very resistant to elemental spells, so I ended up using my sword on them a lot. There is a large section on that map that you can't get into. As far as leveling up, it really depends on your character and some on how you prefer to play. I don't think you told me what character you were playing. For instance, strength would be important to a fighter, intelligence to a wizard, and agility to a thief. But if you want to wear a lot of good armor and carry a good weapon, regardless of which you are, you would need the strength up. I had a lot higher intelligence and strength than I did the other two, but that was just a personal preference for playing as a wizard, but I wanted to be able to carry a good sword for when I ran out of mana. A fighter or a thief would probably want to get that constitution up high. Perhaps some other people will have different thoughts on that. Are you saying that you went into the cave where you have to do the ceremony for the divine items? Did anything happen when you touched the tombs? I was just wondering because you said graves. I know if you open them, you've busted that quest, but I don't know about touching them, if nothing happened.If you did bust the quest, it really isn't a huge problem though, but it would be good for you to find a weapon that has frost on it. Makes life much easier!
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/15/03 04:11 AM
03/15/03 04:11 AM
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Marion, no, once you use a charm, it's stuck there forever. There are some much better quality charms available in the Wastelands after your divine ceremony, so you might want to leave a little room. And Ingie, that's great you got it, and know that all you have to do is ask for help. One thing you might want to do, once you're a little familiar with the game, is look at the Larian forum board, which gives some great advice about stuff not to do. I think the link is at the beginning of this thread. Just have fun with it, and if you come across something that seems too hard,leave it and come back another time to it. Remember not to save over your saves, if you can help it, and save often!
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/15/03 10:18 AM
03/15/03 10:18 AM
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Hi Nickie, I am a level 36 Mage now. I have 96 pts. in Strength, 70+ in intelligence and agility, and 40 in constitution. I can level up now in pts, and have about 4 or 5 levels in skills that I can add, but have been saving them. I just finished getting the other treasure map in the Dwarven Halls. Went down in the jail and fought with the Black Ring guy. He got away, but will probably see him later. I have 2 skills pts. in Blind now and can level up to 5 if you think that would be good. I have level 3 or 4 in freeze. I do have a frost weapon somewhere. I am using the singing sword now and have charms in it. I also have some poison in it. Where is Shrimpos tombstone? Is it in the graveyard where that Duke Ferrols ghost was? There were several headstones that had names on them, but not Shrimpo. I have 3 parts of the treasure map, and just got the dwarf to join the council. The only one that is not in the council is the Elf and I don't know how I am going to defeat Josephina. I also got the armour from that wealthy guy that I robbed in Verdistis. I paid off the debt. One thing is that I did the quest for the grain, but it isn't showing up as being done. I also bought part of the treasure map from the merchant whose wagon burnt down in Verditis. I can go to the wishing well and level up again. I have two piles of money in my inventory. Tons of potions, charms, and other stuff. I have so much that I have piles of things left at the council, and at 2 homes in Aleroth. I don't even care if I take anymore items unless they are needed for a quest. I can set up my own store.  I haven't had to buy any armour because what I have found is better than what I can buy. I have 5 lockpicking skills, level 5 fixing armour skills. There is a door in one of the exits from the sewers in Verditis that I can't open because I don't have the key and lock picking doesn't open it. There is also a place where it looks like I should get in, but can't. It is a room in the sewers of Verditis that has two iron type gates but neither of them open. Have you seen that room? Why can't you save over your saves? I have tons of saves, but have saved over alot also. Is there a way to send a saved game to someone? Each save has a separate folder and it is huge! It won't email even if I try to send individual parts of the save. Thanks again for your help. Norma 
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/15/03 04:14 PM
03/15/03 04:14 PM
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Hi Guys!
I have these magic orbs (3) in my inventory and cannot figure out what they're for. I am the female thief and am currently at level 8 (I started over and am playing a little smarter, I hope.
Does wine count as a serving of fruit?
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/15/03 07:32 PM
03/15/03 07:32 PM
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Originally posted by Norma: Where is Shrimpos tombstone? Is it in the graveyard where that Duke Ferrols ghost was? There were several headstones that had names on them, but not Shrimpo. Norma Search for stones in one big circle from dead people which are related to sea or seafood. Check the first letter of their name on each gravestone. Start clicking on a grave with a "S", end with a "O". Guess what it gives? Originally posted by Norma: Is there a way to send a saved game to someone? Each save has a separate folder and it is huge! Norma How about zipping the folder of that savegame ?
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/15/03 07:35 PM
03/15/03 07:35 PM
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Originally posted by audrey522: I have these magic orbs (3) in my inventory and cannot figure out what they're for. I am the female thief and am currently at level 8 (I started over and am playing a little smarter, I hope. In the very same dungeon under Aleroth where you found those orbs must be three bloodred pentagrams. Put the orbs in and a door will open.
Re: Divine Divinity-New Thread (sorry)
03/15/03 07:50 PM
03/15/03 07:50 PM
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Thorun -
Perfect! I could not figure out how to open the last locked door in the catacombs beneath Aleroth. Now I can kill 2 birds with one stone.
Does wine count as a serving of fruit?