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'Twas The Night Before Christmas #1336087
12/21/24 04:47 PM
12/21/24 04:47 PM
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flotsam Offline OP
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Hi all
Our version of syd's legendary thread takes a slightly different tack this year, but is still very GB. We hope you enjoy.
Merry Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas. A specially one.
It’s been 25 years since our forum begun!
A forum unlike any other out there,
a forum in which we all have a share

in making it the great place that it is,
by building on what came before. And so this
year’s Christmassy ode will highlight and explore
the past and the present (and maybe some more!).

It all began back in the year of the Prince.
(a 99 party there hasn’t been since).
June 1 was the start date, when Karen and Bob
launched the site, alongside a small bunch of mods.

Witchen and Dee, Linda Shaw and Ozma,
and Marcie. The very first mods, but by far
not the only ones over the 25 years.
Yet they set the example, so give them 3 cheers!!

A mantra was needed to move things along.
One to entice would be members to belong.
Something that welcomed, nothing amiss.
‘Nice and friendly’ it was. And so it still is.

Some members signed early, but on that first day
arrived Pokey, who’s still here, and then into the fray
came the very first boomer from some way away;
Benedict from Singapore paving the way

for the Board to be global. And then not long after
came Felix from Sydney (down here in Australia).
Then Sweden, the UK, Brazil and New Zealand
and Italy, plus a few more in between. And

so by the time there were 100 members
the seeds had been sown, the fire had its embers.
Whatever the metaphor, what we have now
is a board from all over the world. (Which is how

we continue, I reckon, to be so inclusive.
Diversity does that, it isn’t illusive).
But back to our roots, which is where we came in.
The archive is beckoning, so let us dive in!

An early adventure was one led by Chief.
A tour of the site that still beggars belief,
if you haven’t partaken then give it a whirl.
It comes in four parts that you can unfurl

at your leisure. And when you are all said and done,
your knowledge of GB now second to none,
have a look at the gallery that launched in 06,
a splendid collection of venerable pics.

It's a thread that I reckon deserves dusting off,
with new photos added. Let's perhaps kick it off
in the new year, and I volunteer to go first,
once I find the pic that makes me look the least worst 😊

It’s also in here that you will find the answer
to all those things BAAGS about which you might wonder.
A creation of syd’s from way back in the noughties,
it sums up the peril adventuring is fraught with.

There is no known cure, so beware should you enter.
And (by way of example) a Level 7 stinker
is Daughter of Serpents, also known as The Scroll.
If you own one of each there’s no saving your soul.

And if you’re afflicted by BAAGS then I reckon
the AGA might be a body that beckons.
Founded by ray (inspired by MooeyG),
it captures the adventure creed perfectly.

And more than that, it gives voice to the intention
to finally master (through divine intervention)
the unholiest of all things, a flagrant divider,
a wrecker of dreams – the ubiquitous slider!

(I can’t abide them. Can anyone really?
And don’t even mention the timed ones, quite clearly
designed to ensure that you never recover.
Come, let's move on, there is no need to suffer).

And speaking of ray, which we were or we was,
the archive was started by Bob all because
of a Black Dahlia post which suggested a sequel
with all sorts of bits that were more than the equal

of what had already tormented our efforts.
(I just have to think of that game and my head hurts).
Its down here too so you should check it out.
And just up above it is a post about

how we all started gaming. MacDee kicked it off.
Read that one too, and there’s plenty of stuff
to blame Riven and Myst for our founding obsession.
(Me too I confess). But let us progress, and

so what of those boomery names you might ask?
The ones ‘neath your user name. What is their task?
The answer is found in the forum help tab.
They’re based on your posts, and the gift of the gab

is what it will take to become an iconic
participant with the nomenclature ‘Sonic’.
Fifteen in all, over 25 years
are all that have managed to reach the nadir.

Ana among them, Marian too,
Pandora and manxman and Mad, and then who
comes next? Soot it is, and also Kaki’s Sister.
MaG of course, curly. And now Urban Worrier

sits closest of those of us posting today.
Less then 3000 more postings away.
Which is still a lot, but I’m sure he will make it.
The sweetish 16th when he fulfils the remit.

And down at the other end of the post scale
is juniory boomer, and this year we hailed
19 new Juniors. Lets give them a cheer!
It's lovely to see you, and nice that you’re here.

One of them, Rachaelnoire2 from Ahnk-Mork
(I think you mean Morpork. I do, but don’t talk
anymore, it disrupts my rhythm and flow.
See, I forget where I was going to go).

So let's go elsewhere - we can always come back –
to maggsie perhaps, who moved out of the pack
that is Settled, and now is completely Addicted.
And Draclvr too is now newly afflicted.

No longer a Graduate, now she’s True Blue.
oldbroad might also be one of those too
very shortly, perhaps in the upcoming year.
Keep an eye out, it will all happen here.

But whether it happens or not it's just fun,
which is how the whole gameboomer forum begun.
At the end of the day its still what it's about;
A fun, nice and friendly place where we hang out.

Across all the years there are nearly 10,000
who registered, posted, debated. And then some
moved on, and we miss them all equally and dearly.
Soot has described what we feel so beautifully:

“It's quiet tonight and memories softly tread,
Where friends once talked, where laughter once spread.
Though they've journeyed from our boards, beyond our sight,
Their spirits still linger in the night's quiet light.”

Which is a good place to complete this year’s ode.
Shorter for sure, but as heartfelt a road
as all of the others. So with love do we write,
“Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night”.


Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336089
12/21/24 04:53 PM
12/21/24 04:53 PM
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What a marvelous poem flotsam bravo12


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Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336090
12/21/24 04:59 PM
12/21/24 04:59 PM
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Brilliant, Steve! bravo12 This was obviously a labor of love. happydance12

christmas to all.

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336092
12/21/24 05:21 PM
12/21/24 05:21 PM
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MaG Offline
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With much gratitude for ALL you do and this brilliant, nostalgic poem. happydance12
Hugs and take care.

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336094
12/21/24 06:01 PM
12/21/24 06:01 PM
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Thank you, Steve... you definitely dragged a tear from my eye. So very well-done. And I agree with Marian and MaG - Brilliant!


Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336095
12/21/24 06:15 PM
12/21/24 06:15 PM
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oldbroad Offline
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Love it, flotsam! Thank you!

thumbsup12 grin12


Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336098
12/21/24 08:11 PM
12/21/24 08:11 PM
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A masterpiece, flotsam! Thank you so much for the labor of love! It is greatly appreciated!

Ana christmas

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336108
12/22/24 03:38 AM
12/22/24 03:38 AM
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aretha Offline
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Flotsam! You have made my Christmas bravo12

"Do you understand me?" Serena Joy
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: aretha] #1336115
12/22/24 06:17 AM
12/22/24 06:17 AM
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Mad Offline
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Just Brilliant, flotsam and SO enjoyable 👍👍👍

And your ode brought back so many happy memories 😍😍😍

praise praise praise

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336117
12/22/24 06:25 AM
12/22/24 06:25 AM
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michele rose Offline
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Flotsam, that was a beautiful, gripping narrative down memory lane! thumbsup12

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336118
12/22/24 08:06 AM
12/22/24 08:06 AM
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tree Thank you flotsam. Merry Christmas tree

It's never too late!
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336189
12/23/24 12:51 AM
12/23/24 12:51 AM
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I have not been posting much in 2024, life really getting in the way of gaming. However I enjoyed reading the annual Xmas poem and wow 25 years! Congrats to GB community!! Always a great place to reminisce on the classic adventures and keep hope that Asylum may one day be released heh heh ...

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Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336354
12/25/24 11:34 AM
12/25/24 11:34 AM
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Rhanks so much

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1336519
12/28/24 02:12 AM
12/28/24 02:12 AM
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Finally got the chance to read this, very good reading, thank you so much flotsam, I hope all of you had a great Christmas and wishing all a Happy New Year.

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1337119
01/05/25 08:24 PM
01/05/25 08:24 PM
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flotsam Offline OP
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Cheers all, and glad you enjoyed it wave

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas [Re: flotsam] #1337121
01/05/25 08:59 PM
01/05/25 08:59 PM
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Tally Ho Offline
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Thank you flotsam. A great effort, greatly appreciated!
(Yes; I just found it, and glad I did)

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