You must anagram the word given to fit the clue. For example: DISSENTER (Clue: Synonym of 'fatigue' and 'weariness'). Answer is TIREDNESS.
-1. DECORATION (Clue: To organise people or things to work properly together)
-2. LOGOGRAPHY (Clue: The study of handwriting)
3. PRETTINESS (Clue: Persevering obstinately)
-4. STAGNATION (Clue: One who is hostile)
5. EXCITATION (Clue: To make a person very drunk or very excited)
-6. PERCUSSION (Clue: Faster than the speed of sound)
-7. INDICATORY (Clue: A book that contains words in alphabetical order)
-8. INDISCREET (Clue: Showing rainbow-like colours)
-9. IMPRESSIVE (Clue: Allowing much freedom to do things)
-10. MEDICATION (Clue: The destruction of one-tenth of)
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