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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #133992
03/31/03 05:20 AM
03/31/03 05:20 AM
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Were you ever able to get across that chasm in Prague? I read somewhere where you're suppose to do a RUNNING JUMP and THEN use the WHIP to whip the hook and swing across. I've still NOT been able to get across and to be honest: I'm sick and tired of repeating all those saws and blades to get to that point.

Come on, LucasArts, put out a patch so people can save their games!

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #133993
03/31/03 07:29 AM
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Linda, I tried about 10 times yesterday to do that running jump and then use the whip and haven't been able to do it. A couple of times were my many keys! I would jump and forget to snap the whip or jump and snap the whip but not jump high enough. It's awfully discouraging to have to go through the whole maze of traps again and again. It's not fun at that point. Although I'll probably try this again later on today just once or twice, I'm thinking of abandoning Indy until a patch of some kind comes out. This is really a fun game, but if I wanted a game with console features I would have bought an X-Box.

UPDATE: Got the rope swing over the chasm. Moved along only to get to another rope swing...seemingly easy...but fingers didn't move to hit the space key. So I get to do the WHOLE thing again....


Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #133994
03/31/03 04:42 PM
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Linda, always after deciding to hang the game up I end up getting it and am out of the dungeon in Prague. If you need the savegame, let me know.

The jump over the chasm really isn't as bad as all that. It's a mind thing...when we see this big bad bottomless chasm, we (all right, I) become terrified and our fingers don't want to work right. But you can practice the move on the stairway by the red's a basic W for the run, then hit the space bar when you're just at the edge ready to step off into air, then a quick left mouse click (while always keeping your finger on the W)so Indy's whip grabs the hook. I had to do it an additional three times after that (believe it or not, once because I forgot to equip the whip!) and it became old hat.

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #133995
03/31/03 05:17 PM
03/31/03 05:17 PM
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Thanks for the advice, Peg. Actually, after I posted this morning (which is usually ALWAYS the case), I was able to get over the chasm. However, in my celebration for making it over to the other side, I inadvertently walked off the edge into oblivion! So, I'll give it a few more tries and then I think I too, will hang up this game (and Indy's whip) until I find a patch of some kind for this game!

Thanks for all the advice....taking it with a grain of salt (and alcohol to rub in the wound!). Ouch!

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #133996
04/01/03 05:09 AM
04/01/03 05:09 AM
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Figured out how to hug the walls, finally, and made it across the Chasm and along the thing ledge to the lever. Am now in Prague and out of the Dungeon! Boy, those chains are a pain!

Enjoying the game once again! Ya know, I think there should be an automatic save (since we cannot save on our own) after you've crossed that huge chasm and made it to the lever! Man, what a drag to have to continuously get past the blades and things, only to unsuccessfully try to cross the chasm...

Moving on now..

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #133997
04/01/03 07:34 AM
04/01/03 07:34 AM
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Yes, the game really is fun! But we need more saves than what the automatic save is doing. I don't want to beat a dead horse about this no-save feature, as everyone agrees it's a bad thing, but it's truly a detriment to what would otherwise be a very fun game. I don't mind trying over and over to master a certain thing but having to redo an entire sublevel is more sometimes than my little heart can take.

In any event, game seems a little easier now. I'm in the library of the castle and moving along...

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #133998
04/01/03 03:26 PM
04/01/03 03:26 PM
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Dear Gang:

Good afternoon from Canada! I hope this finds you and yours well.

Barb, you can get Indy to wall hug by walking into the wall that you need to hug and press the "E" key. This'll latch 'im onto the wall. Use your "A" key to sneak around the ledge. When you get to your next wide area, use your "E" key again to disengage him from the wall.

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #133999
04/01/03 05:16 PM
04/01/03 05:16 PM
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I wrote an e-mail to LucasArts complaining specifically about NOT being able to save games whenever a player makes progress in the more difficult sections of the game, AS WELL AS complaining that if a player resets the W key to the UP arrow, Indy will NOT swing back and forth on vines, ropes, whips, or chains.

I got a response from them and they said that I am correct (like we didn't know that already). Anyway, he said that they ARE WORKING ON A PATCH FOR THIS....

Hang tight.... I'm off to Prague again, and working my way through the Alchemy..

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134002
04/02/03 05:28 PM
04/02/03 05:28 PM
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Have you been able to complete the alchemy area? You know, the 4 doors that you open?

I ask because I was almost at the very end of the Gemini door (the manifesto in the tower), misjudged the jump to the tower room to get the manisfesto and now I'm having difficulty getting back to that same spot. Oh, this makes me so mad when you have to start the ENTIRE level over again just to get to that point.

POINT OF INTEREST: Received another e-mail from LucasArts and they ARE IN THE PROCESS of making a patch that will allow the game player to SAVE in the middle of a least that's what I was told...

Keep those finger's crossed (toes crossed wouldn't hurt either! least not until you get a cramp!!)///

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134003
04/02/03 06:30 PM
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Thanks for sending me to The Raven site. It was suggested that I update my display driver. Ahem! Pardon me, for treating my computer like I treat my truck. Can't remember to get the basic maintenance done. Anyway, downloaded an update and my display/graphics problems are solved!! Now, since I can concentrate on playing the game, I think I must have missed finding necessary items along the way. Like, how do you improve the health meter? Drinking water from canteen didn't cut it. Do we need to find kits and leaves and such as in the Infernal Machine? Feel quite relieved that I have made it to the first auto save. Looking forward to a much faster assault on those bad guys now.
Thanks again to you all for your help.

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134004
04/02/03 07:49 PM
04/02/03 07:49 PM
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Linda, I just completed all four doors of the clock area and have moved to the next area. Got killed rather promptly so figured it was a good point to stop. The whole clock area was a nice puzzle! Getting the last piece--the soul gem--was something else. I swear I was getting vertigo. My hands were actually getting clammy contemplating the various jumps from high perches.

Joanie, although one does find medkits here and there--and one can use them to restore to full health--the prime source of renewing your health is with the canteen. When you drink from the canteen, make sure that after your choose the canteen from your inventory you hold down the "E" key and keep it held down while you're drinking. Watch the progress of the two bars in the upper left corner...the bottom bar shows the volume of water in the canteen. As you drink, the canteen contents get lower but your health bar should progressively turn green. If the lower bar is empty, that means your canteen needs refilling. Never walk by a water fountain without filling it up.

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134006
04/08/03 07:48 PM
04/08/03 07:48 PM
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Well, I'm certainly glad you're enjoying the game ET. I am too, but the lack of saves whenever you want to, or at worst....once per level is a drag...a real drag, especially if you're near the end of a level and have to start all over again.

Currently I use the following keys for controling:
1) Up Arrow - forward
2) Down Arrow - Back
3) Left Arrow - left
4) Right Arrow - Right
5) Left CTRL - primary weapon/fighting
6) Left SHIFT - secondary weapon/fighting
7) TAB key - Action
8) Spacebar - jump (default)
9) Inventory open - I (makes sense to me)
10) Inventory left - U (next to the I)
11) Inventory right - O (nect to the I)
12) Inventory Close - K (below I)
13) ~ key (next to the 1) - WALKING

The only problem with using the Up, Down, Left and Right keys to manuever (despite the mouse camera view) is that when you are on a chain, rope, whip, etc., you cannot swing back and forth. To solve that problem, I just jump to the rope (or vine, or whatever), then hit the ESC key and reset the FORWARD key to W (temporarily until I swing where I need to and then jump off). Then I immediately reset the forward key to the Up Arrow again.

It's a real pain in certain areas, but after awhile you get the hang of it...

Now, if I can only get past the Turks throwing grenades at me...

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134011
04/09/03 05:53 PM
04/09/03 05:53 PM
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Hi everyone.
I've just started the game and I am finding it very difficult. Just to keep Indy in a straight line is so frustrating. I haven't mastered the walk yet. He just runs everywhere and not always in a straight line. I'm trying to get him to line up and jump over a pit. Why didn't Lucasarts use the same keyboard system as in the other Indy games. I was really looking forward to the new game but am beginning to get fed up and go back to one of the other games waiting to be played.

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134012
04/09/03 06:09 PM
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Same here ! Just in case I can help, I'll tell you what I've done.

I swopped the forward and backward keys, so that 'S' is now forward and 'W' is backward. Try to only use the 'S' key most of the time and turn Indy using your mouse. Avoid using 'backward' if you can. It helps. Also, I've made the 'left shift' key the walk key, 'cos it's easily reached from 'S'.

I hated the inventory set-up too, so I've put 'open inventory' on 'number pad 0', 'scroll inventory to the right' is the 'number pad .' key, 'close' is the 'Number pad 1' key, and 'left scroll' (rarely use), is the 'number pad 2' key.

If you do try this set-up, persevere for a session or two before you reject it. I'm finding it far easier than the default.

Good luck !

Gelert. smile

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134013
04/10/03 04:02 AM
04/10/03 04:02 AM
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Just incase anyone is interested.....there IS a cheat code (other than the ALT+F4 to quickly exit the game) that gives Indy unlimited ammo, unlimited "air" underwater, and unlimited weapons. It means editing the "default.cfg" file in the C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Indiana Jones\GameData\Indy folder. Copy the default.cfg file and put it in a safe place for the time being. Then open the one in that folder with Notepad and at the bottom, add: cheats:1 Click on FILE, and SAVE.

I tried it, liked it, but changed it back because I'm already at the Peng Lai Lagoon area and have "suffered" through so much to get here, I don't think I'll keep the cheats.

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134014
04/12/03 11:58 PM
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Lacking the ability to save at will, the crafty option of extra ammo and health will help us avoid a frustrating death that leaves us at a save from the previous day. I haven't tried it yet, but if it works, you have done us a great service!

I would rather play without the cheat, but lacking a fair SAVE capability, this is an option to consider.



Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134015
04/13/03 07:48 AM
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Aah-well ! Finally had it with the keyboard and changed over to the gamepad. Eons better, especially for moving around, and he doesn't get trapped in corners at all. If you've got one see what you think, and if you get the message that you've "same buttons" configured for different actions, don't worry 'cos it hasn't casued problems with me so far anyway !

Gelert. happydance

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134021
04/16/03 03:59 AM
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Is there anyone out there who has beaten Von Beck's Revenge, on Level 9? I'm stuck there. Can't outrun and make it safely to the outlit when the tank comes at me...

I'd be grateful if some kind soul could send me a saved game just beyond that point....or when the game "auto saves" for you.

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134022
04/16/03 06:26 AM
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Linda, I just got to Von Beck last night before, well, calling it a night. I'll give it a couple of tries tonight after work and see if I have any luck. We've all got the skill to do this, but it's just too fast! I can only be thankful that they didn't tack this on the end of a long level....

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134023
04/16/03 05:35 PM
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Hi 2 PeggyG and thanks again....I am playing the Xbox version and you can't save anywhere on it either....has anyone reached the Iron Cross area, where you finally run into flamethrowers?....I can't even get thru the 1st part..I only have 2 bullets in my luger...tees me off that 2 bullets won't kill someone....I guess you have to reach the alarms before more flamethrowers come out but I am getting fried all the time....I try and slice and dice the flamethrowers but it takes forever to kill them...oh well, will have to keep trying until TRAOD comes out...(if ever).....tks for any reply

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134024
04/16/03 06:09 PM
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Paul, it seems to me that any time the alarms go off, even for a *second*, that means the flamethrower guy will come out, so be ready for them.

In the first section there, I think the idea is to be as stealthy as possible. I redid this section several times, and I believe I got it so no alarms were sounded (at least in the first area). Careful waiting and watching where the guards go so you can take them out one at a time is very helpful...and then when they die, they'll usually drop a gun, which you'll need if an alarm does go off and the flamethrowers come after you. If you're where I think you are, you can wait by the boxes (where the section starts) until the guard comes down the stairs and around the corner. Then you hurry up and meet him there and punch him out and take his gun. Hurry up the stairs and into the office area where the guy is looking out the window. You can open the door and use the "C" key to target his head. If you get a head shot when he's unaware, one shot will kill him. There, you've killed two guards with no alarms. I think that's the idea throughout most of this section.

If an alarm goes off, quickly turn it off, dispatch any normal guards quickly, and then just stand your ground with your finger on the "C" key so you can target the flamethrower you know is on the way. It usually takes 4 shots to get him. BTW, in the water where you start off there's some ammunition...I think it was machine gun ammo, but you'll get a machine game shortly.

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134026
04/16/03 07:21 PM
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STI, there are no hard and fast rules about starting new threads. If it's a simple question that can be answered easily, using an existing thread would be the way to go. But if you think it's an unrelated topic and you're looking for feedback/discussion, feel free to start a new one. thumbsup


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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134029
04/19/03 06:38 AM
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I take it then, Peggy, that you got past the Von Beck's Revenge? I'm still stuck there.
I even enabled the cheat for God Mode, and then once the tank ran over me (and thus causing me not to be able to do anything else but watch the tank continue to roll on) I could see a hole in a wall a good long way down the "escape" runway area. Unable to make it past a few of the jumps and whippings, I've more or less given up on finishing the game myself!

Sad to say however, since I am truly a big Indy fan, as are most all of us. But, until a patch comes out to correct the repetitions we have to do in order to finally make it through to another "auto save" level, I'm hanging this one up on the shelf for now. I'll not uninstall the game as of yet, but I do have saves from each of the preceeding levels. I paused my game once I knew I'd made it to another "autosave" level, then copied the file from the C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Indiana Jones Emperor's Tomb\DataFile\Indy\Saves folder on an extra external hard drive I have and into a folder I titled Indy:ET Saves.

Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness should be out soon, and if I can handle just going willy nilly all over the Internet and bide my time until Angel of Darkness is released, I'll survive this one.

I've periodically checked the LucasArts website for patches and updates to Emperor's Tomb, but as of this writing, there are no patches. I can't even get them to respond to my e-mails. Gregory, at has told me several times that as far as he knows, they ARE working on a save game patch, but nothing new other than that.

Hang in there folks.

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Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134030
04/19/03 07:27 AM
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Linda, see my post at the Von Beck's Revenge note. I know I could have gotten this obstacle course eventually, but it was taking such a terrible toll on my nerves, my game enjoyment, my general zippy-de-doo-dah attitude of life. I got close enough to see the end of the farthest point was just two jumps away from the end point on the second obstacle course...but it became too hard to fight the game. The actions, as I've stated, were never a problem. At this point, we're all whip-toting crickets and can jump anywhere. But having to fight the game controls was too much.

I did skip the level (details in the above post) and got to the next. But I gotta say that after doing the Von Beck level so many times (I said 100 in my post but I suspect it was much more), I feel a part of me really got eaten away and even though I'm on that last level I just can't face having to replay a level anymore. I'll wait for the patch and play something else. And if the patch doesn't come out, I had fun.

Re: Indy Jones: Emperor's Tomb #134031
04/19/03 09:06 AM
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Amen to PeggyG's sentiments. I am STILL in Ceylon. After trying two or three times and having to then redo AGAIN, I am leaving this game for days at a time before I have the energy to go back.
Given that complaint, I would like to know exactly where Indy throws a skull to get across the fire pit under the guardians. Going back and redoing that segment 5 times just to turn Indy in another direction to try another throw has gotten to be just too much to randomly throw a skull a sixth time.

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