Well heres my opinion.
There are some puzzles that i could never figure out
in a million years.You all know the ones.The puzzles that make no sense at all.The ones that after you do look at a cheat you are relieved that you did because you would have never got it on your own.
I went camping and took my laptop along as i always do to play my games at night,or setting at the fire to relax.I just installed Mysterious island before i left but forgot to download a walkthrough on my desk top.
Well somewhere at the early part of the game i got stuck.I thought now is my time to do this on my own with out help.
Three days later i still had not figured out what to do ,i lost any interest in the game and missed out on a lot of enjoyable play on my vacation.At home i looked at a walkthrough and was quickly on my way again.
In short i buy these games for fun not to set myself nuts .Camping,gaming and walkthroughs go together........