I dont have hyperthreading, i have a true dual core (amd x2 3800+) so its a bit diff to p4 hyperthreading. Also its dead easy to alt and tab out of game go to task manager go to processes right click on grim set affinity option then make sure only 1 tick for 1 core then apply and go back to game, tho tbh i didnt notice any diff with two or 1 cores in use.
Btw just so you know hyperthreading is where 1 cpu processor is split into two virtual cores so its like a virtual dual core cpu. And its not xp related its purely a cpu thing. If you have a p4 with hyperthreading then it will be just easier to turn it off in the bios so ur cpu is 1 core again instead of a split cpu into two virtual cores.
Unfortunatly with a real dual core cpu like mine u cant just turn off dual core ability like hyperthreading. But u can limit software like games to use 1 core or both.
Fix the stuttering on win95 and win98 modes, i have a ati video card you see and theres a feature called catalyst ai, i had that set on disabled which caused the choppy cinematics. Put it on standard and it works now so i now play in win98 mode great.
Shame the antiantilising doenst work as i hate jaggies and with a costly video card like mine i demand aa to work on any game. But alas gf is so old the drivers dont support aa for grim anymore.

Hmm actually that might not be it totally. As when i loaded the game up again it was stuttering again even with catalyst ai set to standard.
BUT!! i can now confirm the cinematic stuttering cause is caused by. It is caused by task manager/processes (grim fandango) its using normal priority. To fix the stuttering simple right click on grim fandango in task manager/processors section and set pirority to low i duno if this will also help but cant hurt, also adjust your dual core/hyperthreading cpus to 1 core of the 2. Like below.
Mods, id prefer if the pictures were kept to show instead of being links, it will be quicker for ppl.
Start grim. Alt and tab keys together to get you back to desktop. Right click on the bottom bar on your desktop and select task manager. Next select processors tab. Find grimfandango.exe and right click you will see at bottom of pop up window 2 options.
1. Set Priority, change to this to fix cinematic and sound stuttering.

2. Set Affinaty. (for dual core or hyperthreaded computers) Bot sure if it helps but might be best for grim. So make sure theres one tick as shown. (tho for me personally grim works fine regardless of 1 or 2 cores so for me dualcore isnt a prob, duno about hyperthreading as i dont have a p4 which that is the only cpu range to use that algorith i believe and was dropped when true dual core and quad core cpus came out). I provide the screenshot and this entry for those who may have probs with grim running on p4 range or similar cpu based computers that used the old hyperthreading method.

Hopefully this will help people like me who had problems with stuttering sound and cinematics.
Do not forget also to use win98 compatability mode