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Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Byanca] #248828
12/18/07 06:06 PM
12/18/07 06:06 PM
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Hello well guess what I am in chapter 2 now have seen the keeper and collected
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the stuff in the coffins and took the clhoroform was not sure if that was right seen dogs and sawdust and oil also gottten grate by dogs
but now i am stuck again can I get a nudge or two please. Thank you Trisha wave

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Trisha] #248830
12/18/07 06:10 PM
12/18/07 06:10 PM
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Trisha, you have lots to do and plenty of places to see here. First things first though and then you should be well on your way:
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the dogs all have bowls way in front of them and big chains. If you put something in the bowls, the chains just may pull something when the dogs try and get to the bowl.

Ana wave

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Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #248864
12/18/07 08:01 PM
12/18/07 08:01 PM
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Well I opened all 3 gates and seen onegus ,stone guardian etc, opened woodgator gate but now I have no idea what to do I seen two doors by onegus that needs keys and i don't know what I need to do now wandering around back and forth Please can someone give me nudge. Trisha

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Motrau] #248884
12/18/07 08:40 PM
12/18/07 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted By: Motrau
Glad I have been of some help Trisha and thanks to all the other boomers for there help also!

How lovely that you've decided to join us as part of the Captian's "spiritual" crew. I'm glad your here.


Pre Game Hints

To all else starting this adventure ---
remember to read BOTH manuals -- the paper one and the .PDF file on the DVD. There are lots of inside hints. Remember --- you and you alone are what stands between FATE and DESTINY for the good Captain. Remember that things may not be always what they seem.
Listen carefully and heed well what each of the characters say --- read every thing you can --- especially when in inventory.
Make sure that you have viewed the other DVD --- it will give you some intuitive insights. Remember also that the first level is more of a tutorial on how the game is played and the psyche of how the puzzle developer thinks.... (giggle, giggle -- sorry Tim. but you know fine well that you are indeed one devious cookie!)

Use your Ouija board functions on everything in the Captain's inventory. And remember --- there are no "pixel hunts" really --- just very subtle and evil hiding places, after all this is the citadel of the netherworld. You can't expect it to play like an ND game.


Chapter 1 -- The Lower Reaches

Originally Posted By: Trisha
Well I opened
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all 3 gates and seen onegus ,stone guardian etc, opened woodgator gate but now I have no idea what to do I seen two doors by onegus that needs keys

Trisha what you need to do is read the earlier posts in this thread for the clues. You still have much to collect. Revisit each nook and cranny ---> When the Captain is in the centre of one place, try making him walk to the far left or right even though it may look like the isn't a next room. You'd be surprised what you may find. Remember not just to use that "Take" function of the Ouija board for sometimes you must first click on a seemingly "innocent" item (say a large jug on the floor) and "Take" may not work ---> but "action" will or vise-versa.

Remember that this is not an easy adventure ---> it isn't meant to be ... and there is something of a perverse joy in that.

Watching: Dark Shadows
Reading: Angelique's Descent
Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: infernoj13usa] #248920
12/18/07 09:54 PM
12/18/07 09:54 PM
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I am so enjoying reading the hints/spoilers so far that I can hardly wait until I get my copy from Dave at Interact. I normally will not start a game w/o a walkthrough close by just in case I need it but this time I think I will skip the walkthrough.

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Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: lexxy] #248929
12/18/07 10:25 PM
12/18/07 10:25 PM
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I am at the souls in o'negus room can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here I believe that I need to exchange
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the vial with saffron in it with the warriors soul
but can't do it when I put that vial
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on the warriors soul's bottle he says I need to switch withsomething the same
can someone please help me here,I can't get him to do it i am up close and tried using all things on ouija board.Trisha

Last edited by Trisha; 12/18/07 10:27 PM. Reason: quetion fixed
Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Trisha] #248939
12/18/07 10:38 PM
12/18/07 10:38 PM
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TRisha, did you
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put the saffron in the water in the green jar from Bugsys room?

Ana wave

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Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #248972
12/19/07 12:02 AM
12/19/07 12:02 AM
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Thank you Ana the water is exactly what I needed. I have been trying to figure out how to
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pick the bug up in Bugsy room
and also trying to find
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so I can get the woodgator, I did figure out how to get pass the
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stone Guardian
but can't get the
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spear or glass orb out.
Will someone give me a little hint on any of these I read the all the threads but I don't see anything at
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the bottom of darkstaircase
I have went over all rooms time and time again maybe just a small hint would get me going again. Thank you so very much. Trisha

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Trisha] #248989
12/19/07 12:44 AM
12/19/07 12:44 AM
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Chapter 1 --- The Lower Reaches

The Captain, you know, is quite sqeamish they say
When creepie and Crawlies do pass his way.
So what have you found that might do the trick
To capture the **** grub and not make him sick?

Nothing, I've Nothing!
Is that what you cry?
Perhaps one more trip to O'Negus
Will help you get by.

You must use something strong
to put ickle baby to sleep
For Briggs will not touch it
Yet in glass it might keep

Then once in Dreamland
tucked fastly away
On a sphere made of glass
Will Briggs allows it to play.

Look close at the grub
after it dies
Now take it to the Human Arachnoid
who really loves flies.


Last edited by infernoj13usa; 12/19/07 08:14 PM.

Watching: Dark Shadows
Reading: Angelique's Descent
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Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: infernoj13usa] #248998
12/19/07 01:33 AM
12/19/07 01:33 AM
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I only need to know how to deal with wood gator I have read the threads and cannot figure out what to do and can't find the
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nowhere I assume that is what I need to get the woodgator, I been to the
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doors of destiny
but unable to do anything there, if someone could tell me a hint on the mouth of the cage to get the woodgator I would be so happy. Thank you inferno for the wonderful hint you gave me earlier. Trisha

Last edited by Trisha; 12/19/07 02:46 AM.
Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Trisha] #249027
12/19/07 06:14 AM
12/19/07 06:14 AM
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Chapter 1 - The Lower Reaches

Look to the Ravens, each a Siamese twin
Save the Good Chief from their cauwing
And you'll find his good graces
Briggs soon will be in

As Goliath before David
So stands the Raven on high
Make ready the "I" cannon
Take aim, let loose! Watch it fly!

A gift made of bones
Will be yours soon to share
For soon Briggs will place
The woodgator there.

On the way to the place
Where this Raven doth perch,
A statue resides,
Awaiting the good Captain's lurch.

A container of gold,
The prize if his aim be true.
A liquid though thick will this vessel hold
'Tis an obvious clue.

A rusty chain
In need of lubrication
Wood that is ground for
The gators mastication.

Now put these together
Combine as you will
And soon you will find
The cage easy to fill.


Watching: Dark Shadows
Reading: Angelique's Descent
Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: infernoj13usa] #249180
12/19/07 01:10 PM
12/19/07 01:10 PM
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dee38 Offline
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hi there thanks for the help yesterday. made it to the sewers but it dont seem to go anywhere, i have taken the mouth thing of quagmire and seen the other guy and got him out the bog he gave me a rusty dagger but i cant seem to be able to use that to release quagmiore from his shackles any help would be appreciated thankls

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: dee38] #249189
12/19/07 01:20 PM
12/19/07 01:20 PM
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Dee you may have to wait until people get home from work today for help with this.


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Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: texaslady] #249192
12/19/07 01:25 PM
12/19/07 01:25 PM
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ok sue thanks sort of forgot the time difference..

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: dee38] #249199
12/19/07 01:43 PM
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I don't know where you live dee but it's not quite 1 p.m. in Texas.


Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream.
Kahlil Gibran
Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: texaslady] #249200
12/19/07 01:44 PM
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hi sue its 6-45pm here in the uk

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: dee38] #249205
12/19/07 02:00 PM
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Chapter 2 -- The Sewers

Originally Posted By: dee38
made it to the sewers. I have taken
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the mouth thing of quagmire and seen the other guy and got him out the bog he gave me a rusty dagger

but i cant seem to be able to use that

You need something else
To accomplish this task
Once you find what you need
In its glory you'll bask.

From the Shackled Soul
Who gave you a clue
Four times to the North
Then East is what you must do.

The chamber he spoke of
Shows three exits there
To open the first one
You must have a care.

An item you have with you
Will help you decide
The opposite numbers
Then in you will glide.


Watching: Dark Shadows
Reading: Angelique's Descent
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Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: texaslady] #249251
12/19/07 03:13 PM
12/19/07 03:13 PM
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Hi all,
I finally had a chance to get back to this most interesting game. I am in Chapt. 1.
I have been able to do some things, but haven't figured out others....For example,
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I have fed the dogs and opened the tall grates to explore those areas. I have found the woodgator and have cage and cover, but I can't get him to interact with me yet. (need to find wood to give him, no doubt) I have a sleepy grub to add to the wood for him so I can feed him to Arach. I have found the guardian whose language I can't understand and there is still a locked door by Arach. I am not exactly sure who Quagmire is or where the "war room" with a picture is located. (perhaps the locked door?.) I know that I want to switch the "soul bottles" in the library, or whatever it is called. I have no rusty knife or dice.
As others have said, a nudge would be really helpful as to what to do next.
Thanks to all of you who have posted, I have re-read most of the previous posts, I'll have a look at the most recent ones also. bravo

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: gaily] #249254
12/19/07 03:25 PM
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thank you so much inferno I just love the way you use the poems as hints, I figured it all out now to the next chore will go check out threads to see if I can get a hint just wanted to say bravo :)Thank you Trisha

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: gaily] #249260
12/19/07 03:30 PM
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Hi Gaily, you have read posts that apply to other later levels so try not to get yourself confused here. you are on the right track and inferno has posted some excellent material by the way of Rhyme's to assist you and others!! You need to take it level by level so try not to read "Spoilers that might affect your enjoyment in later levels! It would be good in my opinion if when hints are given that they state what level name they apply to so that people in earlier levels do not become confused etc As they would end up searching for a place or item that doesn't exist in that level. This is in no means a put down to the excellent posts made by other boomers in the way of help to other boomers but more so of a bit of advice so that people do not become confused as to where they are, who they should expect to meet or items they need to collect to progress.

I do hope that all who read this post can see what I mean? inferno knows the way and by way of her excellent riddles and rhyme's she is the light that shall show the way!! Just make sure you are reading the input that applies to the right level or you will all surely become "Lost in Limbo" !!

A very Happy Christmas and New Year to all of the game boomers community.

We hope that you enjoy the game?

Season's greetings,


Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Motrau] #249280
12/19/07 03:51 PM
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a little nudge for chapter 1

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try to use something I know you have in your inventory with the guardian, if you read the descriptions of the items, in particular the rules of the keeper (I think its called), you will know what I mean.

Hope that helps.


Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Motrau] #249281
12/19/07 03:53 PM
12/19/07 03:53 PM
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Hello well I have searched for Arach to give him the
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but I can't find him and now I am wandering around not being able to do anything else I still have several things in my inventory
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gold trophy,broken spyglass,naval hat,spear,warriors soul,woodgator
so could someone tell me if I should have used any of these things on someone. I have tried giving Bugsy the
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gold trophy
but Briggs says err time to go. I don't have a clue at what to do at
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the doors I discovered using Arach's fingernail
could I get a little help please. Trisha

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Motrau] #249284
12/19/07 03:54 PM
12/19/07 03:54 PM
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Motrau, Sorry, I am not nearly as creative and poetic as our beloved Inferno, but I do try and help if I can.

It is always good advice to only read the responses that pertain to where you need help in any game.

On the other hand, it has been stated way too many times to use hints sparingly in this game. While I absolutely am loving the game and have only needed a couple nudges, others may need more. This game is no different from any other game that the developers have poured their blood, sweat and tears into. If you want and need a hint, go for it. As long as you enjoy the game that is all that matters. I'm really tired of hearing that this game is somehow different than's good. Period. It's still a game, just as any other game, except that different people made it. Can we just start acting like it's a game and not something that needs to be in a sterile environment while you play.

MaG and Sue, Please feel free to edit me, but honestly, I am trying to help and I'm sick to death of all the "special rules" that come with this game. It is totally ruining the experience.

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Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: infernoj13usa] #249288
12/19/07 03:57 PM
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hi there i have
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rusty dagger thors hammer and pen full of ink
but none of these work on releasing quagmire and i have no keys to open the 2 locked gates a little hint would help a lot. thanks

Re: Limbo of the Lost [Re: Motrau] #249290
12/19/07 03:57 PM
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Help please, stuck, how do I
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get rid of that pesky bird and catch the woodgater?
I can't find any wood that the cap'n will pick up.
I have got
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the finger, seen the doors of destiny, used the spear to block a metal door

Have read through threads for clues and tried everything in inventory to no avail. Thanks wave

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