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Vampire Bloodlines #255087
12/31/07 10:55 AM
12/31/07 10:55 AM
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babyblair Offline OP
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Hello all and Happy New Year! Since I couldn't find any open threads on this subject I hope it's OK to open this one. Just wanted to let all the Slayers know that the Pilot "KINDRED: THE EMBRACED" COMES ON 01/13/2008. It comes on at 11:30 AM, but I'm not sure of the channel as yet. Nickie I think your read the review as to how it was made based on the game.

It has five clans that I know off since I've only caught bits a peices of it. But the Prince is like the Godfather and he is Ventrue. I know the Toreadors, Bruhjah, Gangrels and another clan is also in it. I plan to have a marathon day that day.

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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: babyblair] #255103
12/31/07 11:09 AM
12/31/07 11:09 AM
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Happy New Year to you too babyblair! Yes, I remember the previous posting - no problem posting this, since it's based on the game. Enjoy the show!

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- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: nickie] #255111
12/31/07 11:21 AM
12/31/07 11:21 AM
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Oh, please let us know what channel if you find out. I would love to watch this one!

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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Draclvr] #255169
12/31/07 12:50 PM
12/31/07 12:50 PM
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Me too!!!

What kind of magic spell to use?
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: hawkavonpuka] #255198
12/31/07 02:07 PM
12/31/07 02:07 PM
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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Winfrey] #256402
01/02/08 05:25 PM
01/02/08 05:25 PM
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The time date and time has been changed on my TV listing for my county and my state. It is now saying Jan. 14th at Midnight, but it still is not showing a channel. Is anyone showing anything else? I've seen bits and peices of this pilot and it looks really great. I'll keep you posted.

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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: babyblair] #256457
01/02/08 07:35 PM
01/02/08 07:35 PM
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I just looked at and it said Wednesday (no date) at 8:00 on Fox. But I think that's when it used to be on in 1996. You can buy the DVD on Amazon for about $82!

EDIT: I just looked at the listings on my DirecTV website and it says over January 11, 12 and 13 at different times of the day on the Chiller channel. I didn't even know we had it! I guess with the new hi-def service we got some new channels.

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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Draclvr] #256484
01/02/08 08:57 PM
01/02/08 08:57 PM
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I did a search of tv shows on Oceanic Cable and can't find it anywhere through January 14th. I don't think we have a Chiller channel either.

What kind of magic spell to use?
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: hawkavonpuka] #256904
01/03/08 04:57 PM
01/03/08 04:57 PM
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My still says Jan. 14th, 2008 at 12AM. I'll keep looking. When I saw Chiller I thought it just the Genre. I did see the boxed set on Ebay for $14 plus shipping.

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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: babyblair] #258477
01/06/08 06:10 PM
01/06/08 06:10 PM
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I just started this game and it looks like a lot of fun but I'm still on the tutorial and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here.

I'm in the sneaking part at the very beginning where I have to learn to sneak past the enemy vampires to a double garage door in or outside? of an alley where there are old junky cars and things and what looks like warehouse doors, but I don't know what double doors the guy is talking about! Can anyone tell me where I'm supposed to be going? I can sneak but I get caught because I'm looking for something without knowing exactly what I'm looking for!

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Melanie1] #258491
01/06/08 06:40 PM
01/06/08 06:40 PM
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HERE'S a link to a few walkthroughs if you want to have a look. I haven't played the game so I can't help in another way.

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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Cathy1] #258573
01/06/08 09:23 PM
01/06/08 09:23 PM
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Thanks Cathy. I looked at a couple and most don't list that area because it's the tutorial. Thanks though.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Melanie1] #258583
01/06/08 09:40 PM
01/06/08 09:40 PM
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Melanie1, the double doors are up some steps, just a couple of them. The are just past all the cars on your right. Just stay in the shadows and he won't see you if you stay crouched down.

Last edited by hawkavonpuka; 01/06/08 11:27 PM. Reason: spelling

What kind of magic spell to use?
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: hawkavonpuka] #258596
01/06/08 10:24 PM
01/06/08 10:24 PM
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Thanks a million Hawkavonpuka! Now I can move on. At least if I get caught I'll know I was heading for the right place when it happened this time. smile

Are they the steps that are just around that corner, just outside that alley on the right?

Last edited by Melanie1; 01/06/08 10:30 PM.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Melanie1] #258608
01/06/08 11:26 PM
01/06/08 11:26 PM
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Yes those are the steps and Jack will be inside there to instruct you further. I don't remember if the door will automatically open or if you have to open it. I am still playing this game, second go, I am trying to sneak past the guards in the bowels of the museum and not doing very well at it. I might go back to it and hang until you catch up. I am trying to finish a few uncompleted games before moving on to new ones. Anyway, I think once you are on the steps that Sabbat can't see you anymore. More sneaking is to come though.

Last edited by hawkavonpuka; 01/06/08 11:29 PM. Reason: ?

What kind of magic spell to use?
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: hawkavonpuka] #258634
01/07/08 02:32 AM
01/07/08 02:32 AM
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Thanks Hawk....

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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: hawkavonpuka] #258658
01/07/08 04:28 AM
01/07/08 04:28 AM
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Hi Hawkavonpuka,

I got it and went on to kill the hand to hand combat enemy and then the tire iron one with sneaking. Now I'm trying to figure out how to use bloodbuff so I can open a door past my skill. I'm in the basement now. You're right, he couldn't see me once I was on the steps. Once I knew that was the right place, I got there with no problem. smile I wish the movement chart was legible! How do I use bloodbuff? I'm going to have to print out a chart until I know what I'm doing. Not knowing is slowing me down since I have to keep searching to figure out how to do something. frown The chart on the back of the manual can't even be read with a lens it's so tiny!! lol.

That would be great if we were at about the same spot! How far ahead of me are you? I'm also playing Oblivion and go back and forth but want to get a good start on this one first and if you're waiting for me will put Oblivion on hold, especially for the chance to have someone playing with me. smile That would be fun.
I always have a few going at the same time too.

Editt: btw, which patches did you use, all of them? Or just a few? Did you use the console?

Last edited by Melanie1; 01/07/08 04:30 AM.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Melanie1] #258917
01/07/08 01:32 PM
01/07/08 01:32 PM
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I am ahead of you in Los Angeles, I did all the quests I could in Santa Monica. I haven't been playing it though, still trying to get myself through The Hobbit, so I will be hanging out in the museum for awhile.

I do use the console, I actually have myself in "God mode" and have blood at 100 so I don't have to feed. I do anyway for the heck of it, how gross is that? I always get flustered when having to get away from things, so when I managed to finally get the console up I went for it. I was fine all through Grouts mansion, until the end with the flaming ghouls, they are hard.

I am pretty sure I have the game patched, my first play was on a different computer and it was so I must have done the same thing.

Blood buff and any of the other things like that, use your scroll wheel on the mouse to find the one you want, then mouse click to use it, I think it is right click, the opposite of what you use for regular stuff. What clan are you playing, my first game I was Malkavian, this time Toredor. I was able to do stealth better as a Malk, but the Tore is faster on her feet.

I will have to get into the game a bit more to jog my memory on the controls. I didn't even have a manual when I first played, but I found it online somewhere and looked at that. There are a couple of good w/t's out there. It is easy to miss alot of the side quests which give you extra experience points.

What kind of magic spell to use?
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: hawkavonpuka] #259639
01/08/08 08:07 PM
01/08/08 08:07 PM
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I guess I better install the console and the rest of the patches then. How do you get in god mode? I guess I better go check one of the cheat sites. So far I haven't had any problems but I'm at the very beginning where it's easy still so I'm sure I'll need it since I never play shooters and from what I've read this is as much a like a shooter as an rpg gets.

I'll try the scroll wheel, thanks. I tried every key already. smile The manual really stinks. It has one paragraph on movement and then a chart on the back that's unbelievably tiny so yyou're not missing much. lol I found a walkthrough that looks good but haven't been using it. I usually use them only when stuck but is it easy to miss things without it that you can't go back to? If so, I might have to print it out and check it more often.

I'm a Toreador also. smile I was surprised at how fast I moved. Well thanks for the help. I lost 3 days with no electricity due to the storms! Now that I'm defrosting again, as long as the electic holds since it's storming again, I'll try and catch up. I have hundreds of emails to catch up on too! scared

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Melanie1] #259647
01/08/08 08:23 PM
01/08/08 08:23 PM
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Here you go, Melanie! Hope your power stays on, and please stay safe!

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Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: nickie] #259672
01/08/08 09:40 PM
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That's great, Nickie! Thanks! That will be a big help.

I'm more worried about staying warm then safe at this point. lol After living in a house that was 40 degrees for 3 days, I can put up with anything but more cold! evil

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Melanie1] #259677
01/08/08 09:53 PM
01/08/08 09:53 PM
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Make sure that you bring the console up and enable whatever you want early in the game, in a quiet place. It has a tendency to freeze up the game, I don't know why, maybe cause there are lots of NPC's wandering about. I would print out a list of the quests, it isn't too hard to figure out where they are once they are given to you. It depends alot on what you say to whom also, I make sure I save before talking to anyone, just in case it gets messed up. Two come to mind, the Thin Blood and the lady in the diner.

What kind of magic spell to use?
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: hawkavonpuka] #259692
01/08/08 10:52 PM
01/08/08 10:52 PM
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I won't be able to print my quests out because I don't have my laptop hooked to a printer, but if there aren't a lot of them, I can print them all out on the other computer. Are there tons of them?

I'll print up the console commands and add that tonight before I start playing while I'm in that room trying to unlock that door. It's pretty quiet in there. Then I'll try doing the bloodbuff.

I hope to be able to start playing in another hour or so.


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: Melanie1] #259702
01/09/08 12:31 AM
01/09/08 12:31 AM
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Here is a link to GameBanshee, it has all the quests on this page and you can link through to the walkthrough/guide. It is alot to print, I would just save it to your favorites, that way you can pull it up on your other computer. Vampire Bloodlines

What kind of magic spell to use?
Re: Vampire Bloodlines [Re: hawkavonpuka] #259708
01/09/08 01:28 AM
01/09/08 01:28 AM
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Thanks, Hawkavonpuka! I have another problem. I got the console set up, put myself in godmode, added dexterity and blood and used bloodbuff and I still can't open that door in the basement and he keeps telling me just go on ahead and that's the only way to go ahead. Shouldn't I be able to go through that door? Oh yeah, I also put on the clip cheat that lets me walk through walls yet I can't do that either. My blood went down when I used bloodbuff too. Are my console commands not working because its the tutorial? Do you think I hit one of the bugs? I can't figure out why I can't open that door and what I should do. I really need the tutorial so don't want to skip it.

Also, how do you get rid of the bloodbuff and the others when you're done with them?

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
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