Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Sly One]
02/16/08 05:03 PM
02/16/08 05:03 PM
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Hi Boomers, Please help me I purchased the game but unlike Bigfish when we have a question it could take as long as 2 days to get a reply. Bigfish answers right away! Ok I am sorry Bigfish but I am impatient and just couldn't wait after playing the demo, I ran out of time and bought the game. Now here is where I need advice ASAP please. I want to play along with you Jenny P and the rest of the Gameboomers. My problem is this,
Message: I just purchased the game after playing the demo. I used the info off the email to unlock the game however it will not unlock. What am I to put for registeration name?
I tried my full name, email address, dream chronicles 2, what else is there? Also I used the unlock code sent to me in the email and I copied and pasted it. popup box says "the name/key you entered does not appear to be valid." I even used my login name (Edited out by BrownEyedTigre) . Please help, I bought a game before from them without any trouble. I double clicked on the icon and instead of opening screen a popup box comes up and asks for registered name and unlock code. Thanks in advance
Last edited by BrownEyedTigre; 02/16/08 05:09 PM. Reason: deleted personal info
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: BrownEyedTigre]
02/16/08 05:18 PM
02/16/08 05:18 PM
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I did read that page, every word of it,but it does not help. I have the unlock key, but I do not know what registeration name they are asking for.Please help, I do not want to wait up to 2 days for a response. EDIT............................................ They are asking for a name/key in the popup before I fill in the unlock code numbers. Why can't everything be as easy as bigfish.
Nevermind the problem is solved. I restarted the computer and clicked to open dream chronicles 2 on the icon on desktop instead of their folder, and it works! I take back what I said it was so easy to unlock. Thanks anyway, now back into dream Chronicles 2, Jenny P is way past me and I have to catch up. LOL
Life is a adventure game without the walkthrough Sherryah EDIT................. wHOOPS before I get scolded I accidently double stacked, and I am very sorry, guess I got too excited.
Last edited by BrownEyedTigre; 02/16/08 06:12 PM. Reason: Combined Stacked posts
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Sherryah]
02/16/08 06:07 PM
02/16/08 06:07 PM
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Sly One
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Margie I need your help again. I'm on what I think is the last chapter and want to cry...I love this game and it appears it's going to end. A nyway. I have completed the organ and I have all of the musical scores together on the 3rd level and the books put away on the second level. I only have the crystal ball in inventory and now I'm stuck and don't know where to go from here. I just keep staring the screen hoping for the answer and nothing. Can you advise? Thanks
Last edited by looney4labs; 02/17/08 10:54 AM. Reason: added spoiler tag
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Sly One]
02/16/08 06:29 PM
02/16/08 06:29 PM
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Hi Sly One, You're not at the end yet, you still have a few more chapters to go. But anyway. I f all your music stands have turned blue and started playing music once they were complete, click to go upstairs and play the chess game.Click on the upper left side to go up the steps. If that is not it, let me know where you are and I will try to help. Margie B
Last edited by looney4labs; 02/17/08 10:55 AM. Reason: added spoiler tag
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Sly One]
02/16/08 07:19 PM
02/16/08 07:19 PM
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I am at the fairys stonehenge with the waterfall. Please tell me what do I do with the metal molding the laser machine made? The wall seems to be completed except for the waterfall and the metal molding will not fit in there even though it appears to have similar shapes. Cool machines behind the 2 walls, and dig that laser printing press with sun power. LOL. Jenny P. perhaps this is where you were stuck also? On a side note, this is the most beautiful game and puzzles have been fun thus far, not too hard to tax this brain of mine.
Last edited by looney4labs; 02/17/08 10:56 AM. Reason: added spoiler tag
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: cyrus]
02/16/08 07:25 PM
02/16/08 07:25 PM
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I have 2 game credits at BFG, was going to get Ghost in the sheet. But after this demo..My crippled tush  is waiting it out for BF to get it...I just hope it wont take too long baby  cyrus, Ghost in the Sheet was wonderful even at full price - totally awesome that you can now get it for BFG club-member price. Linda
So many games, so little time.
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: raylinstephens]
02/16/08 07:38 PM
02/16/08 07:38 PM
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Sly One
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Thanks Margie....I thought I was at the end...that's sure good news. I will see if I can find the stairs. The stands are all blue but I don't recall music playing, so let me go back and take a look. I'll be back if I can't figure it out. Thanks Again. EDIT: Margie...There are no stairs to go up. So obviously I have not done something, but I can't figure out what. I have read all the books and found the instruments but I can't take them out of the book...I can't find the chess game. The blue lights are all on the stands, but I don't recall hearing any music or anything else opening up when I finished but the musical scores together. I believe I'm done in the library for now and put the books in order as I can't remove any of them or access any of them. I am totally stumped...Any clues?
Last edited by looney4labs; 02/17/08 10:56 AM. Reason: added spoiler tag
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Sly One]
02/16/08 08:45 PM
02/16/08 08:45 PM
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Never mind Margie,I figured it out myself, now I am searching for the key to the door over the bridge, I have one key to find.
Margie, please tell me where the last key is to the door, after I crossed the broken bridge? I guess I will have to ask you to tell me where all 4 of the keys are,otherwise you will not know which one I am missing. The last keyhole at bottom of door is missing. Thank you
EDIT................... This is really strange, I either must be very tired, because I really thought i hit the quick reply button for edit. Sorry again for stacking posts. Going to bed now before I get in more trouble.
Last edited by looney4labs; 02/17/08 10:58 AM. Reason: combined stacked posts
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Sherryah]
02/16/08 09:50 PM
02/16/08 09:50 PM
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Sherryah,Here are the locations for the keys. 1-Bridge-On the right side of the ground, by small rock that is close to the large ones. 2-Crystal Ball Machine, on the ground right side (at the end of the half circle stone opening.) 3-Print Stone Machine-Behind the right side of the base of the machine, on the ground. 4-Stonehenge-Right side of the ground. Sly One,You may have made the same mistake I was making during the game. Open up each music stand and click on the pages. If they have been placed incorrectly they will go back into inventory.Remove all the other pieces that are not correct until you've put everything back in place. If they are correct they will not move.
You also have to make sure that you've placed the correct instruments on the chairs. The instruments have to match the name of the instrument that is on each stand. There will be 7 musical instruments that you will need to find on the floor, 2 of them will be extra pieces placed there to stump you. Once everything is correct those pieces will disappear from inventory.
All of this is assuming that you took one of those locked books on the left and matched the instruments inside the book itself once you've opened it. If you haven't done it, open the book and click on the instruments and they will go into inventory. Place them back in the correct order and the real names will be revealed. Once the intruments have been placed correctly you will not be able to move them.You will find those instruments on the floor of the music room.
If there's anything else you need, let me know. Margie B
Last edited by looney4labs; 02/17/08 10:59 AM. Reason: added spoiler tag
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: BrownEyedTigre]
02/16/08 10:52 PM
02/16/08 10:52 PM
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Sly One
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Oh Margie Thank You so much. I think I now know what may be going on. I have even restarted the level as I thought I might have done something incorrectly but the same thing happened. I do know about the musical score pages and I do believe they are all correct, however, I didn't know the instruments had to be put in order in the book before I could get them on the chair. They wouldn't stay in my inventory when I clicked on them and now I think I know why. Thanks so much. I think I will try again tomorrow, however, way too tired right now.
Last edited by looney4labs; 02/17/08 11:00 AM. Reason: added spoiler tag
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Sherryah]
02/17/08 11:27 AM
02/17/08 11:27 AM
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Margie, thanks so much. What is the order of the words to unlock the first gem. Dream Jewel of Abalona?
I found the first piece of the map after I opened the locked door by the bridge, but I appear to be walking in circles. How in the world do I get out of here, or find more pieces of the map?
Did you finish the walkthrough on this game yet? Thanks in advance.
Sherryah Hi Sherryah, The answer to the Jewel of Abalona is "Outside the prison walls lies the place where the fairies originated." I'm going to give you a real easy way to find the pieces of the map, you should reset this level and it will take you to the beginning of the maze. Follow these steps in the order below. Click Right 4 times and then forward once, pick up the piece of paper. LEFT once, FORWARD once, RIGHT and then FORWARD FORWARD RIGHT FORWARD and pick up the last piece of paper. Once the map to the maze is complete you can maneuver yourself around the maze by clicking the arrows. You need to maneuver the blue dot through ALL corners of the maze. One more thing about this maze pay attention to how you maneuver yourself around it, it will help you in the final stage of this game. Yes, I've finished the walkthrough and it should hopefully be up on Gamezebo tomorrow. I don't know how to place the spoiler tag on this post so if one of the moderators could do it for me I would really appreciate it. Margie B
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Margie]
02/17/08 11:36 AM
02/17/08 11:36 AM
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Sonic Boomer
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Hi ya Margie, and thanks for all your help with this game. I know lots of folks will be glad to see your wt go up.
Spoiler tags are easy.
Switch to the Full Reply Screen (at the bottom of this reply box)
Click on the Megaphone Icon.
Place the text you want in the spoiler between the spoiler tags.
Alternately, you can type your message.
Highlight the part you wish to place behind a spoiler.
Click on the Megaphone Icon and there you go.
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Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Margie]
02/17/08 11:41 AM
02/17/08 11:41 AM
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Sonic Boomer
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Anytime Margie. We love the Spoiler tag. Course, it never saves me from info as I just have to click on it and see what's behind it 
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." -Roger Caras
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Margie]
02/17/08 11:42 AM
02/17/08 11:42 AM
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Thank you so much Margie!
EDIT............................................. Margie, how do I reset the maze? Thanks
EDIT............................................... LOL I always figured out how to reset the maze. Thanks anyway
Last edited by Sherryah; 02/17/08 11:47 AM.
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: looney4labs]
02/17/08 01:32 PM
02/17/08 01:32 PM
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Sly One
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Hi Margie, I'm back. I cannot finish the Chess Game. I know I just have to keep at it until I get it, but do you have any suggestions that I might try. I cannot do it. Driving me batty....  Thanks
Re: Dream Chronicles 2:The Eternal Maze is out!!
[Re: Sly One]
02/17/08 02:24 PM
02/17/08 02:24 PM
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Hi Margie, I'm back. I cannot finish the Chess Game. I know I just have to keep at it until I get it, but do you have any suggestions that I might try. I cannot do it. Driving me batty....  Thanks Hi Sly, Here's what I did I took a screenshot of the board once all the pieces were in place. I stopped the game and tried to copy each step,move by move and then duplicate it. I only did this for the last few steps since they were harder.The only thing is that most of the time when you stopped the screen most of it would be blocked. However, you can sometimes see the shadow of the blue line underneath.
If you can't take a screenshot you can try and print the page by playing the game in a smaller window or you can make a diagram on your own. I also read that someone said they tried to place their fingers on the screen but that would not work for me but you can try it. I also found that when you played with the full screen it was easier to memorize. I hope that helps you that was the best way for me to do it. Good Luck!! Margie B