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What's your favorite game? #29659
03/07/07 06:34 PM
03/07/07 06:34 PM
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Alone in the dark Freak Offline OP
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Yes, I didn't see any of these, and it felt like an injustice to not have a "favorite game" topic in a forum about games.

Mine is....Need For Speed: Carbon, but Evidence comes in at a close second, with The 11th Hour coming in at third.

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29660
03/07/07 06:42 PM
03/07/07 06:42 PM
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Alone, I am going to move you up to Game Discussions. We have a poll every year that you can find HERE. This is our top favorites.

Ana wave

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29661
03/07/07 06:47 PM
03/07/07 06:47 PM
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thanks Ana.

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29662
03/07/07 06:52 PM
03/07/07 06:52 PM
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My Favorite Has to Be...Syberia Games thumbsup

Luv Dar

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29663
03/07/07 07:53 PM
03/07/07 07:53 PM
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I like Amerzone, the scenery is great and I love the different creatures. The game seemed so short though I wish it was longer. thumbsup

Re: What's your favorite game? #29664
03/07/07 11:41 PM
03/07/07 11:41 PM
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The colossal cave adventure - followed closely by "any" LSL of course.

The 11th Hour coming in at third.
T7G was soooo much better smile But as long as its not one of those missed games you're in good company.

[Hides From SirDave Tag] I crack myself up sometimes rotfl [/Hides Form SirDave Tag]

Re: What's your favorite game? #29665
03/08/07 06:25 AM
03/08/07 06:25 AM
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I agree with Dar. Love Syberia. smile

Re: What's your favorite game? #29666
03/08/07 06:50 AM
03/08/07 06:50 AM
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Make that three Gerry, Syberia for me too.
Every game I have played since has been an anti climax

Re: What's your favorite game? #29667
03/08/07 07:05 AM
03/08/07 07:05 AM
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T7G was soooo much better But as long as its not one of those missed games you're in good company.

[Hides From SirDave Tag] I crack myself up sometimes [/Hides Form SirDave Tag]
razz smile .

My favorite game is Riven.

Re: What's your favorite game? #29668
03/08/07 09:11 AM
03/08/07 09:11 AM
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Syberia tops my list too! wave

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29669
03/08/07 10:12 AM
03/08/07 10:12 AM
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Up until now my favorites have been Byzantine and The Last Express--Now, after I finish Secrets of DaVinci I will have to get Siberia out of my Baags pile.

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29670
03/08/07 10:18 AM
03/08/07 10:18 AM
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hunched over my computer
ooh, tough question! But the same 4 top my list every year: Riven, GK2, TLJ and Beyond Atlantis. I think which is my favourite depends on what mood I'm in at the time.


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Re: What's your favorite game? #29671
03/08/07 10:28 AM
03/08/07 10:28 AM
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On the light side, I'll have to go with Grim Fandango.
On the Dark Side,it's gotta be FableTLC.

Candy wave

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29672
03/08/07 11:42 AM
03/08/07 11:42 AM
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For an adventure, probably Touche and GK2. For darkside, probably Divine Divinity and Zanzarah. Can't whittle it down to just one. laugh

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29673
03/08/07 11:53 AM
03/08/07 11:53 AM
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Oblivion and Riven, neck and neck. In Oblivion after the tutorial you emerge from the dark sewers to the brightness of the hinterland and you can do anything you want you could even go back into the sewers if you liked. This freedom did impress me. Riven is just plain good. The Rhems are close second.

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29674
03/08/07 12:06 PM
03/08/07 12:06 PM
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My favorite adventure is The Longest Journey. My favorite action is American McGees Alice and a close runner up would be TR Legends.

I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little.
Re: What's your favorite game? #29675
03/08/07 12:27 PM
03/08/07 12:27 PM
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All Myst games and in addition Keepsake and Riddle of the Sphinx.


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Re: What's your favorite game? #29676
03/08/07 02:04 PM
03/08/07 02:04 PM
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Adventure-Scratches, Amerzone, Deamonica, The Dark Eye. Too many to chose from. Darkside-Condemned Criminal Origins, FEAR.

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29677
03/08/07 03:24 PM
03/08/07 03:24 PM
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Adventure Games?

Dark Fall
Barrow Hill
The Capri Games


Harry Potter Series
American Mcgee's Alice


Watching: Dark Shadows
Reading: Angelique's Descent
Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: What's your favorite game? #29678
03/08/07 07:53 PM
03/08/07 07:53 PM
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Riddle of the Sphinx
Siberia 1 and 2
Nancy Drew

And, can't help but admit I like Mahjongg games.


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Re: What's your favorite game? #29679
03/08/07 08:24 PM
03/08/07 08:24 PM
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Leaving aside all things Myst (which are like nothing else), I agree with NoraCharles. Grimfandango! For me, it's just about the most perfect game ever.

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29680
03/08/07 10:23 PM
03/08/07 10:23 PM
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happydance Whenever one of these lists is developed, no-one ever mentions URU. Even after all this time, with all of its glitches, it's still a work of genius and beauty. I've played it many times and it's still my favorite. smile

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29681
03/08/07 10:27 PM
03/08/07 10:27 PM
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Originally posted by infernoj13usa:
Adventure Games?

Dark Fall
Barrow Hill
The Capri Games


Harry Potter Series
American Mcgee's Alice

What no Noctropolis, Rex Nebular, Phantasmagoria, Blade Runner, Monkey Island, Ween, Loom, Goblins, Tex Murphy, Kings Quest, Quest for Glory, Elvira, Kyrandia, Leisure Suit Larry, Shadow Gate, D

Re: What's your favorite game? #29682
03/08/07 10:33 PM
03/08/07 10:33 PM
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The Original Alone in the Dark is a wonderful game in my opinion, but far too short.

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Re: What's your favorite game? #29683
03/08/07 11:59 PM
03/08/07 11:59 PM
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Originally posted by Alone in the dark Freak:
The Original Alone in the Dark is a wonderful game in my opinion, but far too short.
The original Alone in the Dark games are classics. I have all 3 installed in my D-Fend catalog (including the unofficial 4th JITD) - The official 4th game in the series is under the stairs (where it belongs, and will stay).

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