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Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? #316202
04/24/08 03:53 PM
04/24/08 03:53 PM
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Becky Offline OP
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How has gaming changed the way things look in your home?

In my house:

There are computers in the kitchen, the sunroom and two of the bedrooms. These require their own desks, except for the kitchen, where I've extended and lowered the kitchen counter to accommodate the computer. There are game jewel cases and game boxes arranged carefully in a prominent area of the living room that used to have books only. And I've thrown out one of my sofas to make room for four people to play Wii tennis simultaneously.

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Becky] #316207
04/24/08 04:02 PM
04/24/08 04:02 PM
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Oh Boy, Becky

This is a good topic.. Five years ago there was one computer..With that big fat monitor lol

Five years ago there was the TV's with the same type monitor..

Now ..Since I have been an avid PC adventure game player...I have a great computer ,with a thin LCD monitor..I have my own room...I made a special shelf for all my games...

Now on to the kids...They all have their own computers..My son has WII also.. Hubby has Xbox360 & his own computer....Also all the TV's are now LCD's whew!!!! crazy I am done..

Also my house is a gamers heaven...Between the kids & hubby they have at least 150 Xbox & Xbox 360 games..

Luv Dar

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Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Becky] #316211
04/24/08 04:20 PM
04/24/08 04:20 PM
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chrissie Offline
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Definitely yes!, but only in the lounge which is fairly large (bedroom & kitchen too small to accommodate anything like TVs, PCs etc!)
We have a large flat screen TV (a present to myself - but I rarely get to watch it!) linked up now to PS3. Also have another smaller TV linked up to a PS1 & PS2 which can be quite comfortably accessed sitting in one of our two sofas. (I want to replace that TV with a small flat screen to match the large one) I deliberately thought about, bought & arranged furniture to cater for gaming (& to allow for my partner to watch sport & we have a selection of headphones - he has also added a surround system!) I also have my own PC desk with a big comfy chair to match the sofas! Our lounge probably looks like a small branch of an 'electronics' store!!! Sad? maybe, but we like it! lol

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: chrissie] #316215
04/24/08 04:35 PM
04/24/08 04:35 PM
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Adventure gaming hasn't yet influenced the design of my place, but then I live in an apartment with only a bedroom, living room, bathroom, and small foyer-like front room (and a kitchen, but it's not a separate room -- it's like a galley kitchen, but with NO actual floor space! It's off the living room, and although the Super. said this isn't the case, it looks as though there was one wiiiiiiiiiiide -- about 8 or 10 feet wide -- closet there, from which they removed the doors and put in a nearly full-size fridge, stove, sink, cabinets, and a bit of counter space, lol!). Once we have a larger apartment or a proper house, if we have a spare room it's likely to end up as the library / computer room, and be decorated accordingly -- with comfy chairs and a mini-fridge and the like, lol!

Anyway, despite that, I think this is a very cool topic! I enjoyed reading the responses so far, and can't wait to see how others respond.

Last edited by MaG; 04/24/08 04:43 PM.
Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: UpToo Late] #316221
04/24/08 04:43 PM
04/24/08 04:43 PM
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Hi UpTooLate,

You might want to PM chrissie on your side note. I will edit it. Thanks.

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: MaG] #316226
04/24/08 04:48 PM
04/24/08 04:48 PM
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alkis21 Offline
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The answer to the question is "you bet it has"!

We have a "computer room" in our apartment with two PCs and an Amiga. My wife nags that we should either move or make it a baby room if we want to breed some day. I don't understand, can't a baby fit under the computer desk?

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Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: alkis21] #316231
04/24/08 04:56 PM
04/24/08 04:56 PM
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Bernard Offline
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Why do you want to have a baby when you have a computer? You can play with your computer, you can buy cute new gadgets for it and the best thing is you can put it in sleep mode whenever you want!

smile Bernard

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Bernard] #316241
04/24/08 05:15 PM
04/24/08 05:15 PM
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It's a funny thing really, but I think I used to have a dining table. In fact, I'm absolutely positive that I did. These days when I look across in that general direction, I see a computer, speakers, keyboard, mouse, printer, and a big stack of current games by the side of the computer, speakers, keyboard, etc etc. I no longer have room to eat. My elbows hit things when I get excited about my spaghetti. One false move with my wine glass and, by hecky thump, I'll need a new keyboard.

Over in the main living area, I have two tall shelving units. One is stuffed with DVDs, the other is packed with games. I can't fit any more in. I need more storage. Actually, a castle might be better. Yep, I need a castle to keep all this accumulated gaming nonsense in. With a moat.

"Bleat, Watson -- unmitigated bleat!" ~ Sherlock Holmes
Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Rushes] #316251
04/24/08 05:24 PM
04/24/08 05:24 PM
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Why the moat? smile

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Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Bernard] #316253
04/24/08 05:26 PM
04/24/08 05:26 PM
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Taurnil Offline
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Well I had a large room with a big library and a chair to seat near the window, have a view and read books, newspapers. Now it has changed to a pc-room. A small light is always on to give an atmospheric touch in the area especially when I play games! The amount of games is so big that 80% of them has been removed into the kitchen shelves! When people are invited at first sight they do not understand 'what these titles mean' and it's really funny. They believe that I exaggerate but when I explain my passion about games (well you can't explain passion in words but anyway!) they accept it! Moreover, when I play games I switch off my self-phone, stg I didn't do before. Finally when I play a game I feel really lucky sharing these magical worlds with you, the Adventure Boomers!!!!

....set the controls for the heart of the sun....
Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: alkis21] #316254
04/24/08 05:27 PM
04/24/08 05:27 PM
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Moats are good for keeping out game-stealing vagabonds from the bad side of town. yes I might even add some alligators while I think about it.

"Bleat, Watson -- unmitigated bleat!" ~ Sherlock Holmes
Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Rushes] #316274
04/24/08 06:04 PM
04/24/08 06:04 PM
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I have a second bedroom that is my Computer room. At one time I had 3 computers set up, each on their own desk or table: my old e-Machine with Win98, a Dell with XP and my new Dell with Vista.

About 6 months a go I decided 3 was too much, so I packed away my old e-Machine with its big fat monitor into the closet where it's still waiting for my to haul it out and fire it up again.(A lot of good games played on that machine.)

Every spare nook and cranny is filled with bookcases and shelves holding my games, manuals, walk-throughs, my "Dummy" books and all the other paraphernalia necessary for hours of great gaming.

As you can tell this is my favorite room in my condo.

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: SuMac] #316279
04/24/08 06:11 PM
04/24/08 06:11 PM
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Of course it did... I have a huge desk in my bedroom with my screen on it among other stuff. I don't need for the time being a second computer cause my house is not very big... I added recently a little more shelves for my games and i changed about a year ago my screen and i bought a bigger one which looks like a frame on the wall... If i didn't play games i wouldn't need a PC (maybe a laptop would do for the other needs)so i wouldn't have this desk in here... No more room in here lol

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Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Volkana] #316305
04/24/08 06:47 PM
04/24/08 06:47 PM
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Once the kids starting going on to college and then one has moved out, I gained a bedroom. Which now of course is set up on each desk with the old 98 and the XP. Several shelves and a desk that I got on clearance from Staples holds games too! Then add the laptop from Christmas and I have to have a small stack in the living room and it is next to the laptop bag in order to "pack" a couple of games/walkthroughs in case I go anywhere. I just spend four days in the hospital for an asthma attack and my husband had to run home and pack some things, especially the laptop. Even had wireless internet there, WOW, how things have changed! Used to pack my kids a bag, now Grandma has to have her bag of toys! pacify

Koalanut :spring:

So many games, so little time....
Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Koalanut] #316307
04/24/08 06:49 PM
04/24/08 06:49 PM
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Becky Offline OP
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Koalanut -- are you feeling okay now?

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Becky] #316312
04/24/08 07:00 PM
04/24/08 07:00 PM
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Yes, thank you Becky. It is slower than I would like, but finally getting through the day breathing better. Not sure what happened, usually a bad attack means a bad infection, but not this time, just a bad reaction to something.....maybe Indiana??? lol Anyway, I am back to walking the halls at school, slower, but gaining speed.


So many games, so little time....
Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Koalanut] #316313
04/24/08 07:03 PM
04/24/08 07:03 PM
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Hang in there, Koala!

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Becky] #316361
04/24/08 08:22 PM
04/24/08 08:22 PM
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Well, Lets see--Our den has a tv/console game area--and the two computer desks side by side with 4 computers. I have shelves and CD holders arranged where ever there is room--I have played games on top of the entertainment system.

Ahhhhhh Life is good!

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Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: looney4labs] #316458
04/25/08 04:04 AM
04/25/08 04:04 AM
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Well, my computer is in my living room, and games can be found all over the place... But, I tried to find some paintings to hang on my walls and then realized that some screenshots would suit there most, so I had some screenshots from Myst games printed on canvas and hung them on my walls... I think they look great duh

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Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Iva] #316468
04/25/08 04:54 AM
04/25/08 04:54 AM
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Our Dinning area has been turned into a Computer area. We have 2 computers on 2 desks in an L shape. Who needs a Dinning table when you can eat at the computer and game at the same time. We have 2 gaming consols in the living room and 1 in our bedroom. There is also a gaming consol in our grandsons room. Games are everywhere we can fit them. wave

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: connie] #316476
04/25/08 05:04 AM
04/25/08 05:04 AM
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Great topic thumbsup When I look around in our livingroom, I don't think gaming has influenced the design much - at least not to a larger degree. There are two computers with comfortable chairs, mine - facing two windows on the left and right - is flanked by two Benno shelves (Ikea design, I just love it) stacked with cds, software and a couple of games. And an action figure of old Elvis as portrayed in the movie Bubba Ho-Tep grin
To the right of the right window, there are three more Benno shelves; one of them is already packed with games, some games I had to move to another shelf which still has some space left. A little to my left, there are more shelves - these are filled with books, two of them are filled with dvds. Every time I buy a new dvd I wonder where to store it; same with games. Although our apartment is fairly large (67 square meters), we have run out of places to erect shelves on. We plan to move to a bigger apartment in the near future (2-3 years, need to save some money first) with at least four rooms, one of them will become our multimedia room containing all our books, cds, dvds and games. By then, my collection will probably have grown lol

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Jehane] #316479
04/25/08 05:08 AM
04/25/08 05:08 AM
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I'd love to have a multimedia room... With all the games, PC, gadgets etc...

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Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Volkana] #316572
04/25/08 08:29 AM
04/25/08 08:29 AM
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Surprisingly, it hasn't changed my room much. Only a nice shelf on the wall to hold some of my games, and the rest are in my closet, or scattered on my desk.

Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Jehane] #316663
04/25/08 10:25 AM
04/25/08 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted By: Jehane
A little to my left, there are more shelves - these are filled with books, two of them are filled with dvds. Every time I buy a new dvd I wonder where to store it; same with games.

Jehane, your place sounds exactly like mine. Games, books, DVDs, they really eat up the free space. lol

"Bleat, Watson -- unmitigated bleat!" ~ Sherlock Holmes
Re: Has Gaming Influenced the Interior Design of Your Home? [Re: Rushes] #316671
04/25/08 10:33 AM
04/25/08 10:33 AM
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back room down stairs computor and a bed room up stairs computor and games .I guess it does in a way lol

s wheeldon
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