2008 Darkside game recommendations
07/12/08 11:27 PM
07/12/08 11:27 PM
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Hi all, Here tis as promised. Plenty of people dabble in the darkside, me included, but need help about what to play. Its a dark scary world over here, and some guidance is welcomed. So, the object of this thread, like its light side sibling,is to recommend to other boomers non-adventure games that you believe worthy of playing in this day and age. The games may be your all time favourites, but they need not be. I loved Quake at the time but I wouldn't recommend it today. We then compile a final list as a resource for other players. The rules are fairly simple. 1. Subject to the devilchilli special offer (see below) you can recommend a maximum of 13 games, but you don't have to, and can recommend less. 2. You can't list a series, unless you use single votes for each game. 3. Expansion packs will be considered seperate games, on the basis that the original might be ordinary but an expansion pack superb. 4. Any game that is not pure adventure can be listed, irrespective of genre. 5. You don't have to indicate the type or genre, and you are not limited to any specific number of games in any genre. Go ahead and list 13 rpg's if you choose. 6. It is essentially a pc list, but given that many players have consoles as well, if you want to list games for the console go right ahead.  Special offer - to assist with counting, anyone who lists in reverse alphabetical order (z-a) can list 14 games Please use full titles where possible as I am not as familiar with titles and series over here. Add ons and expansions might confuse me but I will shout if help is needed. We will keep the list open for 13 days and with help from a nickie of two, the list will be categorised for genre, at least down as far as games with multiple recommendations. So who is first??
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: flotsam]
07/12/08 11:48 PM
07/12/08 11:48 PM
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Thanks Flotsam Looks like I'm first. Zanzarah Sacred Plus Prey Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition FEAR Perseus Mandate Fable Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, The Drakan: Order of the Flame Divine Divinity Diablo II Clive Barkers Undying Bioshock Beyond Divinity American McGees Alice Ana
Don't feed the Trolls
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: BrownEyedTigre]
07/13/08 12:10 AM
07/13/08 12:10 AM
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Well, since I made both my lists at the same time expecting this one I'll go ahead and list them. Witcher Two Worlds Tomb Raider 3 Sacred Outcast Oblivion Morrowind KOTOR II KOTOR I Dungeon Siege 2 Divine Divinity Diablo BloodRayne Betrayal In Antara Doing it aphabetically in reverse puts my favorite RPG in the number 1 position and the first RPG I played in the last position. Doesn't mean anything but I thought it was interesting. The Witcher has bumped Morrowind down to second of my favorite RPG's.
You laugh because I'm different I laugh because you're all the same
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: oldman]
07/13/08 12:47 AM
07/13/08 12:47 AM
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Zanzarah Witcher Sacred Plus (should count the same as Sacred I think) Quest for Glory 4 Morrowind Might and Magic VI Indigo Prophecy (aka Fahrenheit) Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (aka Kult) Ghost Master Dungeon Siege 2 Dragonriders of Pern Divine Divinity Beyond Divinity Anachronox 
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: flotsam]
07/13/08 01:09 AM
07/13/08 01:09 AM
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The Witcher Super Mario Galaxy Psychonauts Overlord Okami Mass Effect The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past Katamari Damacy Half Life 2 The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Chrono Trigger BioShock Beyond Good & Evil American McGee's Alice Some of the best games in my list came out this year. Always a good sign.
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Demosthenes]
07/13/08 02:22 AM
07/13/08 02:22 AM
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Hi flotsam  Here's mine .... And thanks  Vampire The Masquerade : Redemption The Witcher The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind Return to Krondor Planescape Torment Neverwinter Nights Might & Magic VI Knights of the Old republic II Knights of the Old Republic Fate Divine Divinity Diablo Betrayal in Antara Baldur’s Gate Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Mad]
07/13/08 08:22 AM
07/13/08 08:22 AM
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Aiken's Artifact - Sanity Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare Barnyard Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Morrowind Oblivion Star Wars - Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines
I haven't lost it, I just can't find it....
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Carolin]
07/13/08 09:16 AM
07/13/08 09:16 AM
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(The) Witcher Sacred Plus Quest for Glory I Planescape Torment Outcast Oblivion Morrowind Might & Magic VI Knights of the Old Republic II (KOTOR II) Knights of the Old Republic I (KOTOR I) Gothic II Gothic I Divine Divinity Anachronox Man thinking in reverse hurt my brain 
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: flotsam]
07/13/08 09:37 AM
07/13/08 09:37 AM
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Star Wars: Republic Commando Prey PlaneScape Torment Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer Mass Effect Knights of the Old Republic 1 Halo 1 Fall-Out 1 Deus Ex Civilization Chronicles (Full Release of all Current Expansions)  Baldur's Gate 2 Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Ubscura Advent Rising If it doesn't seem to fit in with the voting requirements because it is more of an anthology of games, Civilization Chronicles can be removed as it is my "Devil Chilli" pick. I just had to put it in this year, because it is such a great deal on a huge amount of good game playing....Well...for those of us who enjoy being ruler of the Universe 
Last edited by Trail_Mystic; 07/14/08 01:51 AM. Reason: Specified Versions
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Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Trail_Mystic]
07/13/08 10:25 AM
07/13/08 10:25 AM
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The Witcher ZanZarah Diablo II Lords of Destruction (an expansion pack) American Magee's Alice Clive Barker's Undying Prey Half-Life Fable The Lost Chapters Avencast The Hobbit
Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Trail_Mystic]
07/13/08 03:30 PM
07/13/08 03:30 PM
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Voice le vote, oh this isn't the vote the Eurovision song Contest. Sorry about that...
Anyway, here's my vote for the darkside list 2008
Arcanum: Of steamworks and magick Baldur's Gate (the orginal) Bioshock Fallout 1 Gothic 3 Halo: Combat Evolved (aka Halo 1) Mass Effect NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer Planescape: Torment Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Temple of Elemental Evil The Witcher
It is only 12 games, but it is the 12 best ones, imo...
Last edited by Karsten; 07/13/08 04:46 PM. Reason: slipped in the witcer and mask of the betrayer (nwn2)
Adventure gaming is fun
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Karsten]
07/14/08 09:23 AM
07/14/08 09:23 AM
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1. Vampire the Masquerade-Redemption 2. Vampire the Masquerade-Bloodlines 3. Might & Magic 7 4. Clive Barker's Undying 5. Gothic I 6. Gothic II 7. Lands of Lore 8. Call of Cthulhu - DCOTE 9. Indiana Jones & the Infernal Machine 10. Silent Hill 2 11. Silent Hill 3 12. Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the Dark Savant 13. Bioshock
"Christof, do not play with thy food. 'tis unseemly".
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Barb]
07/14/08 10:53 AM
07/14/08 10:53 AM
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Thanks for putting together all our DarkSide lists, flotsom!
1. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2. Thief: Deadly Shadows 3. The Witcher 4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords 6. Psychonauts 7. Planescape: Torment 8. Okami [Wii] 9. No One Lives Forever 10. Mass Effect 11. Knights of the Old Republic 12. Jade Empire: Special Edition 13. Gothic II 14. Bioshock
For series (Gothic, KotOR, and so on) I restricted myself to just one. For the Thief series, it was a tough call. I like the eariler games better for the most part, but areas like The Shalebridge Cradle tipped me to the third.
Soldiers live and wonder why -- Glen Cook
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: metzomagic]
07/15/08 07:08 AM
07/15/08 07:08 AM
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Nice start people. I am actually looking forward to having some rpgs on my own list this year!!
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: flotsam]
07/16/08 05:29 AM
07/16/08 05:29 AM
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Yakuza (ps2) The Witcher The sims 2: Seasons The sims 2: Night life The sims 2: Castway (psp) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tekken 5: Dark resurrection (psp) SWAT: Target Liberty (psp) Splinter Cell: Double agent (ps2)(totally different ver. from PC) Silent Hill: Origins (psp) Shadow of the colossus (ps2) Manhunt 2 (psp) Kane and Lynch Bully (ps2) I guess buyin psp this year has made me play a lot of games on it than PC pq couldn't make it to top 14. 
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Trail_Mystic]
07/16/08 12:23 PM
07/16/08 12:23 PM
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Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls IV Neverwinter Nights 1 Neverwinter Nights 2:Mask of the Betrayer Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark Morrowind:The Elder Scrolls III Knights of the Old Republic 1 Diablo II: Lords of Destruction Baldur's Gate 2:Throne of Bhaal (Expansion) Baldur's Gate 2 Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick 
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Rowan]
07/17/08 01:04 PM
07/17/08 01:04 PM
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Zanzarah The Witcher Oblivion Fable - The Lost Chapters Fate Beyond Good and Evil Thanks Flotsam! 
Banana phone!
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: looney]
07/17/08 02:47 PM
07/17/08 02:47 PM
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1. Morrowind:The Elder Scrolls III 2. Might and Magic IX 3. Might and Magic VIII 4. Might and Magic VII 5. Lands of Lore II 6. Heroes of Might and Magic III 7. Halo 8. F.E.A.R 9. Baldur's Gate II: The Throne of Bhaal 10. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Last edited by Smiley456; 07/17/08 02:52 PM.
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: Smiley456]
07/18/08 05:02 PM
07/18/08 05:02 PM
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Halfway people and its tight. Oblivion and The Witcher are tied for most popular, with Oblivion perhaps having an advantage in the run home as it has been out longer so more people might have played it. But we will see. KOTOR is doing well, as is Planescape Torment, Morrowind and Divine Divinity. Plenty of games too that I for one have never heard of. To clarify, Sacred and Sacred Plus are indeed treated as one game, as are Thief and Thief Gold - same as last year and it hasn't been an issue yet. Ditto Jade Empire and its special ed - as far as I know they are the pc and xbox versions of the same game.
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: flotsam]
07/18/08 05:24 PM
07/18/08 05:24 PM
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1. Baldur's Gate 2 2. Realms of the Haunting 3. Zanzarah 4. Divine Divinity 5. The Witcher 6. Anvil of Dawn 7. Ultima Underworld 8. Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness 9. Might and Magic World of Xeen 10. Might and Magic 6 11. Ghost Master 12. Dragonriders of Pern 13. Anachronox
Re: 2008 Darkside game recommendations
[Re: metzomagic]
07/20/08 11:49 AM
07/20/08 11:49 AM
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1. The Witcher 2. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 3. Silent Hill 3 4. Prey 5. Neverwinter nights II 6. Jade Empire: Special Edition 7. Gothic II 8. Dungeon Siege II 9. Condemned: Criminal Origins 10. Avencast: Rise of the Mage
Since this is a recommendation list to play today I didn't include one of my favorites, Baldur's Gate, because I think it would look outdated now. Also I would like to warn that 3 ad 9 are not for people easily scared or dislike "gorish" games.
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