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Guild Wars 1 #672356
11/20/10 02:11 AM
11/20/10 02:11 AM
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GuybrushThreepwood Offline OP
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Still no news about GW2 except that they're wont be much news until next year sometime.

The original Guild Wars has had several updates in the last couple days though. They've added "Hearts of the North" the next phase in the Guild Wars Beyond" series which links GW1 to GW2.

For characters that have completed the "War in Kryta" quests there are a new series of quests involving reuniting Gwen (last name unknown) and Keiran Thackery (ancestors of Logan Thackery in GW2). You alternate between a quest finding a clue which points to Keiran's whereabouts and a solo mini-mission in which you actually play Keiran. These mini-missions are supposed to be what your character sees when they look in the Scrying Pool in an attempt to find the missing ranger.

Ultimately Hearts of the North will end in a wedding in the Eye of the North outpost of Olafstead. The wedding is not currently implemented however.

Finding the quests is a little tricky. A scout outside the Eye of the North will suggest searching Kryta. Not really helpful as that's a long section of Prophecies. What you have to do is check the official wiki for where to go to find your first clue. Once you find Embedded Arrowhead you'll be told to go to the Scrying Pool in the Eye of the North. You talk to Gwen and she gives you one of Keiran's Bows. With it equiped the Scrying Pool will give you first solo mini-mission. Completing the mission will send you back to Gwen. You are then on your own in finding the next clue. See wiki again. This goes on like this until you have found 4 clues and done the mini-misions. Finally than you add Gwen the hero to your party and go find Keiran standing around thinking at Anvil Rock. After you get the final quest reward in the HOM. Walk out and back in for the marriage proposal scene.

In real time this takes several hours. In game time, probably several months.

The mini missions feature a new NPC, Miku the assassin who apparently will be the link to the next phase, "Cantha: Wind of Change" as all sins from Cantha. I thought she might be the new hero were supposed to get but the man at Arenanet who is in charge of GW1 now says its not assassin or ranger. So that leaves out Miku or Keiran as the next hero.

I forgot to mention rewards: for finding the clues (and reuniting Gwen and Keiran) you get experience and gold. You can find the clues (and reunite the couple) once per character. The mini-missions are repeatable. Each time a character completes them you get experience, gold and Vanguard reputation points. This is listed in the quest log. Not shown in the quest log are the two Medals of Honor you get the first time only (per character) or the 5 War Supplies each additional time. You actually get the MOH or WS in the missions, so have an empty inventory slot.

For those characters who have not played the War in Kryta story line there is new quest called, get this, "The War in Kryta". Which just gives you direction in how to do the War in Kryta that the rest of us got by reading wiki. They've also changed some of the prerequisites for activating the war quests to make it easier.

One last piece of news: there are now Wedding Costumes available for sale. There are 3 sets which you can purchase individually or for a limited time you can buy all 3 at a special price.

Wedding Couple Attire:
Wedding Finery:
male: red tuxedo (can be dyed)
female: red dress (can be dyed)
Traditional Wedding Finery:
male: black tuxedo (cannot be dyed)
female: white dress (cannot be dyed)
Wedding Headpiece:
male: black top hat (can be dyed)
female: white veil with red wig (can be dyed)

Formal Attire:
Formal Outfit:
male: red tuxedo (slightly different than wedding couple version, can be dyed)
female: red dress (very different than wedding couple version, can be dyed)
Formal Headwear:
male: black top hat (shorter than wedding couple version, can be dyed)
female: red wig with white piece (can be dyed)

Dapper Tuxedo:
Dapper Tuxedo:
male: same red tuxedo as formal (can be dyed)
female: female version of red tuxedo (can be dyed)
Dapper Top Hat:
male: same top hat as formal (can be dyed)
female: female version of top hat (can be dyed)

Dying head piece changes color of the hair not the hat or veil.

If you buy all 3 sets you get 3 different costumes for male character (2 different hats), 4 different costumes for female character (3 different head pieces).

In my opinion the formal dress is better looking than the wedding dress (which doesn't actually look like a wedding dress to me, the traditional wedding dress does). My lady dervish has her formal dress dyed pink, looks good. I did not dye the head piece, pink hair is too much. For my male characters, I'll eventually dye the tux to match their armor color, some will stay red. An orange tux is going to be very interesting. No I wont have a pink one.

Like all costumes once purchased the wedding costumes are available to all your characters, you click on the costume makers in Lions Arch, Shing Jea Monastery, Kamadan or Great Temple of Balthazar. Since you pay real money for the costumes the costume makers do not charge for adding costumes to your characters, unlike the festival hat makers who do charge 10 gold to copy each holiday hat.

Wintersday will be next big event, and this year will feature new costumes. Anet getting big on micro transactions these days.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 02/11/11 02:06 PM.

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Re: Guild Wars romance [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #673022
11/22/10 08:21 AM
11/22/10 08:21 AM
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Thanks Guybrush!

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Re: Guild Wars romance [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #680451
12/15/10 02:48 AM
12/15/10 02:48 AM
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The Wintersday celebration, which runs from mid December through early January, (with the finale on January 1st) begins this weekend. This year it will probably include Keiran Thackery and Gwen's (family name currently unknown) wedding.

The finale is a battle between Tyrian deities. One wants Spring to come, one wants Winter to last longer. Players decide the outcome which determines which 1 of 2 festival hats or masks will be rewarded. The finale runs several so its possible to get both hats.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 12/15/10 02:51 AM.

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Re: Guild Wars romance [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #680572
12/15/10 12:07 PM
12/15/10 12:07 PM
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That's neat that the players decide the outcome. How do they do that?

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Re: Guild Wars romance [Re: looney4labs] #680707
12/15/10 09:05 PM
12/15/10 09:05 PM
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There are two groups of circles, red and green/blue. Player characters stand in the red circles to vote for more winter, green/blue circle for early spring. When a town becomes full a new district with the same town is created. Its become the standard to stand in the red circles in odd numbered districts and the green/blue circles in even districts. That way by doing the finale twice in different districts its possible to get both festival hats/masks. Of course there is usually some people who don't know that's the unwritten rule or they don't care, and stand in the wrong circle, but never enough to change the outcome.

In addition to the festival hats, wintersday gifts are given. Each gift contains a random reward.

New this year: its two deities who had been neutral in past years have choosen sides. So its now two wanting longer winter, two wanting early spring. Two new wintersday quests, two new Heart of the North quests. And a new hero. Oh and two new costumes available from the in game store.

Two new Hearts of the North quests. First is very very annoying. You have to go around killing specific creatures for the wedding feast. And you do it in Eye of the North, Factions and Nightfall. If you haven't advanced far enough in those you will have to play them out first. Factions is particularly annoying because you cant get to where the Black Moa is unless you complete the quests and missions that unlock the outposts you have to go through on the way. I wasted a lot time because I didn't realize the doors would be locked without doing the Factions quests.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 12/18/10 12:27 PM.

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Re: Guild Wars romance [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #682138
12/20/10 04:29 PM
12/20/10 04:29 PM
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I forgot something very important, to vote you have to have Candy Cane Shards in your personal inventory. You get them doing quests and from Wintersday Gifts.

The two new Wintersday quests are repeatable (old ones are once per character per year), so you can get lots of gifts and tonics quickly.

Finale finished. Quests still going and still possible to trade in unused Candy Cane Shards for candy weapons or gifts until Monday. Festival hats this year are halos from Dwayna and demonic horns from Grenth. Don't like the horns but I put the halos on my two monks.

Back to the wedding. I could actually do it on four characters and unlock the new hero for them but doesn't make sense to me to do the wedding before doing the wedding catering quest. And I'm surprised they didn't actually make it required first.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 01/02/11 10:38 AM.

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Re: Guild Wars romance [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #691177
01/19/11 09:42 AM
01/19/11 09:42 AM
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Nothing to do with the wedding, but my mesmer Mystic Master Mind maxed out the Party Animal title, getting Life of the Party title. Now I guess I have to work on Sweet Tooth and Drunkard.

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Re: Guild Wars romance [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #691238
01/19/11 01:57 PM
01/19/11 01:57 PM
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bravo you Party Animal. Titles are so much fun!

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Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: looney4labs] #695723
02/03/11 11:42 PM
02/03/11 11:42 PM
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In Guild Wars: Factions its Canthan New Year weekend. Doing special quests will get you Lunar Tokens, trade 3 tokens in for Lunar Fortune. You take fortunes outside, don't work in towns, outposts or guild halls, then click on them to see what you get, mostly fireworks, but if your lucky you'll get Miniature Celestial Rabbit. Canthan New Year is based on Chinese New Year. Last year was year of the tiger, next year is year of the dragon. I was lucky only had to use 30 Lunar Fortunes to get the rabbit. I had 253. Most of the rest got me fireworks. A few got me good fortune and a few bad fortune. Nobody knows what the good fortune aura actually does. The bad fortune makes screen go blurry, like when your character is drunk and you start saying strange things.

If not interested in the mini pet, trade 5 Lunar Tokens for a Red Gift Bag. Each red bag contains one of several prizes but not a mini. The best prize is 10 Lunar Tokens. Also slight chance of getting 100 gold.

Sunday every three hours will be the finale to get gifts and a lion mask. The mask is the same every year, only one that doesn't change.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 02/03/11 11:48 PM.

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #695803
02/04/11 09:32 AM
02/04/11 09:32 AM
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Thanks Guybrush!

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #695824
02/04/11 10:47 AM
02/04/11 10:47 AM
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I love mini pets! Sounds like a fun holiday. wave

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: looney4labs] #695973
02/04/11 09:54 PM
02/04/11 09:54 PM
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Got a second rabbit. I should probably sell my extra celestial ox (2009), celestial tiger (2010), celestial rabbit (2011) and black moa chick (you get it doing a cross campaign scavenger hunt, once per character). The Black Moa Chick is unique in that it is not called Minature Black Moa Chick, because its supposed to be life sized. A moa is a large bird sort of like an ostrich, comes in several types Black being rarest as it appears in only one area in Factions and only one a time and only during or after a particular quest. Wont appear before you get the quest but will after you complete it. Quest is to kill it but ranger charming it works too. White Moas appear randomly in Eye of the North but there is a group of them when they show up.

Actually, I'd rather trade the minis for ones I don't have, but last time I did that I found out later the mini I traded away was considered more valuable than the one I traded for.

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #695995
02/04/11 11:58 PM
02/04/11 11:58 PM
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During the Canthan New Year Finale (every 3 hours), 5 chefs will ask for ingredients. For each ingredient a player provides the player will rewarded with a Lunar Token. For each dish completed everyone in the district will receive rewards.
0 dishes everyone receives 2 Red Gift Bags
1 dish, 4 Red Gift Bags and 1 Celestial Summoning Stone
2 dishes, 6 Red Gift Bags and 2 Celestial Summoning Stones
3 dishes, 9 Red Gift Bags and 3 Celestial Summoning Stones
4 dishes, 12 Red Gift Bags and 4 Celestial Summoning Stones
5 dishes, 16 Red Gift Bags, 5 Celestial Summoning Stones and 5 Crates of Fireworks

Also if no dishes are completed everyone in the district is turned into a rabbit. I have never seen this happen. Worst I've seen is 3 dishes completed.

After the chefs are done every one receives a Lion Mask. This is the only festival mask that is the same every year.

A Celestial Summoning Stone is used in combat areas to summon a random celestial creature to aid you. There can only be one summoned creature in an area at a time. If not killed the creature last 30 minutes but the person who summoned it cannot use another stone for 1 hour. Summoned creature will have the same level as the character who summoned it. A summoning stone is destroyed when used. (There is a special summoning stone for low level players that has unlimited uses, but still only usable once per hour unless you rezone.)

Crates of Fireworks set off a 10 minute fireworks display in your guild hall. Using one gains you 3 points towards Party Animal title.

There is been a slight hint given about Guild Wars Beyond: Cantha: Winds of Change. It "[i]nvolves the plight of the tengu, the origins of the Ministry of Purity, and the isolation of the entire continent." Never good when a government creates a Ministry of Purity. The tengu are a race of bipedel, non-flyting, intelligent birds. The Canthan empire has a peace treaty with the Angchu tribe of tengu, but apparently its going to be violated as we've been told a future emperor will purge Cantha of non-human life forms. No word when Winds of Change will begin however. Supposedly next major update will improve the Dervish.

There are many people who want to see tengu added to Guild Wars 2 as a playable race in an expansion pack which they assume will take us to Cantha once we've saved Tyria from the dragons. By GW2 time Cantha is cut off from Tyria and Elona. Presumably another expansion would open up Elona.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 02/05/11 12:05 AM.

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #697855
02/11/11 02:08 PM
02/11/11 02:08 PM
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Big changes coming to Guild Wars: Nightfall profession of Dervish

These changes have not been implemented as of yet.

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #698096
02/12/11 11:19 AM
02/12/11 11:19 AM
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I like the battle applications of the, fire, and more fire. wave

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: looney4labs] #700100
02/19/11 11:44 AM
02/19/11 11:44 AM
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Haven't played Guild Wars in last couple of days so I missed the updates. Anyway, dervish update implemented February 17th and some bugs fixed February 18th.

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #703886
03/03/11 07:49 PM
03/03/11 07:49 PM
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Lots of updates to original Guild Wars today.

Embark Beach
From here your characters can map to any mission outpost they have open without having to go to the specific campaign first.

Zaishen Vanquish
In addition to Zaishen Bounty, Zaishen Combat and Zaishen Mission there is now Zaishen Vanquish. In HM you kill all the monsters in a location to vanquish it. If its Zaishen Vanquish of the day you'll be more likely to find people willing to do it.

Dieing once no longer makes it impossible to get Survivor title. Each time you die you start over trying to make survivor. So you could die 100 times then never die again, staying alive until you get 1.5 million xp and still get survivor. Before one death ended Survivor track.

Getting drunkard title no longer takes hours of your character actually being drunk you can just rapidly click on alcohol and each drink consumed gives you its points instantly. Took me 2 years to warrior to 800 drunk points and in a few minutes today he's already at 5,000.

Mercenary Hero Slots
You can now buy from the ingame store Mercenary Hero Slots which allow the character you are currently playing to use one of your other level 20 characters as a hero.

Pre-Searing Prophecies now has a skill trainer.
Pre-Searing Prophecies now has new daily quests to help characters level 10 and up reach level 20.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 03/03/11 11:32 PM.

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #704114
03/04/11 02:27 PM
03/04/11 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted By: GuybrushThreepwood

Getting drunkard title no longer takes hours of your character actually being drunk you can just rapidly click on alcohol and each drink consumed gives you its points instantly. Took me 2 years to warrior to 800 drunk points and in a few minutes today he's already at 5,000.


"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: looney4labs] #704120
03/04/11 03:04 PM
03/04/11 03:04 PM
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The pre skill trainer not much use, only has skills you'd get as rewards for doing quests.

I hate the daily pre quests. Took me hour and 35 minutes to complete the first one. And two hours to do today's, because the boss wouldn't spawn for me.

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Re: Guild Wars: Canthan New Year [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #712559
04/01/11 09:15 AM
04/01/11 09:15 AM
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April 1, 2011 updates

I particularly like Avatar of Kormir.

There is a new solo mission available from Corporal Bane at Embark Beach that is for real.

See also Guild Wars 2 topic.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 04/01/11 09:27 AM.

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Re: Guild Wars [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #716681
04/14/11 09:37 AM
04/14/11 09:37 AM
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April 28th will be Guild Wars: Prophecies 6th anniversary. Every other year this has meant random drops of birthday cupcakes and reveal of new birthday mini pets. Speculation is that this year may also see the new Guild Wars: Factions content known as Winds of Change, part 2 in Guild Wars Beyond, linking Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.

Last edited by GuybrushThreepwood; 04/14/11 09:47 AM.

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Re: Guild Wars [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #716699
04/14/11 11:09 AM
04/14/11 11:09 AM
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Sounds like the developers like to keep players looking forward to goodies. Any word on what the pet may be?

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Re: Guild Wars [Re: looney4labs] #716791
04/14/11 04:34 PM
04/14/11 04:34 PM
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It will be several new mini pets. It character that has a birthday gets a random pet. I had two characters this month with 2nd birthday, unfortunately their presents got two of the same minis. I just hope one of the new ones is a paragon character. Paragon is only profession there is not a mini of. Maybe now that Keiran Thackery is paragon hero there will be a mini pet of him.

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Re: Guild Wars [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #717185
04/16/11 12:44 AM
04/16/11 12:44 AM
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The man in charge of updating Guild Wars 1 has hinted that there may be something more than cupcakes and mini pets this anniversary, but he also made it sound like there is still a lot of work to do on Winds of Change so perhaps its not that.

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Re: Guild Wars [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #717329
04/16/11 11:56 AM
04/16/11 11:56 AM
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The folks in charge do like to keep the player's interest piqued.


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