Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 09:12 AM
04/19/03 09:12 AM
Joined: Mar 2002
Posts: 18 the netherlands
Shy Boomer
Shy Boomer
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the netherlands
HAPPY DEEDLES DAY especially for the one who deserves it most (that's you Dee) Take care, and all hopes and wishes for you from The Misterymaster and his family from The Netherlands
Pause my friend as you pass by As you are so once was i As i am so shall you be Prepare you then to follow me
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 09:19 AM
04/19/03 09:19 AM
Joined: Jun 1999
Posts: 1,182 Southern Illinois
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Southern Illinois
This day is definitely well deserved for you. May you spend the day with alot of friends and many smiles. For the party I brought a big bowl of party mix and a bottle of tequila. Dig in.  I will be toasting you from here. Enjoy your day. Love ya <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> kid 
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 09:22 AM
04/19/03 09:22 AM
Joined: Mar 2001
Posts: 602 Gillette, Wyoming
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Gillette, Wyoming
Dee - Why did the butterfly? When he saw the ice cream float. (Groan, but there aren't too many butterfly jokes out there!) I hope this one at least brought a smile to your face! So Happiest of Deedle Days! You are in all of our thoughts and prayers. May these greetings give you the strength to get you through these days when you are feeling low. Remember, you have a lot of here who love you and are rooting for you!!! Much love, Marion
Does wine count as a serving of fruit?
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 09:29 AM
04/19/03 09:29 AM
Joined: Jun 2000
Posts: 3,171 an Illinois cornfield
Jen in Chgo
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an Illinois cornfield
Happy Deedle's Day!!!  I've got the Margaritas!!! Dee, I hope these words give you comfort, support, & a generous helping of pi$$ and vinegar to fight.  We all love you SOOOOO much! I'd like to say I understand, I know what you've been through. I'd like to say I know your pain, but that would not be true. I know there's days you want to hide, but today I hope you choose to fly. I cannot take away your pain, but I'm sure gonna try! We love you, Dee, so smile today. Each of us, in our own special way. Wants to give you exactly what you crave But we're stuck with  's I know it's not the real thing, & I'd love to give you a hug. But I want to hug the real DEE cause a butterfly's an icky bug! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />  Love, Jen 
It's a hard-knock life. Wear wooden underwear.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 09:46 AM
04/19/03 09:46 AM
Joined: Jul 2000
Posts: 11,366 Sacramento, CA USA
Betty Lou
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Sacramento, CA USA
Dear Sweet Dee, I too must say that I don't know just what you are going through, but have seen others in your "boat" and have always been there to help "bail" - you must not give up - we all send you our love and hope our 'strength of will' helps you through this painful situation. We want to see you in the annual march for Breast Cancer in a year or so and we will join you - just pucker up your lips and whistle.......then stand back and watch the stampede of GBers come arunning. I vote that this day become an annual celebration {Deedle Day} even if the government won't help us declare it - we will do it anyway. Love, hugs and kisses - imagine us all at your side holding your hand during your treatments and you will get through them OK. Betty Lou, Rupert, Patches
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 09:50 AM
04/19/03 09:50 AM
Joined: Jun 1999
Posts: 14,887 Battle Creek, Michigan
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Battle Creek, Michigan
OMG!  I don't deserve my own day.  All our mods are wonderful and work hard and I would like to share this with them. I can't tell you how much all of your support has meant to me through this ordeal. I got discouraged quite a few times but your encouragement kept me going. I'm pretty well burned from the radiation, and I have gained a new respect for all burn victims. 6 more regular treatments and 5 boosts and I'm done. Thank you all so much for your support, emails and cards. They have touched my heart and given me courage. <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> ~Dee 
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 10:30 AM
04/19/03 10:30 AM
Joined: Jan 2001
Posts: 2,457 Lancaster County, Pa.
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Lancaster County, Pa.
Dear Dee, These posts should show you just how much you are loved by all of us. I want you to know, that what you are going through, you are not going through alone. All of your many Boomer Buddies are right there with you in love and in thought and we're all sending tons of prayers your way. I know you will find the inner strength you need cause you're the best!!! Luv, Joanie
Luv,Joanie --------------------
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 10:40 AM
04/19/03 10:40 AM
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Whew! Dee, I must tell you that for a moment that "turtle" in your cheesecake did worry me! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" /> For other sillies like me here is the description of the "turtle"... "Pecans, caramel and chocolate all wrapped up in a decadent cheesecake batter, what could be better?" Can't wait to eat it!!! 
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 11:03 AM
04/19/03 11:03 AM
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Posts: 963 Sweden
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Dearest Dee, I will be coming too. I love you too and I can certainly not resist the cake. You have been so good to me and also helped me in other matters. Lots of love and hugs, Christina
Summer is winter.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 11:11 AM
04/19/03 11:11 AM
Joined: Dec 1999
Posts: 31,224 Northwestern New Mexico, USA
Grande Olde Dame
Grande Olde Dame
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Northwestern New Mexico, USA
Dee, luv, words can't express how much I admire you for all the strength with which you've faced all the trials you've had. I know that you'll get through this one too, hard as it seems at the moment. My thoughts are expressed in the song "You'll Never Walk Alone" -- for the benefit of some of our younger members, who may not be familiar with it, here are the words: When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm is a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain, though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone--you'll never walk alone. When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm is a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain, though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone -- you'll never walk alone. WE'RE ALL WITH YOU, SWEET DEE.... 
"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 11:11 AM
04/19/03 11:11 AM
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The Radiant Moderator Staff Reviewer
The Radiant Moderator Staff Reviewer
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FT. Worth ....Where the West b...
Suprise, DEE!!! OK, Where's Syd ...Time for a Margurita! and some music .... Let's start with : The Man Song Would any one care for some Freshly baked oatmeal raisin cookies????? Inferno
Watching: Dark Shadows Reading: Angelique's Descent Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 11:18 AM
04/19/03 11:18 AM
Joined: Nov 1999
Posts: 10,323
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Well well - looks like almost everyone is here. Flutterby girl, you know I love you and everyone else loves you too. You are what everyone here so warmly said and much more. To the friend who makes me laugh when I feel like shouting. To the friend who puts a new meaning to the term brave To the friend who is always always thinking so much about others rather than her self To the friend who has a heart that knows no boundaries To the friend who (even if the spotlight embarrases her a bit) we all need to tell her how very much her life has meant to the world and will continue to mean to all of us for as long as we can gather together and reach out with love. With all the love I can squeeze into this page and more. <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> Laura
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 11:22 AM
04/19/03 11:22 AM
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 11,557 Virginia
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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Happy Deedles Day!!!! I'm of course bringing the Rocky Road, and after we're stuffed and all feeling silly, I know you'll have the biggest grin God can give! St. Teresa of Avalia is quoted to have said"God gives suffering to those He loves the most; My Lord is there little wonder You have so few friends" You're loved by Him more than any and this proves He works His wonders through angels like "Singer" "Inferno" and "Namma". All the poems and all the prayers and all the love from around this world are for you! May God Bless you, and in your suffering, pain and low dips remember "God loves YOU more than any"
playing DS2, Oblivion and WoW
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 11:40 AM
04/19/03 11:40 AM
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 121 USA
Kathy Salisbury
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Happy day, Dee!!  We're rooting for you! All the best, Kathy
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 11:46 AM
04/19/03 11:46 AM
Joined: Jun 2002
Posts: 5,766 FT. Worth ....Where the West b...
The Radiant Moderator Staff Reviewer
The Radiant Moderator Staff Reviewer
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FT. Worth ....Where the West b...
Let's get this party rolling! Throughout they day we'll have some floor shows going on. (just click on the links to view.) Now for some entertainment: I've invited some Disco Dancers To entertain us while we post. Ladies and Gentleman ....My fellow Boomers I give you : The Disco Chickens Everybody Dance! 
Watching: Dark Shadows Reading: Angelique's Descent Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 11:51 AM
04/19/03 11:51 AM
Joined: Nov 2000
Posts: 1,793 The Middle of the Sonoran Dese...
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The Middle of the Sonoran Dese...
So sorry to be late for the party, but had to stop by and pick up a Special Friend of Dee's and got lost by Jack's lousy directions. But now I see why he wanted to be the front man......he gets to stand at the 'front' door and gets first pick of all the goodies as they arrive. Time for a toast.......let's all raise out glasses to salute our very own Deedles! "Like your butterflies you have magically floated into our lives and touched us with your special loving and caring ways." Jen, these margaritas are wonderful....can I help you make some more?  Cheryl
Life is not measured by the breaths you take, it is measured by the moments that take your breath away.