Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 02:58 PM
04/19/03 02:58 PM
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The Middle of the Sonoran Dese...
A Big Welcome MisteryMaster!  Glad you could join us. Jen, you have another margarita handy for our esteemed guest? Jack, Inferno and I decided that after you handed her a broom and me a pail and mop for cleanup duty that the least you could do is be the designated driver.  Cheryl
Life is not measured by the breaths you take, it is measured by the moments that take your breath away.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 03:02 PM
04/19/03 03:02 PM
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Oh my goodness, I almost missed Deedle Day! I've been up to my neck rearranging the house with new appliances and such, but I'm glad I took a couple of minutes to pop in. I hope all the goodies arent' gone yet! Dee, hope you get strength just from the sheer number of people here at your party, and knowing that we all wish you the best. You have been in my prayers since I found out about your health problem. Take care and enjoy the party!
The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 03:03 PM
04/19/03 03:03 PM
Happy Deedle's Day.. <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> I love you Dee, I hope you are feeling better and will get well soon.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 03:11 PM
04/19/03 03:11 PM
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Sorry I am late...have a good excuse..feeling a little under the weather and just got on GB...and the first thing I noticed was this post and started to read about your wonderful day and didn't want to miss it one more minute. Everyone here has said the things that I think of you...your are a very courageous woman, and I admire you for being so strong...and I know there are days for you that can get very hard...and that is why we are here to find your strength again and we will always be here for you as you always been here for all of us. I am so happy to be part of this wonderful day and share it with you all of the boomers who love you dearly. Happy Deedle's Day. Liz <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />
Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir:
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 03:41 PM
04/19/03 03:41 PM
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the desert foothills
Deedles........we love you...........everyone has said such wonderful things.....we all are with you now.......please know that my prayers are with you....may God hold you in His hands.......
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 03:56 PM
04/19/03 03:56 PM
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Hi again. So, why not be a pig TWICE ??? [Sorry, Susie, couldn't resist  ] 'Cause the pie is baked - steak, mushroom, leek and onions 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 04:04 PM
04/19/03 04:04 PM
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Thanks Dee for your support and love of the adventure genre! I'VE watched you now a full half-hour; Self-poised upon that yellow flower And, little Butterfly! indeed I know not if you sleep or feed. How motionless!--not frozen seas More motionless! and then What joy awaits you, when the breeze Hath found you out among the trees, And calls you forth again! William Wordsworth 
The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 04:13 PM
04/19/03 04:13 PM
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FT. Worth ....Where the West b...
Hey Johnathan! Nice to see that you could make it. *Inferno offers her boomer buddy a Frozen Strawberry Daquorii*
Watching: Dark Shadows Reading: Angelique's Descent Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 04:16 PM
04/19/03 04:16 PM
Dear Dee; Over 60 years ago-when I could run and skip and jump- I was chasing butterflies in the pasture. They are so beautiful I thought, determined to have one of my very own. My mother, standing by the gate, called to me and said, "Joyce, do you know what butterflies are?". I shook my head in puzzlement while keeping my eye on this beautiful white one sitting on a flowering Sage. My mother said, "Butterflies are Angels on vacation, and if everyone captured his own, God might not have enough to send to those in need". At first, I didn't believe, being at that stage in life where I thought I knew everything. But a tiny flicker of doubt took seed and I let that butterfly go free. Later on in life, I realized how wise that woman, my mother, was. Now, the sight of a butterfly brings me a warm feeling of love......sort of like Mother's Love. I feel an Angel near reminding me that we are not alone. It gives me the courage to live this minute, draw this breath, and try to learn what ever lesson I have been given for this tiny space of eternity that I am allowed to share. Then miracle of miracles MY butterfly flutters by - in memory- and I find the courage for the next minute. Dee, with all the butterflies sent your way this day, you "gotta" be feeling all that love and encouragement! Don't think about Monday, or next week, or next month! None of us truly knows what the day will bring. Live now, this moment, to the best of your abilities.....and let the butterflies take care of the rest. With all my love, Joyce
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 04:23 PM
04/19/03 04:23 PM
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Hi Inferno, thanks for the Frozen Strawberry Daquorii!! Yummy.
Dee, do you need a top up? Or do you fancy a dip in the pool....
What a great show here today! I haven't seen so many butterflies since, well, never!
What a great show. This is a truly touching topic. Hmm, I didn't mean to use an illiteration! Oh well.
The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 05:04 PM
04/19/03 05:04 PM
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Hi Dear Friend, We debated long and hard about what to bring to your party, but after reading what everyone has been eating and drinking, we decided that we'd better bring the Alka Seltzer!!! Let's \'Dance The Night Away\' . We have known you and loved you since before GameBoomers even got started. You're our MacDee, the one we thought of whenever we were also putting in our 12 hour summer days on yard work (in our Plant Nursery), wondering who besides us, in their right mind, would ever decide to mow lawns for a living! And wondering if you were also, like us, busy praying for SNOW!!! We know first hand how hard you must have worked all these years to be able to do all the work that you've done for GameBoomers, in addition to that kind of backbreaking 'real job'.  You're our MacDee, the one who said she would NEVER give up her beloved MAC for a PC. And as a result of all your praise for them, we wondered what we were missing, and so now we have an old MAC sitting in our computer room .....which we still haven't figured out how to use! ( Help, MAC expert!! But you're also the one who, once she finally got up her courage, and made up her mind that her life was going in a different direction, bought a PC ..... and now moderates 3 boards helping other gamers who use PCs (as well as MACs)!!! Remember that about yourself.....that courage and inner strength that you have. And get like another friend of ours did (who is now 78 years old), when she said "How DARE that Cancer think it can attack me!!!" They say that God never changes anything, never closes one door, without opening another one.....a better one. Remember that "what the Caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a Butterfly". And you're our beautiful Monarch Butterfly, the one we think of whenever they fly en masse over our house on their yearly migration. Know that we need you. And that you have been, and will continue to be, in our prayers. And now, let's all Dance!!!  Lots of Love, Bill and Lela
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 05:29 PM
04/19/03 05:29 PM
<img border="0" alt="  " title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" /> Hey you guys, The sun may be going down on your side of the hills, but on our side it is time to start the Bar-B-que, and set out the afternoon snacks and soft drinks. I happen to like the Aussie way of it and there are Shrimp on the Bar-b at my house. BTW, check the calendar! It finally says it's Deedle's Day! Thanks to Singer. Joyce
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 05:34 PM
04/19/03 05:34 PM
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Many thanks to jayjaykay for pointing out a serious oversight!!  (I'm pretty sure this was Cheryl's responsibility)... Deedle's Day is now properly acknowledged on the GB calendar. Jack P.S. Mugsy, you're just jealous of my moves. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="cool.gif" />
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/19/03 06:13 PM
04/19/03 06:13 PM
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 178 London, Ontario, Canada
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Settled Boomer
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London, Ontario, Canada
Dear Dee: Good evening from Canada! I hope this finds you and yours well. I just got home an hour ago. Joyce told me about this. Dee, I don't know what to say. You go away for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose!  Just think of yourself as Gotham post 9-11--pick yourself up, dust yourself and keep fighting!!! You can do it, lady. You're not gonna let ol' Indy down, are ya? My mother had cancer, but she's tough, as you are. I've got every bit of faith that you're gonna survive all this. I beg of you to come back soon to these boards. It wouldn't be the same without you!!!!! Get well soon, DEE!!!! Sincerely yours always, Indy.
"Direct? Hell, I can't direct a two-car funeral."--Paul Gross.