‘Twas the night before Christmas at the boomers new house,
I’m conducting a tour, bring your keyboard or mouse.
Over there by the fire are Laura and Jenny,
They’re hanging up BAAG lists (of which there are many).
Mag is there nestled all snug in her bed,
While backroom a’doings dance round in her head.
Tigger’s down in the boardroom, she’s cooking again,
For all of the staff, who can’t wait to get in.
Come lasanidine, Namma, Puzzlewoman and Nickie,
Come Drizzt, DougM, Rick36 and bring Becky.
Blood pudding’s awaiting, spring rolls, spinach dip.
There’s so much food on the table, you best make two trips.
Renee just started gaming on her brand new computer,
Adventure, role-playing and first person shooters.
When out the front door came a loud sonic boom,
It’s Witchen and granny, flying by on their brooms.
Pandora and Stitchman are off to the right
To show us their Garden of Puzzling Delights.
Inside Jimbobell, Marta, Redz, Psychobabble and rick,
Guess Christmas song costs and it proved quite a trick.
CanukDenis is wondering if his great brain was the gift,
That caused the man’s death (it was such a tight fit).
Bea suggested bomb experts, Treval a grenade pin.
And wouldn’t you know, that’s what did the guy in.
Fildil judged the last squiggle and said Sherlock won.
Demosthenes, DocPaul and Larlar all joined in the fun.
Asazen went rock hunting, snowshoe worked on clichés,
Fairygdmther worked on letter words that just took her days.
Cryptic clues has esube just guessing away,
Triskaidekaphobia kept Koala busy the whole month of May.
Curly’s doing rhymes in the corner, bermag’s looking for boots,
Acornia, Manxman and Doreen did laddergrams for hoots.
At the family gathering thread, Anthony finally intoned,
His Mother was a Little Helper, his Papa, a Rolling Stone.
JohnnyK went shoe shopping, scientist put bulbs on a tree,
Tusse solved a hard wacky or maybe ‘twas three.
Now straight down the hall is the room called Mixed Bag,
Where serious and fun stuff are both to be had.
DBK posted a groaner, Homer6 looked for a skunk.
Caused Tally Ho so much pain his poor brain went kerthunk.
Friedmonky’s nosey questions each week did get asked,
Like what’s in your shower or tub as you bask.
Johnboy has shampoo for his dog and his ferret,
Funlcake had to look though it’s not Saturday night yet.
Housewife and Lorlor could be mszv’s twins
They have so much stuff – wonder how they fit in.
LadyK has some mildew, Zahid has a ducky
Rae has a pillow for sleeping – now isn’t that lucky?
The places you’ve lived is being discussed in the corner,
Kwbridge – New Hampshire, Arizona, Pennsylvania in that order.
Josie’s stayed in Arkansas, Carmen – Spain, Ireland, the UK.
So do Catsekeg and Mad (who won’t have it any other way).
Walt’s lived all over the world, Mystmum lives in Australia,
Blondie_bc throughtout Canada, catsmom2, California.
Salar of Myst’s lived in Virginia, Maryland and Texas,
Alaska’s moving to Alaska (somehow that doesn’t surprise us).
Hidden talents were discussed by the group at the bar.
Billybob’s are so hidden he doesn’t know where they are.
Josefine – she sings opera, Dee can fix a big tractor.
Burpee can re-arrange furniture and just know what she’s after
Soccergal she can sing and Bristol can spell
RydaStar folds her tongue and says she does it quite well.
Flotsam’s talent’s the one that was the big hit,
One bathroom, three females, how does the man do it?
Flutist fears strokes, laughing snowmen scare Clare.
Andy fears going broke and living under the stairs.
Hawkavonpuka says it’s driving on freeways up high,
Rayy and Tristy say roaches are what make them cry.
They talked about rubbish and how you dispose it.
TLC rips it up into small tiny nuggets.
Sami, Peter, RivenFireMarble and Susie use shredders,
Victoria uses the fireplace, then there’s Fongo, who eats his.
Looney moved to a new house and has holiday stress,
HorseDancer needs prayers to help get through her divorce mess.
Hanksdog lost Blanche his best friend whom he loved,
Bepeg lost her husband who looks down from above.
Across from Mixed Bag is the room we call Glitches
For people with problems, complaints and just grinches.
If your computer is crashing or your games just won’t work,
Ask Jenny100 and Inferno – they can fix any quirk.
If you turn to the left there’s a door marked Adventure.
Betty Lou’s just inside playing games the do suit her.
Maryc64 is excited – The Wild Divine just came in.
SuMac closed geysers in Uru then had to do it again!
Llewton’s Name the Game thread is still going strong
Liz asked the 1st question, lspace’s guess was all wrong.
Glenna guessed the game Timelapse, turns out she was right,
Gelert’s question took everyone over two nights.
As to Broken Sword Three, Nolalou likes it a lot,
Dithlihi wasn’t as thrilled, except for maybe the plot.
If it weren’t for auntieshoque’s help in Traitor’s Gate Two,
Most still would be stuck at the water elevator bugaboo.
Cindi buys all her games at CompUSA or Best Buy,
Lexxy’s playing Runaway and having the time of her life.
Linds got so involved in Black Mirror, her kids she forgot,
They won’t let her foget it, they tease her a lot.
Ron.etti he wondered about Midnight to Nowhere,
Randy told him they found a NA publisher from somewhere.
Kjos asked about gamepads, if they’re better for game roaming,
While TheDerman gave lessons on keyboard controlling.
Bryansmom thought Murry was funnier than the rest,
Conmol thougnt that Laverine was the absolute best.
Woodwose wrote a thesis on the Anti-BAAG conspiracy,
Mugsy thought it a very interesting theory.
Sanitarium was dmtomchick’s first CD rom game
Mary’s was Myst, APL’s was the same.
Rcrew1’s was Titanic, Jude’s – Broken Sword,
Rtrooney’s was Shivers, go_for fun – Diablo.
Hugo’s House of Horrors Sassy bought first for her,
Lagavulin bought him The Ripper before a computer.
Santa can bring crispeto BS3, Schizm2,
Advgamer’s list is so big that it’s very hard to choose.
Sequoia wants Conspiracies though it won’t do much good.
Carolin, Lord of the Rings and of course Robin Hood.
Brackan’s Cruse and Treasure Hunter said Coreoverload,
Senor Calavera, GF’s pre-quel if truth would be told.
Angela loved Pleurghburg, Happy Gamer did too,
Jonathan’s been very busy with Dark Fall, Part 2.
Fov just bagged Alice and Her Interactive Museum,
Colpet and scout said congrats, what a find, where’d you see ‘em?
Cynch and Ladyve finished Conspiracies and both of them loved it.
Waves and Susie07 don’t like it and think they may chuck it.
Ccross is playing Runaway and Uru,
Wysewoman loved RHEM, dadguy needed a walkthrough.
As adventure game characters, dannyboy showed where it’s at,
Snowmoon, Mdmlady, Mr. Bill turned out to be Max.
Guybrush Threepwood & Glynn were Gabriel Knight,
Porthos was Oscar, what a terrible fright.
Now take a deep breath and cover you eyes,
We’re entering a black hole, Singer dubbed the “Dark side”
Zanthia and Schwab are the resident experts,
Who help all the newbies who wander in clueless.
Ingie and rowan are Baldur’s Gate romping
SigSegorn’s found Imps in his Divine Divinity stomping,
Pokey’s looking for the teleporter at the Dwarven Hall,
Girlgeek just loves the game and is having a ball.
Jasper’s looking forward to playing Beyond Good and Evil,
Philby’s playing the demo and thinks that it’s clever,
Debra has just finished the Legends of Aranna
She's put Neverwindter Nights back on her agenda.
DanF asked if Angel of Darkness was really that bad,
Oldman was both disappointed and sad.
Ray loves Gothis II, as did Tamia and Soozie
Bigmamma1 loves Alice, feardust agrees,says it’s a doozie.
Jen in Chg is Anachronox patching,
Does it run on XP? she can’t help from asking.
VHLMagic is playing Might and Magic 7 and 8,
Hagatha’s not sure Deus Ex 2 is a love or a hate.
To Joanie, Marticus, grandpa68 and gamer,
Deseretlilac, Coreyb, presto, polo, Ahuber.
Which2, rainbowlady, Ramona and gimme,
Daysleeper, Bruce Fielder, skippy and Kelle.
To Midge, Howard the Doc, Kate, Chris and Tami,
Ladybug, SQF, lonewolf, Christina, LakerZ,
KarenNJ, Taylorsmom, Angie, Marian, o’alien1,
I hope that your Christmas is nothing but fun.
As another year ends please take time to remember,
The wonderful boomer we lost in September.
Tom Sr. we all miss your charm and great mind,
You were smart, you were witty, but most of all, kind.
The tour is now over, the day is now done,
I'd like to thank all of you for the past year of fun.
This comes from my heart as I turn out the light,
Merry Christmas dear Boomers, love to all, and good night.