'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/15/05 09:30 PM
12/15/05 09:30 PM
Joined: Nov 1999
Posts: 12,307 Body in California/Heart in Ha...
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
‘Twas the Night before Christmas with lights all a glow, And looney cried out “look, it’s started to snow.” Marita’s been busy, the stockings are hung, For her Gameboomer family is here for the fun.
Inferno and Jenny100 are here, So is friedmonky, (banana tucked in his ear). A blast from the past, well what do you know, foofoobunny and Marcie walked in the front door.
Just as we got settled there came a loud knock, Trail_Mystic yelled “incoming tigger, so duck.” A snowball hit flutist and flattened her nose, BeaSong has one hidden, so stay on your toes.
One flew through the door, hit Rose in the eye, L4L, Re, 3dobermans built forts (they know why). Olderone gave her last batch of snowballs to Midge, They’re sprinkled with something and kept in the fridge.
Mordack walked in the room and said “look at this. My monitor has snow, do you think it’s a glitch?” Sorta Blonde said make snow cones before it gets tall, Homer6 wondered if there’s a snow shovel that small.
Billybob’s laughing so hard and it’s a sure bet, Tyke’s exercising her pelvic ‘cause her floor is all wet. BrowneyedTiger announced that goldqueen’s now addicted, Jenny said that’s much better than being convicted.
Gymcandy1 opened Joe’s Diner this year, For boomers to gather, have coffee, spread cheer. Nanjoan is excited Nibiru finally arrived, Scarlet’s baking with grandsons (hope her kitchen survives).
Chief dropped in for a cup, JennyP’s office is cold, Rainbowlady’s a grandma – humm and she’s not that old. Texaslady told all she had a “Sue moment”, Gladwyn patted her head and gave her a doughnut.
granny and blondie_bc keep us moaning, With jokes and with funnies that have us all groaning. Nolalou is back having lived through Katrina, Daysleeper9 said, “it is, so good to see ya.” Urban Worrier and Pandora are just down the hall, They’re working on puzzles to frazzle us all. Curly posted a puzzle “Consecutive stress”, Then asked everyone, “are you sick of me yet?”
LadyK won the trophy and judged the next squiggle. It was dale3mike’s story that caused her to giggle. Doc Paul wrote a ditty and fitter did too, Soot, Koala and Schroeder all thought theirs would rule.
Satine had a mole, Twizgy got the bird, Larlar said that’s the dumbest thing he ever heard, Jimbo Bell hid the letter, Demosthenes decked the squab, And rckasea the lucky one got to be judge.
We sang Chirstmas carols, funlcake “Deck the Halls”, DoreenS “Heard the Angels”, manxman “Santa Claus.” Jema sang “Midnight Clear”, Redz, “Away in a Manger”, Esube’s poor “Grandma got Run over by a Reindeer”.
Schwab35 yelled “Might and Magic partaay”, VHLMagic and Barb joined in straight away. Debra told them “I’ll be there as soon as I’m able, But first want to finish this strange game called “Fable”.
skippy bought all the bottles and started to run, nickie wanted to share, but heck that’s no fun. Ingie’s fighting brain suckers, Marian can’t help her there, And Mad’s still with her Death Knight, best we can tell.
Fildil is a meatbug, cried “this is forever.” Pokey told her “don’t panic, you simply hit enter”. D’girlie won Arx Fatalis much to her glee, Said, “wasn’t someone supposed to play this with me?”
Gremlin, Namma and Drizzt took a break from reviews They wanted to know how we were, what was new. JMK quit Narina, Hagatha can’t wait for Gothic 3, Last time we saw threads she was in stuck in Divinity.
Rowan needs a memory potion if anyone has one, Oldman and Invar are waiting for Oblivion. Darleen and InlandAZ are Tomb Raider fans, Smiley456, Kayc danced in Might and Magic 8 land.
Becky told everyone to “please, just ignore”, burpee did twice (of that she is sure). Liz and Mary ignored, as did Betty Lou, Leeana and connie said they ignored too.
Winkie’s the first one to baag “And Then There Were None”, Kazzmo, Dawn, TLC all ran out and got them one. Ron.etti then wondered if you had to take notes. Katsmom, Susie07, Ivinia and fov told him “nope”.
Wysewomon asked what game puzzle caused you to scream, Bonnie said the slider puzzle in Timelapse, if you know what I mean. For Dudemom it was those darn Schizm bridges, SuMac cut the rope in Atlantis so much she got ridges.
Mjartisian, UAKM robots, gamenut’s, Uru, Chrissie did Nigel’s typing until she was blue. Nightowl7 could not do the Barnacle Blaster, For joanieS Chinese checkers she can’t master.
Gatorlaw, metamorphium have been making their game, Johnathan and Rael are doing the same. Flotsam’s just happy the game list is history, How he does it each year is one of life’s mysteries.
Peter Smith, Margaret, Snowmoon and caroleco, Sami5901, Draclvr, Peggy H and Bristol. To Linds, Kaki’s Sister, Karvic and colpet, I hope that this Christmas is the best you’ve had yet.
Wade, babyblair, DABhand, Sherlock and Gimme, Lonewolf32, Jude, ladyve and Skippy, Kaki and bergman, catsmom2, Cathy1, May this holiday bring to you nothing but fun.
Shadowinmyroom, raylin_stephens, Katie Acornia, dadguy, martije, rick and Susie, Dmtomchick, Sig Segorn, and of course Johnny K, May you all have a wonderful, safe Christmas day.
AngieB, metzomagic, Carolin, dogpenny, CBSection31, walt, Shortcake,Jill, mugsy, Glynn, Sol Man, Pib, Carla, Robert and hammer, Puzzlewoman, Bruce Fielder, lexxy, bkrytr,
Malestrom and Carmen, advgamer and maggie, Sundance kid, Tally Ho, Lone Wolf, sccurie, Stacy and Stichman, Bob, Witchen and Dee, I hope all your dreams are found under the tree.
My father-in-law’s passing last week made it clear, That the people we love will not always be here. You guys are the best, I just want you to know, And hope that our friendships continue to grow.
So I guess Bea this answers your earlier question, And Christina, this happens to be number seven. Three wishes for you as I turn out the lights, Joy, peace and love my dear boomers - Merry Christmas – good night. <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/15/05 09:45 PM
12/15/05 09:45 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 13,527 Ontario, Canada
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
Joined: Feb 2005
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Ontario, Canada
Syd! Thank you for writing that poem. That's fantastic!  <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.-Marcel Proust
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/15/05 11:04 PM
12/15/05 11:04 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 9,442 Crazy Town
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Crazy Town
Syd, WOW! That was great. <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> Thanks for including me. :kiss:
<3 I am in love with Norman Reedus/Daryl Dixon <3
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/15/05 11:27 PM
12/15/05 11:27 PM
Joined: Feb 2004
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Dragon Breath - Darkside Moderator
Dragon Breath - Darkside Moderator
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Defecit terra
Syd, We're not worthy  We're not worthy  We're not worthy  We're not worthy  We're not worthy  Thank you!
“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!” ---------------- Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/16/05 02:31 AM
12/16/05 02:31 AM
Joined: Apr 2000
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Another stunning effort Syd  - and the feelings are mutual :kiss:
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/16/05 02:43 AM
12/16/05 02:43 AM
Joined: Nov 2000
Posts: 35,237 United Kingdom
Sonic Boomer
Sonic Boomer
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United Kingdom
Hi Syd Boy, that was SOME poem .... yet again !!!! I think you should get an extra spoonful of trifle on "the day" for that !! [And my Death Knight agrees Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/16/05 06:29 AM
12/16/05 06:29 AM
Joined: Jul 2004
Posts: 14,334 West London, UK
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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West London, UK
Thanks Syd - your poem is brilliant & you have made my day happier. xx  <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />
When in doubt, cuddle a cat
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/16/05 07:05 AM
12/16/05 07:05 AM
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 13,800 West Yorkshire/U.K.
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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West Yorkshire/U.K.
WOW!!!...Syd! Thank you sooo much for all the time and effort that you put in, to make us all feel special, it must have been difficult, with other things on your mind, so sorry to hear about your father-in-law Love and Hugs Sue :kiss:
If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/16/05 07:44 AM
12/16/05 07:44 AM
Joined: Apr 2001
Posts: 4,669 New York
Addicted Boomer
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New York
Hello Syd, How wonderful and awsome you are! it was beautiful, I could never ever write a poem that spectacular Thank-You also for including me I was so happy to see my name  Thank-You and have a Very Happy Holiday!
'Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up.'
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/16/05 08:26 AM
12/16/05 08:26 AM
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 5,912 My own world
BAAG Specialist
BAAG Specialist
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My own world
Syd that was awesome and thank you for including me i was honored to be a part of such an incredible tradition You have talent Happy Holidays Shell
I survived!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/16/05 08:29 AM
12/16/05 08:29 AM
Joined: Apr 2000
Posts: 15,630 Massachusetts
Graduate Boomer
Graduate Boomer
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My goodness. I wonder how long it took you to finish that. Syd you're a genius. That was wonderful. Thank you.  Midge
Just do it.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2005 - Nag, Nag, Nag
12/16/05 08:47 AM
12/16/05 08:47 AM
Joined: Feb 2001
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Addicted Boomer
Addicted Boomer
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Southern Wisconsin through Nor...
Sid, Wonderful! Peace, Joy and love to you too. Merry Christmas! <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />
Dawn B.