Second Guided Tour of GameBoomers.
Wearing my Tour guide hat and carrying my megaphone, I’m ready for this second tour.
So, let’s get in the bus and start our tour.
“Homepage” is the soul of the GameBoomers Community because it is the opening page of this great site created by lovers of the games. You want some recent news about games, this is the place to be. If your preference goes to a Game First Look, a Review, a Walkthrough, an Interview or an Editorial, go down the page and read all about it.
Homepage is also interesting because of the Screenshots of Anticipated Games. It is so much pleasure to look at these pictures and try to imagine what a game will be.
What can be said about our next stop: the Latest and Upcoming Adventure Games section? It contains information about the next games that all of us can’t wait to see on the shelves of our favourite store. The page is well presented, the information is priceless and we are now waiting for the release dates of almost 60 games. Can you believe that? And if you missed a game, no problem. Just go back in time and see the screenshots of games already on the market.
This brings up the incurable sickness of BAAGS. Enter this page at your own risk because it is an epidemic associated with GameBoomers. And what do we need to bring up this BAAGS epidemic: The Annual Game Lists, one for Adventure games and one for the Dark Side ones. The lists are a compilation of the best games played by the members over the years. It is there for consultation or to improve your BAAG syndrome. For the finishing touch of this second tour, let’s go back to the Hint Forum and the thread on General Matters. Just take time to read it, it is a good guideline. Hope you enjoyed your second visit. See you all next time on August the Fourth.