'Twas the Night Before Christmas 2006 or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 08:43 PM
12/15/06 08:43 PM
Joined: Nov 1999
Posts: 12,307 Body in California/Heart in Ha...
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
'Twas the Night Before Christmas, with lights all a-glo, And outside the window it’s starting to snow. Now that Pandora and Mag’s have the decorating done, They join Jenny by the chimney where the stockings are hung.
Gameboomers are nestled around their computers, With puzzles, adventures, role-playing and shooters. The Name the Game thread keeps Becky up nights, Coming up with new titles both clever and bright.
L4L turns her back and the group runs amuck, Nightowl7 goes for coffee while a clue is thought up. LadyK soon arrives with a poem as a clue, Chrissie guesses Agon, Joan Syberia II.
Zookeeper says URU, wysewoman Alida, Chief said Niburu, tinagoss Tunguska. Granny’s been in a maze, has been there 8 years, I could have sworn my directions were perfectly clear.
Maggie57 spoke up, said I know this sounds thick, But are any of these games going to be point and click? Catbelly, Doc Russ and Tristy lost games and were harried, Alkis is nervous, he’s just gotten married. Out on the front porch there arose a great din, 'Tis the group from The Darkside, they want to come in. Friedmonky’s in front with nickie in tow, Is Ingie here yet they both wanted to know?
Sig asked the darksiders what keeps you enthralled, The games on your hard drive that are always installed. Morrowind’s the one said oldman and Pantheon, For Yankee Clipper and Trail-Mystic, it’s Oblivion.
Hagatha keeps Baulders Gate 1 and 2, Johnboy - American McGee, hey what can you do? Oblivion has looney and TLC in it’s grip, Kazzmo thinks Pathologic just might do the trick.
There’s Exhalt2him and Bigmomma1, Roaming ‘round Morrowind, having such fun. Madge the Mage is ready to help save the day, But she’s waiting for flotsam to come out and play.
Babyblair and smiley are vampire playing, Barb’s playing Gothic or would help with the slaying. Jeanne’s a newbie playing NWN Two, Pib and Debra are there to explain what to do.
Pokey and Rowen are playing Gothic 3, So is PeggyG, PeggyH and also lindy. VHLMagic will play as soon as she’s done, And Drizzt can’t wait to join in the fun.
The light’s on the tree aren’t working quite right, They flash off and on, it’s a terrible sight. What’s causing the problem we’d all like to know, We asked Jenny100 and the great Inferno.
They both strolled on over to take a look-see, Along with 2 Roberts and InlandAZ. Do you think it’s the wattage that’s causing the glitch? It might be a RAM or a video hitch.
Dosbox might work, Metzo said I suppose, The lights after all were made prior to windows. After much thinking and a few little tweaks, They got them to work, praise be for the geeks.
Gymcandy1 and the gang from the diner, Are gathered together right there by the fire. Sassyladi hummed songs from her favorite CD, John Denver & The Muppets came from AngieB.
Littlegingerwizard and Scarlett then gave us a fright, And we all sat around waiting word about Tyke. She finally appeared with some beautiful flowers, Sent with prayers, lots of love and great healing powers.
Then into the room in her sweatshirt she came, And Midge whistled, and shouted and called us by name,
Ms Mercury, Texaslady, Browneyedtigre and Rose, Mugsy, Gilligan and Dineke, get up on your toes. Draclvr, luv2travel, we all have a job, Find Moonbeam, 3dobermans and get Billybob.
Auntiegram and LeeAna, threads you come too, Marian, Homer6 and Mad bring along BettyLou. Sorta Blonde and Retired, grab Kaki’s Sister, Yell for Darleen2003, we don’t want to miss her.
On Jhart, Re and Rushes, on Mary and Bea, Joanie39 and flutist get away from the tree. Olderon’s knitting but exercising where it’s at, Though I heard Tigger mutter, she’d rather be fat.
Urban Worrier asked for gifts for someone quite special, But the gifts are a secret, make sure you don’t tell her. Jema gave fig custard, Satine brought a quarter, Esube - lemon cream, Redz said Junk was in order.
A glasshouse isn’t right, Stitchman supposes, With Cue’s galumpki and Funlcake’s roses. Sherlock just wasn’t sure how the L followed N, JennyP is a blonde so she didn’t understand.
DoreenS brought frosting and said it would work, But Koala made the day when he brought James T. Kirk. I happen to know the special lady as well, So I brought her a box filled with White Zinfendel.
Curly told Santa jokes there in the corner, Sondi said “none. All candles burn shorter” WinstonSmith came up with “camel ye faithful”, Croaker sang “missletoe”, Tusse said “rapping paper”.
A trophy is waiting is it JohnnyK’s or GEES? Is it DocPaul’s, annette’s or demonsthenes? BeaSong’s, larlar’s ,mineminemine or fildil’s? Nope the squiggle belongs to our own JimboBell.
Rick, Manxman, Treval, fitter and Twizgy, May you have enough puzzles to make you quite dizzy. Milee10, Cathy1 hope your shopping is done, Winfrey and Catsmom looks like you had fun.
Dudemom got a new job, kjos Runaway2, Carrie got Time Stand Still, Kaylalovesred got one too. Sir Dave and Malestrom, caylin and Greyfuss, I want you to know that we’re glad you’re here with us.
Mikael, Sassafras, Gremlin, sierramindy, Dragonuk, dragonseyes, DBK, foofoobunny, Crispto, orchgamer, annie, Nanjoan, Darlene, May the great elf of BAAGS bring the games of your dreams.
Susie, Geo and hugh, blondie_bc and same, Nora Charles, Ahuber glad you came here to game. And I cannot forget Jan, Laura and Dee. You guys are dear friends and always will be.
In my Gameboomers sweatshirt, with my Gameboomers mug, I drink a toast to you all and send a virtural hug. Off goes my computer and out go the lights, And wish you all Merry Christmas, lots of love, and good night.
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 08:48 PM
12/15/06 08:48 PM
Joined: Dec 2003
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Northeast NJ
OMY God........ What a Beautiful Poem........No One can do it Better............Thats All I can say I am Lost for WORDS Happy Holidays SYD....God Bless You Always
Luv Dar
GameBoomers "Games Are More Enticing Because Of Our "MaG"nificent Efficient Radiant Site"
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 09:05 PM
12/15/06 09:05 PM
Joined: Jul 2000
Posts: 11,366 Sacramento, CA USA
Betty Lou
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AWESOME!  And to name all of us and remember the topics we have discussed thru the past year puts us "old folk" with some memory lapses now and then to shame,  I was somewhat dejected to think you would not be able to do this for us this year, and understood that time constraints of real life can make changes we don't wish or ask for. To have such an endeavor pop in on MY real life just now has made me feel so good  and I cannot think how to thank you for your artistic presentation in the midst of everything you are trying to 'muddle' your way thru. Thank you so much  You are the BEST! Here is wishing you Happy Holidays and Peace to you and yours <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> Love, Hugs & Kisses Betty Lou :kiss:
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 09:06 PM
12/15/06 09:06 PM
Joined: Dec 2003
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A Poem of love and art. Thank you. Andr
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 09:15 PM
12/15/06 09:15 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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The Mischievous Moderator
The Mischievous Moderator
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You did it again Syd! I think you just made so many GB members Christmas perfect! Well done lady Sue 
Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream. Kahlil Gibran
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 09:19 PM
12/15/06 09:19 PM
Joined: Oct 2005
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Palouse country
I am so impressed Syd. Thank you. A wonderful Holidays to you. 
Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body - Joseph Addison
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 09:58 PM
12/15/06 09:58 PM
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Syd, I hope you realize how happy you made many, many Boomers, me included! We all appreciate your time and effort, and your extra effort to bring the holiday spirit to all of us this year. Best wishes to you and your family and I hope you all have very happy holidays! <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />
The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 10:10 PM
12/15/06 10:10 PM
Joined: Apr 2004
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Sonic Boomer
Sonic Boomer
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Syd, that is so super Thanks so much--your Christmas Poems are so much fun to read. It is really sweet of you to take the time, thought, and effort to do this for us 
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." -Roger Caras
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/15/06 11:59 PM
12/15/06 11:59 PM
Joined: Feb 2000
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Syd, you know how much your Christmas poem means to us all, and you have never let us down. This is a wonderful tradition Thanks for taking the time for us this year. And a very very merry Christmas to you and all your family
Id non feci, me facere vidit nemo, nec aliquid probare potes I didn't do it, no one saw me do it, you can't prove anything
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 06:41 AM
12/16/06 06:41 AM
Joined: Jul 2002
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winter springs fl.
Thanks Syd, may you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas.  <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 07:26 AM
12/16/06 07:26 AM
Joined: Apr 2000
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Oh my. Another masterpiece Syd. You are the best. Our celebrations are complete now. Thank you for bringing the most loved poem to our family. Midgie  <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />
Just do it.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 07:38 AM
12/16/06 07:38 AM
Joined: Dec 2002
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 Your poems are fantastic and loved by all of us. Happy Christmas Syd. Hope Santa has a sack filled with games for you. <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" /> Big hugs. Alice
Angels are friends who lift you off your feet when your wings have forgotten how to fly.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 08:17 AM
12/16/06 08:17 AM
Joined: Feb 2006
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Awww Syd, that's amazing  Thank you very much for taking the time to do this! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas. Mary 
"It's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts."  I'm not getting old....just 'Marvelously Mature'!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 11:07 AM
12/16/06 11:07 AM
Joined: May 2006
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Bonnie Scotland
Brilliant Syd!!!!! All Hail Syd! All Hail Syd! Merry Christmas! Diana xxx. 
Diana xx.  My best friend and I can do anything, or nothing and have the best time.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 12:03 PM
12/16/06 12:03 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
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hunched over my computer
Syd, that's the best yet! It wouldn't be christmas without your poem!
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 12:10 PM
12/16/06 12:10 PM
Joined: Jun 2001
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Thanks so much for the lovely poem syd. You came through again! <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 12:17 PM
12/16/06 12:17 PM
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Thank you, Syd! My Christmas wish for you is for any life problems that may be plaguing you right now, be made small and insignifigant! God Bless you and yours at this special time! <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> Andrea <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 12:22 PM
12/16/06 12:22 PM
Joined: Jul 2001
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Kirkwood, MO USA
Wow Syd, you outdid yourself again. Fantastic job.
Bets <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />
Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 02:20 PM
12/16/06 02:20 PM
Joined: Jan 2002
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Grand wizard of high mucky muck
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What everyone says - NOW it really feels like Christmas! Thanks so much for your kindness, Syd! <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[grinch]" title="" src="graemlins/grinch1.gif" /> (the darkside loves to party too)
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 03:26 PM
12/16/06 03:26 PM
Joined: Sep 2004
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West Yorkshire/U.K.
AWWWWWW...Syd...You did it AGAIN!!! The Christmas poem just gets better and better...thank you soo much love, for all the effort and love that you put into it each year... 
If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 05:40 PM
12/16/06 05:40 PM
Joined: Sep 2004
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Thanks, Jenny, love...I'm pleased to be posting a little again...I've missed you all sooo much. :kiss: Edit...Thanks, Marilyn... :kiss: Hugs Sue 
If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 06:12 PM
12/16/06 06:12 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Billings, Montana
Syd, I don't see how you did it! Your so talented...thank you.
Welcome back Sue!
Merry Christmas to all <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />
Everyone has a photographic memory...some just don't have any film. Mine was over exposed.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/16/06 07:19 PM
12/16/06 07:19 PM
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Syd - your wonderful gift is obviously not limited to only one season - but thank you so much for sharing it with us for Christmas! Tyke -  back ! <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/17/06 11:42 AM
12/17/06 11:42 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
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Sorta Blonde
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Absolutely AWESOME! Thanks Syd!
WARNING! This person is extremely blonde...please type SLOWLY.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/17/06 09:24 PM
12/17/06 09:24 PM
Joined: Aug 1999
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Ft. Lauderdale, Florida USA
OhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoy, Syd, simply wonderful, as usual. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: BUT!!! *ahem* cough, cough.... you used the word 'directions'??? You giving DIRECTIONS? You GIVING directions? YOU giving directions?? Syd and directions have NEVER coexisted in this life, probably never in ANY life. 
Granny Goodwitch
A woman NEVER shot a man while he was doing dishes!
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/17/06 10:13 PM
12/17/06 10:13 PM
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/18/06 04:22 AM
12/18/06 04:22 AM
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Syd- Just read your Poem and it is great. Do you do one every year. I got a tickle out of it. Thanks so much Maggie  <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/18/06 05:11 AM
12/18/06 05:11 AM
Joined: Dec 1999
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Grande Olde Dame
Grande Olde Dame
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Originally posted by maggie57: Syd- Just read your Poem and it is great. Do you do one every year. I got a tickle out of it. Maggie, check out the Hall of Fame -- Syd has done a Christmas poem every year since 1999... 
"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/19/06 12:59 AM
12/19/06 12:59 AM
Joined: Jul 2004
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/19/06 12:00 PM
12/19/06 12:00 PM
Joined: Mar 2002
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Syd,reading your poem each year always gives me the true feeling of Christmas. Thank you for taking the time to brighten our day and may you have a wonderful holiday season and a great New Year to come.
<img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/19/06 03:17 PM
12/19/06 03:17 PM
Joined: Apr 2005
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Well done Syd, it's an honor to be included (although I now wish I had given Pandora more than a quarter as her gift  )
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/19/06 06:22 PM
12/19/06 06:22 PM
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Hey, thanks! It's always nice to see what we've all been up to this year. 
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/19/06 11:33 PM
12/19/06 11:33 PM
Joined: Aug 2000
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Syd, you are one very special lady. Thanks so much for your labor of love. I raised my glass to you several times while reading it. :kiss:
Beautiful young people are acts of nature but beautiful old people are works of art
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/20/06 05:00 PM
12/20/06 05:00 PM
Joined: Nov 2004
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Urban Worrier
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Bucks, England
Wonderful, wonderful Syd  Have a really great Christmas! Rog
To waste one second of one's life is a betrayal of one's self. I wonder what's on television...?
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/20/06 10:47 PM
12/20/06 10:47 PM
Joined: Aug 2004
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Hope Mills, NC
Wonderful poem Syd, now Christmas is complete (and the sweaters are done). <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />
Remember only Robinson Crusoe got his work done by Friday.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/21/06 10:48 AM
12/21/06 10:48 AM
Joined: Jun 2003
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Jimbo Bell
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Wow Syd, well done once again. I think you'll find all those names you mentioned in the poem listed again right under it thanking you. We all appreciate your work and talent.
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Some say pigs are actually very intelligent animals. Yet I have this whole freezer full of sausages.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/22/06 12:06 PM
12/22/06 12:06 PM
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FT. Worth ....Where the West b...
It just isn't Christmas without Syd's poem. Now I can decorate my tree! Thanks so much Syd... you are the best!
Watching: Dark Shadows Reading: Angelique's Descent Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/23/06 11:24 AM
12/23/06 11:24 AM
Joined: Nov 1999
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Adept Boomer
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
Thanks everyone - glad you enjoyed the annual "ode to bad rhyming Man granny - you lose one or two lousy states one or two times and no one lets you forget it Homer6 - I couldn't find my way out of a paper sack with a compass  I am what you would call "directionally challenged". Actually, I think I have a severe case of it Again - Have a very <img border="0" alt="[christmas]" title="" src="graemlins/Christmas.gif" /> Gameboomers
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/24/06 05:01 PM
12/24/06 05:01 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
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The Garden State
Thank you, Syd, for the all fun your hard work brings to us! Merry Christmas!
Wake me when it's spring.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or 'Tis the poem that almost
12/26/06 02:44 AM
12/26/06 02:44 AM
Joined: Sep 2002
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Thanks, Syd, for the time and effort you always spend on the Annual Christmas Poem - it just keeps getting better and better. I hope you and yours are having  Jema
Wouldn't that jar your mustard!