Re: 2000 A list with a twist
06/22/00 03:49 PM
06/22/00 03:49 PM
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Hi, Just so as everyone is on the same time line, I will post summaries Monday morning, which is 72 hours from now. You can work out what that equates to where you are from the the time indicated on this post.
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Re: 2000 A list with a twist
06/25/00 02:50 PM
06/25/00 02:50 PM
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Hi, The summaries of this thread appear below. First you have to suffer through an explanation and a comment. Some respondents recommended series, or pairs of games, as a single recommendation. Others used separate recommendations for different games in a series. The most prominent of these (ie recommended more than others) were the Gabriel Knight, Tex Murphy, Broken Sword and Monkey Island series, and the Myst/Riven pairing. Other series included Zork and Journeyman Project. In consolidating the lists, I had to decide what to do. If I recorded one vote for each game in the series, this effectively meant more than 10 recommendations for those respondents. It also meant that by comparison, those that recommended separate games in a series got less than 10 votes. An extreme example was Muppet, who used 6 recommendations to vote for 3 GK games, and 3 MI games. Some voted for those same games using 2 recommendations. If I ignored the series votes, then everyone that recommended a series got less than 10 votes. Further, they might have preferred certain games in the series (or indeed all of them) to remain on their list ahead of other games. The purest solution would have been to get everyone who voted for a series to re-vote, but this was supposed to be fun, not a trip to the dentist to have teeth pulled. So, on the basis that everyone here is friends, and as we are recommending games to others not voting on the Nobel prize, I did both. There are 3 separate list posts below. One is a list with the series votes included, another with them excluded. The third is an alphabetical list of all games indicating both results – if there is a number in brackets after the name, that is the total vote for that game including series votes . You will see that it did not alter the overall result too much. Myst and Riven remained first and second whichever way you did it, and Timelapse remained third. The top 10 remained pretty much the same, and games with 10 or more votes increased by five. Beyond that in depth analysis, the alphabetical list will show the impact. I hope this is acceptable to all. The comment follows separately.
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Re: 2000 A list with a twist
06/25/00 02:51 PM
06/25/00 02:51 PM
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Hi, The three lists below are the outcome of this thread. The aim was to have adventure players recommend games to other adventure players, or would-be players. 105 games (give or take a Zork) were recommended, and 57 people responded. It needs to be stressed that ALL the games here were recommended by at least one person as being amongst their top games to play. It is not a list of best to worst games of all time. Tastes will vary, but if a game is on this list, someone thought it was worth recommending to others to play. On that basis, there are no duds. A more detailed explanation of the “rules” and rationale is at the very first post. The explanation for the three lists appears in the post above this one. Happy playing.
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Re: 2000 A list with a twist
06/25/00 02:57 PM
06/25/00 02:57 PM
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(this list excludes series votes)
30 Myst 26 Riven 25 Timelapse 20 GK 2: The Beast Within 20 Grim Fandango 20 Zork Nemesis 18 Amber 18 Lighthouse 18 Shivers 16 Zork Grand Inquisitor 15 Sanitarium 14 Morpheus 13 JP 3: Legacy of Time 13 The Longest Journey 13 Obsidian 12 Black Dahlia 10 Circle of Blood 10 Curse of Monkey Island 8 Amerzone 8 Atlantis 2 8 Day of the Tentacle 8 GK 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned 6 GK 1: Sins of the Fathers 6 JP 2: Buried in Time 6 Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive 5 Byzantine 5 Full Throttle 5 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 5 The Neverhood 5 Sam and Max Hit the Road 4 Beyond Time 4 Blade Runner 4 Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon 4 Faust 4 Feeble Files 4 Last Express 4 Monkey Island 2 4 Outcast 4 Rama 4 7th Guest 4 Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon 3 Bad Mojo 3 Blackstone Chronicles 3 Broken Sword 2 3 Monkey Island 1 3 Reah
2 Atlantis, The Crystal Key, Cydonia/Lightbringer, The Dig, Dracula Resurrection, Drowned God, Kings Quest 7, Loom, Qin, The Quivering, Riddle of Master Liu, Ring, Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo, Toonstruck,
1 The Arrival, Beneath a Steel Sky, Burn: Cycle, Dark Eye, Dark Side of the Moon, Discworld, Discworld 2, Dust, Fatal Illusion, Forgotten, Goblins 1, 2 + 3, Jewels of the Oracle, Laura Bow 1 + 2, Legend of Lotus Spring, Nightlong, Nile: An Ancient Egyptian Quest, Normality, Pandora’s Box, Phantasmagoria, Return to Zork, Ripper, Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel, Simon the Sorcerer 1, Shivers 2, SPQR, Temujin, Titanic, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Traitors Gate, Woodruff and Schnibble, X-Files, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mind Benders
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Re: 2000 A list with a twist
06/25/00 03:00 PM
06/25/00 03:00 PM
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(this list includes series votes)
38 Myst 34 Riven 25 Timelapse 24 GK 2: The Beast Within 22 Zork Nemesis 20 Grim Fandango 19 Shivers 18 Amber 18 Lighthouse 18 Zork Grand Inquisitor 16 Curse of Monkey Island 16 JP 3: Legacy of Time 15 Sanitarium 14 Circle of Blood 14 Morpheus 13 The Longest Journey 13 Obsidian 13 Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive 12 Black Dahlia 12 GK 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned 11 Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon 10 GK 1: Sins of the Fathers 9 JP 2: Buried in Time 9 Monkey Island 2 8 Amerzone 8 Atlantis 2 8 Day of the Tentacle 8 Monkey Island 1 7 Broken Sword 2 7 Tex Murphy 1, 2 and 5 5 Byzantine 5 Full Throttle 5 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 5 The Neverhood 5 Sam and Max Hit the Road 4 Beyond Time 4 Blade Runner 4 Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon 4 Faust 4 Feeble Files 4 Last Express 4 Outcast 4 Rama 4 7th Guest 3 Bad Mojo 3 Blackstone Chronicles 3 Discworld 3 Discworld 2 3 JP 1 3 Kings Quest 7 3 Reah 3 Simon the Sorcerer 1
2 Atlantis, The Crystal Key, Cydonia/Lightbringer, Discworld Noir, The Dig, Dracula Resurrection, Drowned God, Kings Quest 5 + 6, Legend of Kyrandia series, Loom Qin, The Quivering, Riddle of Master Liu, Return to Zork, Ring, Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo, Shivers 2, Toonstruck, Simon the Sorcerer 2
1 The Arrival, Beneath a Steel Sky, Burn: Cycle, Dark Eye, Dark Side of the Moon, Dust, Fatal Illusion, Forgotten, Goblins 1, 2 + 3, Jewels of the Oracle, Laura Bow 1 + 2, Legend of Lotus Spring, Nightlong, Nile: An Ancient Egyptian Quest, Normality, Pandora’s Box, Phantasmagoria, Ripper, Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel, SPQR, Temujin, Titanic, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Traitors Gate, Woodruff and Schnibble, X-Files, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mind Benders, Zorks (the others)
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Re: 2000 A list with a twist
06/25/00 03:03 PM
06/25/00 03:03 PM
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(This is a complete alphabetical list of all games recommended. A number in brackets after the game is the total including series votes. An asterix indicates it is available for the Mac).
18 Amber 8 * Amerzone 1 * The Arrival 2 * Atlantis 8 Atlantis 2 3 * Bad Mojo 1 Beneath a Steel Sky 4 Beyond Time 12 Black Dahlia 3 Blackstone Chronicles 4 Blade Runner 3 Broken Sword 2 (7) 1 * Burn: Cycle 5 Byzantine 4 Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon 10 * Circle of Blood (14) 2 * Crystal Key 10 * Curse of Monkey Island (16) 2 Cydonia/Lightbringer 1 * Dark Eye 1 Dark Side of the Moon 8 * Day of the Tentacle 2 * Dig, The 1 Discworld (3) 1 Discworld 2 (3) 0 Discworld Noir (2) 2 * Dracula Resurrection 2 Drowned God 1 * Dust 1 Fatal Illusion 4 Faust 4 Feeble Files 1 * Forgotten 5 * Full Throttle 6 * GK 1: Sins of the Fathers (10) 20 * GK 2: The Beast Within (24) 8 * GK 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned (12) 0 Goblins 1, 2 + 3 (1) 20 Grim Fandango 5 * Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 1 * Jewels of the Oracle 0 * JP 1 (3) 6 * JP 2: Buried in Time (9) 13 * JP 3: Legacy of Time (16) 0 * Kings Quest 5 + 6 (2) 2 * Kings Quest 7 (3) 4 * Last Express 1 Laura Bow 1 1 Laura Bow 2 0 * Legend of Kyrandia 1, 2 + 3 (2) 1 * Legend of Lotus Spring 18 * Lighthouse 2 * Loom 13 Longest Journey, The 3 * Monkey Island 1 (8) 4 * Monkey Island 2 (9) 14 * Morpheus 30 * Myst (38) 5 Neverhood, The 1 Nightlong 1 Nile: An Ancient Egyptian Quest 1 Normality 13 * Obsidian 4 Outcast 1 Pandora’s Box 1 * Phantasmagoria 2 * Qin 2 Quivering, The 4 * Rama 3 Reah 1 * Return to Zork 2 * Riddle of Master Liu 2 Ring 1 * Ripper 26 * Riven (34) 5 * Sam and Max Hit the Road 15 Sanitarium 4 * 7th Guest 1 * Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel 2 * Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo 18 * Shivers (19) 1 Shivers 2 (2) 1 Simon the Sorcerer 1 (3) 0 Simon the Sorcerer 2 (2) 1 * SPQR 1 Temujin 6 Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive (13) 4 * Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon (11) 0 Tex Murphy 1,2 and 5 (7) 25 * Timelapse 1 * Titanic 1 * Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation 2 Toonstruck 1 * Traitors Gate 1 Woodruff and Schnibble 1 * X-Files 1 Zak McKracken and the Alien Mind Benders 16 Zork Grand Inquisitor (18) 20 * Zork Nemesis (22) 0 * Zorks others (1)
[This message has been edited by flotsam (edited 06-25-2000).]
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2000 A list with a twist
06/25/00 03:18 PM
06/25/00 03:18 PM
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Hi, My apologies if the lists are slightly hard to read. All my nice formatting disappeared when I cut and pasted. I will have a play with the editing to see if I can make it a bit less "messy".
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