Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/21/03 09:18 PM
06/21/03 09:18 PM
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Not in any kind of order: The Dig Gabriel Knight 2 Gabriel Knight 3 Shivers Shivers 2 Phantasmagoria Lighthouse Torins Passage RAMA!!! Zork Nemesis Darkfall Kings Quest 7 Syberia BrokenSword 1 BrokenSword 2
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/21/03 09:23 PM
06/21/03 09:23 PM
Here's mine 1.Blackstone Chronicles 2.Dark Fall 3.Harvest 4.Nancy Drew The Final Scene 5.Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs of Moonlake 6.CSI 7.Amber 8.Tony Tough 9.Titanic 10.Tex Murphy Overseerer 11.Loch Ness 12.Reah 13.Post Mortem 14 The Watchmaker 15.Safecracker
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 12:18 AM
06/22/03 12:18 AM
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Oh my, FLOTSAM, I do so wish you would work with at least the top 20. That would be hard enough, but to restrict to 15 leaves out so many wonderful games. However, under current constraints, I list: BLACK DAHLIA SCHIZM MYST II - RIVEN BYZANTINE SHIVERS I TIMELAPSE THE LONGEST JOURNEY FAUST RAMA OBSIDIAN ZORK NEMESIS LEGEND OF THE PROPHET AND THE ASSASSIN BLACKSTONE CHRONICLES CYDONIA (LIGHTBRINGER) REAH Ooh, and I must leave out such games as MYST, LIGHTHOUSE, SANITARIUM, etc. 
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 12:44 AM
06/22/03 12:44 AM
Joined: Apr 2000
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Lost in the Arizona Desert
For what it's worth here's my list.
The Longest Journey Kings Quest 5 Kings Quest 6 Quest for Glory 3 Tony Tough Tex Murphy Under a Killing Moon Tex Murphy Overseer Gabriel Knight 2 Broken Sword 2 Broken Sword 1 Journeyman Project 3 Discworld Dark Side of the Moon (DVD Version) Legend Of Kyrandia Book 2 Phantasmagoria
You laugh because I'm different I laugh because you're all the same
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 02:13 AM
06/22/03 02:13 AM
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Thanks Flotsam! 1. Touche 2. GK2 3. GK1 4. Discworld 1 5. Discworld 2 6. Circle of Blood (aka BS1) 7. TLJ 8. Crystal Skull 9. King's Quest 7 10. Police Quest: Open Season 11. Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo 12. Nightlong 13. Grim Fandango 14. Neverhood 15. Duckman * and the darkside compels me to say that Divine Divinity and Zanzarah are better than at least half of these 
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 10:02 AM
06/22/03 10:02 AM
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Flotsam,Thank you for taking on this project for us again this year. 1. The Longest Journey 2. Bladerunner 3. Real Myst 4. Riven 5. Exile 6. Journeyman Project - Buried in Time 7. Journeyman Project - Legacy of Time 8. Tex Murphy - Overseer 9. Tex Murphy - Under a Killing Moon 10. Gabriel Knight 3 11. Amerzone 12. Grim Fandango 13. Zork - Grand Inquisitor 14. Curse of Monkey Island 15. Amber Journeys Beyond
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 12:54 PM
06/22/03 12:54 PM
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And mine:
Obsidian The Longest Journey Myst Exile The Dig Rent A Hero Monkey Island 2:LeChuck's Revenge The Neverhood The Dark Eye Discworld Noir Touche:The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer Bad Mojo Syberia Grim Fandango Zork Nemesis 3 Skulls of the Toltecs
"Halfway through life's journey I came to myself in a dark wood, where the straight way was lost."--Dante's Divine Comedy
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 03:15 PM
06/22/03 03:15 PM
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For what it's worth:
Gabriel Knight 3 Obsidian Syberia Dark Fall The Omega Stone The Longest Journey Black Dahlia The Blackstone Chronicles Broken Sword 1 Broken Sword 2 Sanitarium Grim Fandango Discworld Noir Magnetic Rama
Lemme ', is too much. Lemme sum up.
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 05:08 PM
06/22/03 05:08 PM
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Here is my list of my favorits 1-Bioscopia 2-The Longest Journey 3-Rhem 4-Omega Stone 5-Liath 6-Nancy Drew-all of them 7-Syberia 8-Beyond Atlantis 9-Byzantine: The Betrayal 10-Blade Runner 11-Zork Nemesis 12-The Messenger 13-Dark Fall 14-Real Myst 15-Riven In no particular order, these are only a few that are my favorits. Liz 
Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir:
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 05:44 PM
06/22/03 05:44 PM
Joined: Apr 2001
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I started putting my list together when I first saw the twisty list post, as I begin to enter my selections here I have a lot more than 15 but so I will be eliminating some favorites. That being said I also appreciate all the work that Flotsam does every year, its very time consuming and we all appreciate the final product. Here goes. Shivers Syberia Dark Fall Schizm Timelapse The Neverhood Reah Obsidian Riven Black Dahlia Discworld Noir Zork Grand Inquisitor Sanatarium Zork Nemesis Grim Fandango Karen 
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 10:07 PM
06/22/03 10:07 PM
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Mine hasn't changed very much, still haven't played many of the ones from the last two years.  too busy playing some of these over. Journeyman Project 3 - Legacy of Time Zork Nemesis Riven Timelapse Real Myst Broken Sword I Broken Sword II Myst III: Exile Sanitaium Dark Fall Amber Journeys Beyond Shivers Zork Grand Inquisitor The Neverhood Faust
Granny Goodwitch
A woman NEVER shot a man while he was doing dishes!
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/22/03 10:28 PM
06/22/03 10:28 PM
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1. Riven 2. Real Myst 3. Myst 3 4. Schizem 5. The Longest Journey 6. Zork Nemesis 7. Return to Zork 8. Zork Grad Inquisitor 9. Rhea 10. TimeLapse 11. B.S. I and II 12. Faust 13. Amersone 14. Syberia 15. Bad MoJo
"I am not young enough to know everything."
Oscar Wilde
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/23/03 04:03 AM
06/23/03 04:03 AM
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Here's my list, in no particular order: 1. Amber: J.B. 2. Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers 3. Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within 4. Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, etc. 5. Blackstone Chronicles 6. The Longest Journey 7. Seven Games of the Soul (Faust) 8. Dark Fall 9. Syberia 10. Discworld Noir 11. Ceremony of Innocence 12. The Curse of Monkey Island 13. Black Dahlia 14. Temujin 15. Kings Quest VII: The Princeless Bride
Happy gaming, Beth
What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/23/03 06:02 AM
06/23/03 06:02 AM
Joined: Mar 2001
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Cambridge, England
Flotsam here's my jetsam:
Riven realMyst Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time Atlantis 2 Atlantis 3 Secret of Monkey Island Temujin Zork Grand Inquisitor Return to Zork Myst Exile
Regards, Peter.
Used to answer to "Peter Smith", now answers to "Peter Rootham-Smith"
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/23/03 10:24 AM
06/23/03 10:24 AM
Joined: Jul 2000
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Betty Lou
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PETER - that is only 10 and I understand we are allowed to list 15 - Like everyone else I had trouble narrowing the list down to 15 and not listing all my favorites, the decision as to what I would recommend is very hard but here goes my list, not in any order: Callahan's Crosstime Saloon Temujin Dark Side Of The Moon Dark Fall Byzantine The Betrayal The Dark Eye The Neverhood Grim Fandango ROTS Beyond Time (The very 1st adventure game I played, very hard) Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs Gast The Ghost Shivers (1) Schizm The Sacred Amulet Thanks Flotsam for doing this large job for us again.... Love, Betty Lou 
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/23/03 03:47 PM
06/23/03 03:47 PM
Joined: Aug 2000
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Twisty list 2003, Myst Riven Exile Amber Shivers Timelapse Obsidian Morpheus Black Dahlia Sanitarium Beyond Atlantis TLJ Zork Nemesis Syberia Schizm Wow,that was quick. How about another fifteen?
" If you decide not to chose, You still have made a choice"....Getty Lee
Re: 2003 the list more twisty
06/23/03 05:35 PM
06/23/03 05:35 PM
Joined: Mar 2002
Posts: 1,460 Westchester, NY
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In no particular order: The Longest Journey Syberia DarkFall Amber:JB Gabriel Knight 3 Schizm Discworld Noir Blackstone Chronicles Timelapse Harvest Dracula:Last Sanctuary Seven Games for the Soul Nancy Drew Haunted Mansion Nancy Drew Final Scene Atlantis 2 Susan 