Your adventure begins with you tied to a chair inside Professor
Oubier's house. Examine the bookcase to your right and you notice that
one of the original legs has been replaced by a loose block of wood.
Kick the block of wood to dislodge the bookcase. It topples over and
kills the poisonous spider. On the wall behind where the bookcase was is
a metal bracket with a jagged edge. Use the bracket to cut the rope tied
round your wrists. |
The writing bureau has a sliding top and a drawer. There's a bottle
of Tequila inside the sliding top of the writing bureau. Take a swig of
Tequila and spit out a worm. Although it's not essential to completing
the game, pick up the worm (you find it on the carpet). Open the drawer
in the writing bureau and take the pot. Pick up Nico's bag and remove
the lipstick, a hand-written note from André Lobineau and a pair of
nylon panties. You also need to pick up the dart used to knock Nico out. |
Use the dart to pick the lock on the cabinet next to the flames.
Wrap the panties round the cylinder inside the cabinet (it's too hot to
touch directly) and remove it. Note that you must remove the full
cylinder - not the burst one. Insert the cylinder into the siphon on top
of the cabinet to make an extinguisher. Now use the extinguisher to
douse the flames. Exit Professor Oubier's Library through the door and
go down the stairs. |
On the table next to the front door is a telephone and a newscutting
folded in two. The newscutting refers to an eclipse of the sun which
will best be visible in Mexico. Read the note from Lobineau and you find
his telephone number on it. Use the telephone (after having read the
note) to phone Lobineau and arrange to meet him at the Café. Examine the
pot (in your inventory) and you'll find a key inside it. Unlock the
front door with the key, then open the door and go to the Café. |
While waiting for the waiter watch the man at the next table. He
continuously pours the contents of a flask into his wine glass. Examine
or try taking the flask (you can't just yet) to activate the 'Flask'
topic when you talk to the waiter. The first time you talk to the waiter
he ignores you. When he returns try again. He brings you a cup of coffee
and now has a conversation with you. He tells you the gendarme has left
the police force and that the flask contains absinthe. |
André Lobineau arrives after your conversation with the waiter.
André shows you the stone that Nico wanted to discuss with Professor
Oubier. Ask André about the small decorated pot and he tells you that a
friend of his at the Glease Gallery may be able to help. This triggers
the Glease Gallery as a location you can go to. |
Talk to the gendarme about leaving the police force. After you ask
if he misses being a gendarme he buries his head in his hands. While
he's not looking you can take the flask. |
Glease, the gallery owner, won't let you into the rear of the
gallery. From talking to Glease you learn that many of the artefacts
were supplied by Professor Oubier. Talk to Laine and he complains about
the wine. Maybe a bit of the gendarme's absinthe would improve the
taste! If you watch carefully you'll notice that every now and then
Laine holds up the wine glass. Pour some absinthe from the flask into
his wine glass. If you give him a second helping he keels over. Glease
will rush over to assess the damage. |
Don't worry about Laine smashing the pot as you don't need it to
complete the game. |
While Glease is pre-occupied with Laine you can get to the packing
case at rear of the gallery. There's nothing inside the packing case but
you'll find part of a label pasted on it. If you've not yet examined the
newscutting (in your inventory) then do so now. You find Professor
Oubier's bank statement in the folded newscutting. If you've found the
bank statement and discussed Professor Oubier and the artefacts with
Glease, you go to Marseilles automatically. If not, talk to Glease again
to trigger going to Marseilles. |