This part of the adventure depends almost entirely on your
interaction with other characters. Certain topics will only appear after
you've discussed something with someone else. The solution below only
covers the minimum dialog topics needed to complete this section of the
game. To get a more detailed storyline you should discuss all the dialog
topics and also speak to the other characters in and around the market
place. Yellow text is used to indicate the
actual dialog topic to select. |
Ask her about her husband, Duane, to
learn that she wants to go see the pyramids but doesn't have anyone to
go with. This activates the 'Pyramid' topic when you speak to General
Grasiento. |
Note that General Grasiento and Professor Oubier are standing at,
and studying the chart on the wall when you enter the Police Station.
The General's infatuation with Nico is also relevant. He tells you that
Professor Oubier is planning an expedition
to some Mayan ruins and wants an excavation permit. He also tells you
that Renaldo can conduct a tour to the pyramid
when he's finished his paperwork. |
When you exit the Police Station ask Nico why she came on so strong
with the General. She tells you that it's
his 'Achilles Heel' - a clue you need later. |
Duane introduces you to Professor Oubier, but won't talk about
anything relevant while the Professor is around. For example, if you ask
him about his truck he tells you that it's
full of camping equipment. You need to come back later when Oubier has
gone. |
You learn that Miguel was arrested for
playing traditional folk music. This activates the 'Music' dialog topic
with Duane Henderson. Also, after speaking to the band Professor Oubier
will no longer be with Duane Henderson. |
Return to the Police Station and try looking at the
chart on the wall. The General won't let
you look at it but you can talk to him about it. He tells you that it's
an archaeological survey map. |
Now that Professor Oubier is not around, you learn a lot from Duane.
When you discuss the music dialog topic
with him he tells you Miguel is actually an agitator. He tells you
Miguel was arrested for handing out
subversive literature. You learn that the truck
is filled with explosives and Duane intends breaking
Miguel out of prison, but he doesn't have a
detonator. This activates the 'Detonator' dialog topic with Duane and
Conchita Garcia. |
You find Conchita Garcia at the Quaramonte Mine Co. She's got a
detonator but needs a good reason to give
it to you. Tell her Professor Oubier is
working with the General. You need to find a way to look at the
map on the wall in the Police Station. |
Wait until you're in the Market Place before speaking to Nico. You
persuade her to distract the General so that you can look at the
map. |
Tell the General that Nico wants to interview him. |
Ask Renaldo if he'll take a friend of yours (Pearl Henderson) to see
the old ruined pyramid. |
Tell Pearl that you've arranged for Renaldo to take her to the
pyramid. |
Before returning to Conchita look at the chart on the wall in the
Police Station to find out where the excavation is taking place. When
you tell her about the location you saw on the map
she allows you to take the detonator from the cupboard behind her. |
Give the detonator to Duane. He asks
you to go tell Miguel about his plan. |
Go to the prison (through the rear exit in the Police Station) and
talk to Miguel... |
There are five items in the Apartment that you can examine - a sword
fish, tiger skin, portrait, television set and lava lamp. Examining the
items activates them as dialog topics. While you're discussing them with
the General his mother enters the room. |
Talk to Miguel and ask him for the noose. Tie the noose to the cell
window and then pass it through the window to Duane. Note that the noose
is not easily visible after you've tied it to the cell window. |
