The train stops in Barrockstadt and you have to again wind the
springs before you can continue your journey. |
Disembark onto the platform on the right of the train (Kate's
right as she exits the train). Walk forward (past the engine) along
the canal. Near the wall, on the opposite platform, you see a train
winder. When you return to the train Oscar tells you the University
rectors have sent a message that they want to see you. |
At the bridge towards the rear of the platform take the stairs
leading to Kate's left to get to the station entrance. |
Before leaving the station walk turn to the right and you'll find
a barge. Talk to the sailors (using the 'Help' dialog topic) and
they'll agree to help you tow the train to the winder if you pay them
$100. |
Leave the station and make your way to the university. Take note
of the bandstand in the front of the university. Does it look
familiar? There's a picture of the bandstand in the advertising
brochure you got in Valadilene. |
The rectors' office is at the end of the left corridor inside the
university. The rectors tell you to move the train out of the station.
Select the 'Money' dialog topic and they offer to pay you $100 if you
fix the bandstand. |
Go to the library (first door on the right down the left
corridor). Along one of the walls on the upper level you find a
ladder. Climb up the ladder to reach the second top shelf on which
you'll note that one of the books is upside down. The book (The
Illustrated Dictionary of Plants and Mushrooms) has an entry on The
Yangala-Cola. Read the entry carefully - it contains a clue that you
need later. On the lower level of the library you find another book
that someone left on the table. You need to look carefully as it's not
easily seen. |
The second book contains some interesting details about the
Amerzone cuckoos and forest Sauvignon grapes. You learn that Amerzone
cuckoos love grapes and also that grapes are the pride of the
Barrockstadt University botany collection. Again, you'll need this
information later. |
Along the corridor to the right you meet Professor Cornelius Pons.
Select the 'Hans' dialog topic and he talks about the mammoth toy doll
that Hans Voralberg saw in the cave. |
Return to the train to fetch the mammoth toy doll. Note that you
won't be able to take the doll before you've had the conversation with
Professor Pons about it. |
Cross over the bridge at the rear of the platform and you
eventually find the stationmaster. When you select the 'Bird' dialog
topic he talks about cuckoo eggs in a nest up the gangway. Ask him
about the 'Sauvignon' plants and he'll get agitated and storm off.
Pick up the hook that's lying in the sand. |
On your way back to the university you find the stationmaster
standing on the bridge. Ask him again about the 'Sauvignon' plants and
he suggests that you ask Professor Pons. |
Ask Professor Pons about the 'Sauvignon' plants and he'll suggest
that you ask the rectors. When you give the mammoth toy doll to him he
tells you he intends giving an impromptu lecture later and will invite
you to attend. He also promises to return the doll to you after the
lecture. He leaves to go to his laboratory. |
Inside the laboratory you find the Barrockstadt voice cylinder in
a glass cabinet at the back. There's also a test tube holder and a
bottle of Yangala-Cola powder on the workbench near the front. |
Return to the rectors and ask them about the 'Sauvignon' plants.
They'll eventually admit that 'Sauvignon' plants are grown in the
university garden. |
If you've asked everyone else about the 'Sauvignon' plants, in the
order as detailed above, the stationmaster will agree to open the
garden when you select this topic with him again (the third time
you've asked him). |
The garden is situated down the path off the platform on the left
side of the train. Cross over the bridge and then follow the path.
Inside the garden you'll find a bush from which you can pick Sauvignon
grapes. |
Remaining on the same platform, walk toward the train until you
find a ladder leading up to the gangway. There are some birds at the
base of the ladder who won't allow you to climb up. If you feed the
birds by scattering the Sauvignon grapes on the ground they move away
from the ladder. At the top of the gangway you'll find a broken
mechanical eagle that has cuckoo eggs inside it. Use the test tube
holder to reach and take one of the eggs. |
Make your way back to the
university. On the way the stationmaster (on the bridge) gives you a
bottle of wine. |
The door leading to the room below the bandstand has a strange
lock with a scale and a wheel. The one end of the scale has a golden
egg. Place the cuckoo egg on the other end to balance the scale. You
can now turn the wheel to open the door and enter the room. Down below
you find the bandstand mechanism. Pull the handle on the right to get
the band to start playing again. |
Go back to the rectors and select the 'Money' dialog topic. In
return for fixing the bandstand they'll give you the $100 as promised. |
Give the money ($100) to the sailors at the barge. They'll now be
prepared to help tow the train but tell you that the locks need to be
opened and the telephone at the lock control is broken. They also give
you a lock key. |
The lock control is at the opposite end of the station, through
the glass doors at the station entrance. Read the sign above the
console to get the emergency phone number. Call the emergency number
(2766 - 6742) on your cell phone. Take careful note of the
instructions you are given and follow them precisely. |
To begin you press the 'number' sign (#). Next press '4' because
you're at the Barrockstadt lock. If you want to open the lock you need
to 'lower' the water level, so press '2'. Finally press the star (٭)
to confirm. You'll be told that you have to open the locks manually.
Unlock the console with the lock key. Enter the same sequence (on the
console) as on your cell phone (4,2). When you press the star (٭) the
water level drops and the locks open. |
Go back to the sailors and tell them you've worked out how to
operate the 'Locks'. They take the barge through the locks and then
stop. You must now raise the water level so that the barge can
continue along the canal. |
Again use the console
to input the sequence for raising the water level (4,1) and press the
star (٭). |
Return to the train where the sailors in their barge are waiting
for you. When you ask for 'Help' the sailor throws a chain onto the
platform. Attach the hook to the chain and then hook it onto the
train. The sailors tow the train to the winder. On your way to the
train Professor Pons calls to tell you that he's about to start his
lecture. |
To get to the lecture hall climb the left stairs directly ahead of
you in the main corridor. At the end of Professor Pons' lecture go
back to his laboratory and take the mammoth toy doll and Paleontology
notes on his desk. |
Return to the train and disembark on the left platform. The train
winder is operated the same way as the one at Valadilene. Turn the
large wheel to extend the winder, then pull the lever to wind the
train springs. |
Replace the mammoth toy doll on the shelf in the luggage
compartment. Insert the Barrockstadt voice cylinder in the hole in the
centre pedestal to view it. It contains the news sent by Anna to Hans
about the death of their father. After viewing the cylinder, put
it in the display cabinet along with the other two voice cylinders. |
Talk to Oscar, selecting the 'Mission' dialog topic, and he takes
the train to the wall. |
Disembark to Kate's left and you'll find Oscar in the kiosk. He
tells you that an exit visa is needed to continue. |
Captain Malatesta, the authority responsible for issuing exit
visas, is in the watchtower behind the kiosk. When you discuss your
'Mission' with him, he'll tell you about the Cossack horseman beyond
the wall. Look through the telescope to see what Captain Malatesta
believes is a horseman. Press the red button on the right twice to
focus the telescope and you'll see that the horseman is actually a
dead tree. |
Note that Captain Malatesta's glasses on the table are broken -
the reason why he's mistaken the dead tree for a horseman. Do you
remember reading an entry in the Mushroom Guide about Yangala-Cola
enhancing vision? |
Pour the Yangala-Cola and wine into the wine glasses on the table.
You offer Captain Malatesta a drink and he eventually accepts. He then
looks through the telescope, realizes his mistake (having enhanced his
vision) and gives you an exit visa. |
Return to the kiosk and give the exit visa to Oscar (don't talk to
him, just give the exit visa to the 'kiosk'). Oscar issues you another
ticket and goes back to the train. |
Board the train
and give the ticket to Oscar. |