I have played games in the King's Quest series for years (across multiple PC laptops). This past December, my Windows 11 Dell Gaming PC laptop died (the hinge was cracking and since it was 4 years old, the warranty wouldn't cover hardware, so I would have had to send it to them, pay them to diagnose it, then pay more to fix it), so I checked what my local Walmart had (I got a Lenovo IdeaPad running AMD Radeon)
Now, when I try loading King's Quest: The Silver Lining (the free sequel made by Phoenix Online), I get black splashes all over the screen (no matter what settings I have enabled in the options) I've played this game on laptops with Intel and another with AMD and have NEVER had this issue, and don't know what to do

I tried grabbing a screencap, and oddly it didn't show up. I even tried recording the screen (but the same thing) -- BUT when I was playing, you couldn't see the mouse cursor, so actively clicking was not usable.
I keep all of my games on a portable hard drive, but I installed TSL to my PC's hard drive (just incase that made a difference, which it did not)
I opened the game up and took a video and photo with my phone (though I don't think the splashes show on the picture)