Re: Pandora Directive "on the roof"
03/11/03 10:50 PM
03/11/03 10:50 PM
Joined: Jun 2002
Posts: 1,957 Kansas City, Missouri, USA
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Kansas City, Missouri, USA
It really isn't that hard once you know the trick! Just wait until he isn't looking and sneak up behind the wall over on his side of the roof and crouch down. Check to see when he isn't looking again (it's a timing thing), then run at him!
PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Pandora Directive "on the roof"
03/12/03 10:02 AM
03/12/03 10:02 AM
Joined: Jul 2000
Posts: 11,366 Sacramento, CA USA
Betty Lou
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Sacramento, CA USA
I am stuck same place you are Barb. Was playing this game a while back, got stuck here on the roof, (can't remember for sure but think I asked for a saved game to get me past it, have to check out the thread and my gamebox to see if I have it or not), set it aside and started a different game, then had computer problems and my CD drive died, had Dave our computer guy here yesterday 2 hours + and all set again. Good Luck Love, Betty Lou 
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: Pandora Directive "on the roof"
03/12/03 06:28 PM
03/12/03 06:28 PM
Joined: Nov 1999
Posts: 1,119 Glennville, Ga., USA
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Glennville, Ga., USA
Yup, I thought this one was aggravating as well. There are three main tricks as best I recall (I haven't played it in a few years), timing, position, and speed. First you need to sneak down the stairs to the next roof and hide behind the air conditioners. Press left shift / ctrl to raise and lower Tex, you have to tuck down to hide. Press the R key to make Tex Run when moving, you have to use this to jump the Killer from behind the air conditioners. You have to watch the Killer's movements. There's a sequence where he looks away longer than others. That's the time to make your moves.
I checked my tape archives, but I don't have any saves for this game. If all else fails, email me a save at this point. I'll load the game and try to help you out.
Have fun. Despite some aggravation, this game is in my top ten list.
Re: Pandora Directive "on the roof"
03/13/03 01:38 PM
03/13/03 01:38 PM
Joined: Oct 2001
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Northern California
This sequence reminds me of the scene in GK3 where you steal Mosely's passport. The first few times you try it, it seems impossible but someday when you replay the game, it will come so easily you will try to remember why it seemed hard. BTW for a laugh--when Frank and I first tried the rooftop scene, we didn't realize we could make Tex crouch......<BG> poor Tex died many times before we figuered it out!
Re: Pandora Directive "on the roof"
03/14/03 11:47 AM
03/14/03 11:47 AM
Joined: Jul 2000
Posts: 11,366 Sacramento, CA USA
Betty Lou
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Sacramento, CA USA
Hi Albert. I just emailed you (as attachment) my saved game for the roof scene. Thanks for the offer to play me off the roof so I can get on with the game. Even tho it does not like my sound card and I am playing without sound I just LOVE this game. Also loved Overseer. Sorry to be so long getting this off to you, had my computer worked on this week and it is working again, got new CD drive (CDWR) as other one died. Happy Gamer, Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"