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Path of the Shell - Help! #103746
07/17/04 03:12 PM
07/17/04 03:12 PM
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Hi...I'm in need of help Please! I just reinstalled URU and Path of the Shell and went through the Cleft once more so I could get to Relto. I have 2 books on the left bookcase, one is a blue book with gold design and the other is a darker blue book with gold and light blue leaves. I do not know where to go first and if one of them is Dni and the other POTS or what. I played URU but do not have any saved games so I'm starting from scratch. I never played the 1st expansion pack. I've been reading the posts and it is my understanding I do not need to replay the whole game to do POTS, is that correct? I'm so confused and I'm hot and I want to SWIM like everyone else!!!!!! Where do I go now? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" />

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103748
07/17/04 03:37 PM
07/17/04 03:37 PM
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Arwen Offline
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Ana, the book on the right is the one you want to use to start playing POTS. The other book is the neighborhood book which you won't need. You might want to make a side trip to the Gahreesen to pick up your KI if you plan on taking in-game screenshots.

Have fun. smile


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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103749
07/17/04 03:44 PM
07/17/04 03:44 PM
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Thank you very much you know if that takes me to Dni or do I just bypass that all together and straight to POTS? I did link to all 4 lands just to get the 4 books because the bookcase looked so empty. I will probably go and visit the old places and do some stuff, I just really don't want to do the action parts again. I was crying and pulling my hair out the first time around I had to do them!

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103750
07/17/04 03:48 PM
07/17/04 03:48 PM
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You're welcome, Ana. If you just use that one book on the right, you'll end up with some more books on the right side of the bookcase. Those you'll need to play POTS. They're not part of To D'ni at all.

Right now I'm deciding whether to uninstall the game or play the entire thing from the beginning. scared


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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103751
07/17/04 04:13 PM
07/17/04 04:13 PM
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You are incredible Arwen! I don't know how you do it. If I had someone to do the fireflies and the jump on the rock for me I would probably not hesitate to do it again. I really really sucked on those parts. Well, the suns back out and maybe I'll see if I can swim.....thank you so much! praise

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103753
07/17/04 08:26 PM
07/17/04 08:26 PM
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Thank you for your help Arwen, I was swimming! How cool is that?? I loved it. Especially the crabs...I had a few that I swear were laughing at me! Anyways, I am good to go for awhile.
thanks Ana

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103755
07/19/04 08:38 PM
07/19/04 08:38 PM
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help Okay.....this time I think I have a MAJOR dilemma! I arrived in Er'cana and took the train to water treatment facility. I got onto the tram part and took it up and pushed the lever on the tram. When I did that the game got stuck and crashed my computer. I restarted Er'cana but the train is already in the station and the tram is in the building. I cannot find a way into the building without the tram and the weird thing is I never saved. Any suggestions? slapforehead

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103756
07/19/04 09:47 PM
07/19/04 09:47 PM
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I've had a couple of crashes with my game too, Ana. Fortunately you are right at the beginning of this age, so why not just click on the clip at the bottom of the Age book and delete the age. Then you can go back to the place where you started (with the two linking books) and link back into Er'cana.

There is a shell, which should save your game, on one of the pillars holding up the track which you could use in case your game crashes again. But if it does, I'm not sure if the two cars would still be separated or not, if you went back using that shell...

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103757
07/19/04 09:56 PM
07/19/04 09:56 PM
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Hi Jenny, I never made it to the shell, I was still on the tram (but inside the building). I didn't know you could delete a page. You lost me on that part. I went back to the Restoration Building and linked on the book on the left. Is this where I do something?

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103758
07/19/04 11:04 PM
07/19/04 11:04 PM
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Originally posted by BrownEyedTigre:
Hi Jenny, I never made it to the shell, I was still on the tram (but inside the building). I didn't know you could delete a page. You lost me on that part. I went back to the Restoration Building and linked on the book on the left. Is this where I do something?
Ana, I apparently didn't do a very good job of explaining this! blush The first shell is not inside the building--when you come out of the tunnel and see the tracks in front of you, it's on the side of one of the pillars that hold them up (I think it may be to the right, but I'm not sure.)

And it's not a page I'm talking about deleting, it's the whole Age. Go back to your Relto and zoom in on the Er'cana book--you will see a clip down at the bottom of the book Click on that and the game will ask you if you are sure you want to delete that Age. If you say "yes", the book will move backwards and the Age will be gone.

NOW you can go back to the Restoration Building and use the linking book to the left to start Er'cana again... luck

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103759
07/19/04 11:50 PM
07/19/04 11:50 PM
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Aussiemystic Offline
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Actually, you don't have to reset the age. Just link into Er'cana at the tunnel and run all the way to the train at the end of the track. Get onto the train and press the blue button. That should call the smaller car to return to the train so that you can get on it and go inside the building again.

Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103760
07/20/04 06:37 AM
07/20/04 06:37 AM
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Thank you Jenny and Aussie, It worked like a charm! Thank you both so much, I'm up and playing again.
thumbsup Ana

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103761
07/21/04 08:46 PM
07/21/04 08:46 PM
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And I'm back again! I am stuck in the pellet making section. I have a few questions: When setting the scales do you count the big black line on the bottom as one or do you count 8,6,4 of the short lines going up? Also after you wait 15 minutes and do the blue light, get your pellet and go to the testing area do you have to wait another 15 minutes to see if it was okay? I have done this various different ways and each time when I get to the testing NOTHING happens. There is no pellet and there doesn't appear to be anything to push or do so I jog in circles happydance and wait and still nothing.....I'm getting a bit sleep of waiting! Am I doing something wrong?

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103762
07/21/04 09:44 PM
07/21/04 09:44 PM
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On each scale, there is a big black line every 5 notches: that is, they read:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11...etc

Once you have made your pellets in the pellet room, click on the blue button to make a pellet roll down into the little receptacle. Click on the pellet and then on the book to take you to the testing machine. Both you and the pellet will be taken there. No need to wait.

Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103763
07/21/04 09:49 PM
07/21/04 09:49 PM
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I have tried counting the black lines using the bottom one as one or the first one above the red as one and neither has worked. I have to set each one the same correct? All four machines get set to 8, 6, 4, left to right, correct? I've done this 5 times already and I can't get anything to happen when I get to the testing zone.

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103765
07/22/04 12:21 PM
07/22/04 12:21 PM
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Ana, they are set to 8, 6 and 4 counting from the bottom. Did you wait until they were finished before you went in the other room and clicked on the blue button (10 - 15 minutes)? If you don't back out of the viewer after you set all four, you'll be able to see when they're ready.


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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103766
07/22/04 12:38 PM
07/22/04 12:38 PM
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The blue button lights up when it is finished right? I do back out of the viewer though before it's done and jog around a bit. i've also waited at the button for it to turn blue. Is the secret to stay in the last viewer until its finished?

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103767
07/22/04 12:46 PM
07/22/04 12:46 PM
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After you set the 4th viewer, did you click on the yellow button in the viewer? If I remember correctly, it's black until you set that last viewer, then you have to click on it. You can back out of the viewer if you want. It's just easier to tell when the pellets are ready if you don't.


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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103768
07/22/04 12:50 PM
07/22/04 12:50 PM
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Been there, done that. I don't understand. Nothing happens when I get to the testing area. Is there anything to do there, because I just seem to go there and that's it. No flashes of light, no water, no nothing?

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103769
07/22/04 01:06 PM
07/22/04 01:06 PM
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I don't get it either and I wish I knew how to help. frown I know after you get the pellet you have to link immediately to the testing area via the book. When I played the game the second time around, I didn't even bother testing the pellet. I went directly to the Bahro cave.

Sorry, I'm at a loss here. frown


I just read the following at another forum:

every other batch of pellets are "duds"

I never heard that before but maybe that's the problem. duh


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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103770
07/22/04 01:17 PM
07/22/04 01:17 PM
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Hmmmmmmm......maybe I will do it again and go on even if it doesn't do anything in the testing area. Can't hurt. Thanx so much for your help.
btw, CYE

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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103771
07/22/04 01:28 PM
07/22/04 01:28 PM
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Ana, turns out that's not true about the duds. Sorry. Found this afterwards: every batch is fine, but if you link out while they are cooking (or a bad recipe ) they will be duds


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Re: Path of the Shell - Help! #103772
07/22/04 09:05 PM
07/22/04 09:05 PM
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Arwen, thank you so much for your help. I found out what I did wrong, I needed to touch the pellet and linking book at same time. I was touching pellet, it would drop and then I'd turn and touch the linking book. Whew....I didn't know you had to be really quick! Once again, thank you so much... praise

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