Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/11/15 12:11 PM
11/11/15 12:11 PM
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Another wet day. When will that raking get done? I guess I'll send out my robot to do it. I'd like one of those robots, myself. So, what type of character are you playing, everyone? Brawn? Brain? Sneaksie?
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/11/15 07:34 PM
11/11/15 07:34 PM
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Once I find a shop to trade I'll probably lean toward sneaking and perception...and luck. Yes, that's what I need, a store. And then sneaking and picking. Though there is a certain amount of satisfaction in blasting away at things in this game. EDIT: Okay. How do I use the crafting benches? The interface allows me to scroll through a list of items, but I can't do anything other than that.
Last edited by hagatha; 11/11/15 09:48 PM.
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/12/15 01:01 AM
11/12/15 01:01 AM
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Thanks. I'll try that.
I can make health items. I also made a calibrated pistol grip, but it (or the modified pistol) appears nowhere in my inventory and it used a LOT of resources, which now seem to have vanished down a hole.
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/12/15 02:11 PM
11/12/15 02:11 PM
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The world is as cool as in any Fallout game.
As usual, I'm just wandering around taking in the sights and dying frequently. Looking for another power cell for my power suit, mostly. But also trying to get those levels up so I can select better lock picking and gun skills.
I'm actually thinking that rifle skills (as in sniper) would be better for sneaking than pistol over the long run, like Denton in Deus Ex, sniping at soldiers from the rooftops of New York and then fading away.
We have perfect weather for gaming here on the Wet Coast - a massive storm blasting rain at the windows and howling around the roof. Almost feels as though the roof will blow off! But that's what you get for living on the water.
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: hagatha]
11/12/15 06:16 PM
11/12/15 06:16 PM
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Stealth and Power suits always seemed a little odd to me. I just picture me attempting to skulk past some raiders *clunk, clunk, clunk, metallic scraping sound, clunk, clunk, "Don't mind me, just sneaking through" clunk, clunk, clunk.* 
Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/12/15 06:44 PM
11/12/15 06:44 PM
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I wish there were a manual for the same reason. Here is what I came up with after much trial and error:
For example to make beds:
1) Go to any house and clear a room to make space. Hit R to scrap the old furniture. 2) Hold V until the crafting bench comes up. You don't have to be at the bench itself. 3) Scroll with the arrow keys to the furniture icon. Hit E. Choose any one of the bed styles and hit E again. A red bed should appear if you have the correct junk in inventory. Swivel this red bed around the space you've cleared. When it turns green you can drop it in place. 4) Make another one if there is room or exit the crafting screen. The beds will look normal coloured but I have not mastered putting them in place neatly.
No dice. Hitting R does not clear the room of furniture. Hitting V only bring up third-person view. Not sure what to do now, but this is clearly gimped. EDIT: Now I'm starting to feel as though this game is holding me hostage. I have a community with a falling happiness level because I cannot craft anything. I feel that I can't go on with the game doing what I WANT to do because of this. I really want to have fun, not spend all day trying to work this out. Why is it so difficult? I have somehow, by mashing R and V and Enter and a bunch of other keys, (and I really don't know how) managed to call up something that allows me to hit "R" and destroy things. Great. I went around Sanctuary wrecking buildings and trash. Great. I have stuff for crafting. Great. Now I have some empty rooms. Okay. Fine. But... In that same mode, I have somehow (again, mashing R and V and bashing them multiple times) called up the crafting menu in that now-empty room. I see options for building houses, furniture, decorations, etc. I can scroll along this menu of selections. But I cannot do anything with them. Hitting R does nothing. Hitting V does nothing. Hitting Enter does nothing. Nothing does anything. Any help appreciated, because this sure ain't what I bought this game for.
Last edited by hagatha; 11/12/15 07:24 PM.
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: hagatha]
11/12/15 09:28 PM
11/12/15 09:28 PM
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I wish there were a manual for the same reason. Here is what I came up with after much trial and error:
For example to make beds:
1) Go to any house and clear a room to make space. Hit R to scrap the old furniture. 2) Hold V until the crafting bench comes up. You don't have to be at the bench itself. 3) Scroll with the arrow keys to the furniture icon. Hit E. Choose any one of the bed styles and hit E again. A red bed should appear if you have the correct junk in inventory. Swivel this red bed around the space you've cleared. When it turns green you can drop it in place. 4) Make another one if there is room or exit the crafting screen. The beds will look normal coloured but I have not mastered putting them in place neatly.
No dice. Hitting R does not clear the room of furniture. Hitting V only bring up third-person view. Not sure what to do now, but this is clearly gimped. Hold V, not hit V. Then the crafting screen comes up. In the screen that comes up all scrapable stuff highlights in yellow. Scrap to clear the room.EDIT: Now I'm starting to feel as though this game is holding me hostage. I have a community with a falling happiness level because I cannot craft anything. I feel that I can't go on with the game doing what I WANT to do because of this. I really want to have fun, not spend all day trying to work this out. Why is it so difficult? I have somehow, by mashing R and V and Enter and a bunch of other keys, (and I really don't know how) managed to call up something that allows me to hit "R" and destroy things. Great. I went around Sanctuary wrecking buildings and trash. Great. I have stuff for crafting. Great. Now I have some empty rooms. Okay. Fine. But... In that same mode, I have somehow (again, mashing R and V and bashing them multiple times) called up the crafting menu in that now-empty room. I see options for building houses, furniture, decorations, etc. I can scroll along this menu of selections. But I cannot do anything with them. Hitting R does nothing. Hitting V does nothing. Hitting Enter does nothing. In this mode select furniture. Look at the sides of this little icon. There are arrows and if you use the arrow key it will give you a variety of furniture to make. Select beds then arrow to choose a style of bed you want. Then when you hit E the red bed should appear. This bed sort of floats in the air. It will turn green when it is droppable.Nothing does anything. Any help appreciated, because this sure ain't what I bought this game for. Check the bold type above. Good luck. I'm not fond of the crafting and modifying which I haven't learned yet either. BTW About your junk: Go to the crafting table and choose Transfer. Put all your junk items there including what you scrapped earlier. This will lighten your load and it will still be available if you pull up the crafting screen with V. What I said above works only in the first town, my home town, for me. Maybe it will work in other areas that have the crafting tables nearby. Will have to see. Doesn't really matter as I can fast travel back for now.
Last edited by Rowan; 11/12/15 10:01 PM.
Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/12/15 11:39 PM
11/12/15 11:39 PM
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Aha. I wasn't hitting the E key.
That will help. Now I can get outta Dodge (or, Sanctuary, as the case may be) and get on with it.
Another question: does the stuff you put into the crafting table get used for component parts? Or does it just get stored there?
EDIT: Ok, now I can make things. But I understand you can also break down weapons and armour. Wonder how to do that?
And does anyone know how to string wire for electrical stuff?
Last edited by hagatha; 11/13/15 01:13 AM.
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/13/15 01:17 PM
11/13/15 01:17 PM
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You set up power pylons. There are short ones and tall one in the power section of the workshop menu. You'll find them under Connectors. After you build it, just click on it, and you'll see an option at the bottom that says Attach Wire. I don't know what key it will be for you, since I use a controller. You hit the key to attach the wire and then connect it to your generator that you built. If it's too far away, the wire will have a red outline to tell you you can't do that. If it's a white outline, you're okay. Then you can just string pylons along like lightpoles where ever you want electricity. The pylons and such can carry electricity to places through the wire and wherever one is, they can power things, like lights. Here's a decent post on Reddit explaining electricity probably a bit better than I do. *lol*
"The three most terrifying things in the world are werewolves, clowns, and unplanned pregnancy."
Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/14/15 12:49 AM
11/14/15 12:49 AM
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Aha again. SO, I've have one very happy settlement. Plus I've set up a new one at the Red Rocket, with food and water and soon I guess there will be a radio tower for new people.
So, I've been on a wander through Cambridge. Always wanted to go there. Many buildings to explore.
I'm considerably hampered by my weight restriction, even with a partner, though I'm loathe to allocate any further Strength points. Gotta get those rifle points, those lock-pick points, the hacker stuff.
Okay, my cat is telling me to stop typing. She just sits on the keyboard. She allows me an hour or two of uninterrupted play, and then she figures it's her turn for attention. You cannot, you absolutely cannot, fight Raiders with a cat sitting on your keyboard.
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/15/15 11:14 AM
11/15/15 11:14 AM
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My girl is definitely a 21st century cat. She sits in my lap and watches bird videos on my tablet. Very cute. The SPCA shelter I got her from had a laptop playing videos for the cats. She grew up with electronics, like many children.
So...Fallout 4. After about 20 hours of play I'm provisionally saying I love it. It's a new locale, with some new crafting ideas, but the premise is still pure Fallout. They know what we like, and they don't mess with it much. I can see myself spending many winter hours at my keyboard.
Last edited by hagatha; 11/15/15 11:38 AM. Reason: Earlsy morning brainlessness
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/15/15 09:56 PM
11/15/15 09:56 PM
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Haven't played for 2 days. Yard work called. Just could couldn't craft a fancy modded rake.  But now that chore is finished. Wasteland, here I come!!
Last edited by Rowan; 11/15/15 09:56 PM.
Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/16/15 11:42 AM
11/16/15 11:42 AM
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No, I'm not very far in, either, just sort of poking around in Cambridge and starting the Minuteman quests. I just took on a tribe of Raiders in an auto plant(?). I was trapped in a bunker, but then realized I had two level-up points unassigned. Add one more Sneak and one Rifle, and voila. Dead Raiders. Mr. Handy is surprisingly handy in a fight, though he claims otherwise.
So...any bets on whether that stuttering, goofy radio DJ is a ghoul? Or a Super Mutant?
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: hagatha]
11/16/15 11:47 AM
11/16/15 11:47 AM
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So...any bets on whether that stuttering, goofy radio DJ is a ghoul? Or a Super Mutant?
What, no Three-Dog? Edit: OK, just read the tweets from Todd Dellums, guess I'm behind on the happenings around Fallout 4. Too bad they left him out, although if the setting is in a completely different area it would make sense since he's pretty much relegated to the capitol.
Last edited by Trail_Mystic; 11/16/15 11:52 AM.
Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/16/15 12:42 PM
11/16/15 12:42 PM
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No Three-Dog. Too bad.
And I REALLY miss Peggy Lee singing "Why Don't You Do Right." That stripped-down early version of the song became my favourite in New Vegas. Actually, that very cool DJ in New Vegas reminds me a little of Little Stevie's (aka Steve van Zandt)Underground Garage. But maybe as we explore other stations will pop up?
I do wish they would expand the number of songs on the radio, though. It's just the same ten or so songs being played over and over.
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: hagatha]
11/16/15 03:30 PM
11/16/15 03:30 PM
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I'll wager a mod will pop up that will allow you to load songs. I think they have that available for FO3. Yea, I always enjoy the older tunes while walking the wasteland. Adds to the ambiance 
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Re: Fallout4
[Re: Rowan]
11/16/15 03:38 PM
11/16/15 03:38 PM
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That DJ is suspiciously fond of Butcher Pete. So maybe he's a ghoul. Then again, he's also fond of Mighty, Mighty Man, which would suggest Super Mutant.
Last edited by hagatha; 11/16/15 04:04 PM.
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