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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106920
10/07/04 10:28 AM
10/07/04 10:28 AM
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Hi to all.

Dadguy gave me the pages to look for some help on the tuning puzzle in Spire.

But I'm missing the upper right crystal and still do not understand where the numbers come from.

Please help.



Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106921
10/07/04 01:10 PM
10/07/04 01:10 PM
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Well I finally got through Haven. (Boy I've got to get me a new mouse though. I found the exactness needed for that last puzzle to be pretty wicked... At least for me, my mouse and my heavy hand). While Linking back to "T" I saw in my approach !!!!!! hmmm I better not tell. Anyway, I hadn't gone to Yeesha's room earlier and did so now. I wished I had read her diary earlier. It would have helped me to understand the "amulet-event-projection" that preceded the last puzzle in Haven.

Our Thanksgiving weekend is almost upon us and it looks like I'm going to fall behind a bit.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106922
10/07/04 04:23 PM
10/07/04 04:23 PM
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I think there are clues on all of the pages that Sirrus left around Spire. Look in drawers and on desks, etc.

This is a tough puzzle because you have to be fast and precise. I found that when I put the slider on, let's say, #6, it tended to slip down to 5... so I got into the process of aiming a little high on the green beads before releasing the slider.

I am not sure what you mean when you say you are missing the upper right crystal. Do you mean that you do not know the tuning settings? I can't remember which setting is for which, but I know what the four settings are if you need them (and what order works best for tuning them). If you want to know, let me know. I think it is already listed in the topic somewhere also.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106923
10/07/04 04:25 PM
10/07/04 04:25 PM
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Gremlin, did Liz's advice help?

This is a tough one. I noticed that a couple times I got the mangree to throw the berry into the pit while the camoudile was still in it, but the berry takes a second to take effect and he got out in time. You have to be quick!


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106925
10/07/04 04:36 PM
10/07/04 04:36 PM
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Dadguy, thanks for helping.

When I'm sitting in the big chair where we tune the crystal, there are 4 holders of crystal on the left and right of the sliders.

Should there be a crystal in all of these holders?

If the answer is yes, Im missing one.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106926
10/07/04 04:50 PM
10/07/04 04:50 PM
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I just took a wild ride up in an elevator from the location of the spider chair (after spending over 2 days on those %*!!!* crystals). Am I finally done with Spire??? Please say yes!

How I finally tuned the crystals: After I tuned each set I immediately pushed Escape and rested a bit. Then got mentally ready to tune the next set and then pushed Escape again. Took awhile but I finally got it done. I hope the rest of the puzzles are not as frantic as that one.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106927
10/07/04 04:55 PM
10/07/04 04:55 PM
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I remember that there were some with rocks and some with crystals. I was not aware that it was possible to get there without having all four. Maybe it's jsut hard to see.

I'll check to see if that's the case.


You are done with Spire if you got a picture of the medalion that was hanging on the corner of the elevator after you got on at the end. The medalion opens and you need to know the color arrangement for later.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106928
10/07/04 05:18 PM
10/07/04 05:18 PM
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I just checked. There IS a crystal in that upper right slot. I remember this one. When you tune it you'll see that he used a chess piece (the knight) as the crystal in the upper right. When the piece is not tuned, the spring presses it to the right, so all you see is what looks like a metal base... but trust me, their is a crystal there shaped like a chess piece.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106929
10/07/04 05:22 PM
10/07/04 05:22 PM
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I am s-o-o-o confused. woozy I am in Spire and have gotten (I think) the 3 power things to work. At least I am assuming they work. I am able to get around in the round thingy back and forth but have just spent the last three hours working on the power at the far island or whatever it is. I will call it the big power source. When I stepped back for a breather all the lights were lit so I assume ??? that I am done with the power? help
I need a glass of wine

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106930
10/07/04 05:23 PM
10/07/04 05:23 PM
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I'm in Serenia and ran into Achenar. He talked about his journal but I can't find it. help


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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106932
10/07/04 05:42 PM
10/07/04 05:42 PM
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Rock, you are done with the power if you have 36 power lights and no more, no less! There is a power panel near the Rock Ship dock that when opened will show how many power lights total you have lit.

I had 29 lights from the floating island and 7 from the lower control panel (near the dock), so I had to go back upstairs to turn off the upper control panel to leave the power at exactly 36 lights.

TLC, as you walk from the entrance to the island (where you link in) walk straight past the bubble tree, past the first left and past the first right, past the wooden machine on the left till you get to the tree with the fluffy seeds falling. Turn right at that tree and go across the wooden walkway and go about two more clicks. Look on your right on that path and you should find a wooden box hidden in a large rock formation. Achenar's journal is in the box.

Hope this helps,


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106933
10/07/04 05:53 PM
10/07/04 05:53 PM
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Thanks dadguy. I will check it out. Is the power panel you are referring to the one that looks like a circuit card?

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106936
10/07/04 07:05 PM
10/07/04 07:05 PM
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I am on Serenia and supposedly there is a Journal of Achenars someplace in the Stone Forest. Where is it and do I really need it? I have diverted the water from the 1st sluice but have no idea where to go next. Please help me here?...Pretty please?

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106938
10/07/04 07:41 PM
10/07/04 07:41 PM
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How I did the "slider/lock puzzle" I ignored timer, under enough pressure. I ignored vibes,got enough to do. I can't take time to count the notches,never make it. So: Made diagram of puzzle. Counted out notches, where slider should go. (ie. #10 lines up with the bottom of top left crystal) etc. Then drew arrows where ea. # goes. Then practised and memorized, only #2 and #3 cause #1 is set n' go; thanks to dadguy and #4 is slam dunk. Trouble with #5's, cause no visual connection. After hrs. n' days: success! Hope this helps someone.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106939
10/07/04 07:42 PM
10/07/04 07:42 PM
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I think I may be going crazy. I only have 2 lights on one panel, 7 on another and no lights on the island. I still can go back and forth but can't do much with the chair or whatever it is. So, I am back to thinking something is not right. duh I have no lights lit on row 2 of the power panels either. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106940
10/07/04 08:07 PM
10/07/04 08:07 PM
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Originally posted by philby:
I am on Serenia and supposedly there is a Journal of Achenars someplace in the Stone Forest. Where is it and do I really need it? I have diverted the water from the 1st sluice but have no idea where to go next. Please help me here?...Pretty please?

Dadguy wrote this earlier for me. "TLC, as you walk from the entrance to the island (where you link in) walk straight past the bubble tree, past the first left and past the first right, past the wooden machine on the left till you get to the tree with the fluffy seeds falling. Turn right at that tree and go across the wooden walkway and go about two more clicks. Look on your right on that path and you should find a wooden box hidden in a large rock formation. Achenar's journal is in the box."


<3 I am in love with Norman Reedus/Daryl Dixon <3
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106942
10/07/04 08:54 PM
10/07/04 08:54 PM
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Yes, the circuit board that you pull up and it opens like a book to reveal a circuit board. It shows lights from the Upper Control Panel on the top left, the Lower Control Panel on the lower left, and the Floating Island Control Panel on the right. Count the lights and make sure you have 36 and only 36.

I just read your last post. Maybe you started from an earlier save. I think you had told me that you had powered all 29 lights up from the island. Check that...maybe that's what happened.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106943
10/07/04 08:59 PM
10/07/04 08:59 PM
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Well done Skippidy!! We are getting lots of innovative ideas on that puzzle. I like the person who hit ESC after each change of the sliders so she could regain her composure and get ready for where the next move is (eliminates your memorization step).



Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106944
10/07/04 10:20 PM
10/07/04 10:20 PM
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OK I got the game installed but cant play it. On the menu there is no play. The only play listed says Play (disk 2 disabled)what does this mean? I put in disk 1 and get the above menu. Read me,Uninstall Play (disk 2 disabled) and exit. How do I play the game? mad


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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106946
10/08/04 12:09 AM
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Dutch, that is really a technical problem--why don't you post it on Glitches and see if they can help you down there... luck

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106948
10/08/04 03:11 AM
10/08/04 03:11 AM
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Originally posted by dogpenny:
OK I got the game installed but cant play it. On the menu there is no play. The only play listed says Play (disk 2 disabled)what does this mean? I put in disk 1 and get the above menu. Read me,Uninstall Play (disk 2 disabled) and exit. How do I play the game? mad
Put in Disk 2... the play button is on that one.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106949
10/08/04 08:23 AM
10/08/04 08:23 AM
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Gremlin is right. The Disk 1 brings up a special menu with some extras on it, but the PLAY is disabled in the special menu that pops up. This is because the game needs DISK 2 to be in the DVD in order to play the game. Also, these menus take a longer than usual time to load, so be patient. Have fun.


Glad to help. I looked back at what I wrote and I think I may have come pretty close to the order of the color changes, even though it was from memory. I preume you finally made it. The key is: Until you hear him say "You have completed the task" there is at least one more colored dot to be changed to white.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106950
10/08/04 11:35 AM
10/08/04 11:35 AM
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Can I get the entire spoiler for the monkee mangree puzzle? The hint stystem in Myst it skips hints 5 and 6. Does anyone else have this problem? I have also noticed it skips words at the bottom of the page if there is 2 pages of hints. Thanks!!!

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106951
10/08/04 12:39 PM
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dadguy, thanks for the save, it worked fine but now i'm in catherine's study, clicked on the necklace, read her journal. now i'm suppose to go into the sunroom thru a door near by to go to atrius' study. there is a door next to catherine's desk. is this the right door i'm to use? if so it won't open. i've gone back thru everything i was suppose to do thinking i didn't touch something or read everything i was suppose to. help please? thanks. smile

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #106952
10/08/04 12:41 PM
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on an added note.. i'm trying to get back to serenia ( part 2) to go to the irrigation device

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