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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107007
10/09/04 04:01 PM
10/09/04 04:01 PM
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Oh, Dang!!! Wasted my time for like 3 hours. Had done the vat thing and then didn't finish doing the 2nd frequency thing, obviously now I realize, because I put the slider thing in wrong and didn't realize it. Oh, woe!!!!

Thanks, Dadguy. Sure am glad you are haunting this thread!!!!

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107008
10/09/04 04:10 PM
10/09/04 04:10 PM
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Yes I'm seriously behind you guys but I haven't had much time to play the past week. Anywho - I'm at the second floating rock thingie on Spire - about all I've done is climb down a rope, click a rock and make it float, made the gear thingie turn (can't get it to do it again) and looked in the magnafying thingie - before I head back to the floating ship - is there anything else I need to do here? And if not, why the heck did I come in the first place?

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107009
10/09/04 06:06 PM
10/09/04 06:06 PM
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No cheat huh? DARN! Thanks anyway! But out of curiousity what does the Myst puzzle solver say to do on 5 & 6? I thought when I used there hints it was working. Maybe I can motify it as well. I've tried over 20 times now to beat this puzzle. It is hard!!

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107010
10/09/04 06:18 PM
10/09/04 06:18 PM
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syd, when you "made the gear thingie turn", that presumably sent that floating rock up through the ceiling. You might want to head back up the rope and see where the rock ended up...

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107011
10/09/04 06:37 PM
10/09/04 06:37 PM
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Thanks Demosthenes - didn't even realize what I was walking on lol Got that control panel powered up - now I seem to be two short so I guess that means I need to "tweak" one of the other ones - I've been listening to thunder and lightening so long in this game today I keep opening the blinds to check outside and see if it's raining - it's not whistle

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107012
10/09/04 07:29 PM
10/09/04 07:29 PM
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Okay that euphoria was short lived lol I got all the lights lit and wouldn't you know it but it keep short circuting the darn thing (Spider chair on Spire). I hope I'm right in thinking I have too much power and need to adjust a little - if not, I have no clue what to do next rolleyes

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107013
10/09/04 08:49 PM
10/09/04 08:49 PM
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Spider Chair?!!Why do they have to put spider things in these games I am terrified of spiders. I was recently bitten badly by a spider and the bites got badly infected. This is just my opinion of course I hope I will be able to sit in the thing. That is just my opinion. I am in Haven and cannot get anywhere. I have been all over the island. My hand wants to pick up spears in the cave but can't make it do so. I cant get the gate puzzle to work the locks move but the only slider to work is the center one. Do we have to find crystals on this island? I was attacked by a lion thing and clicked think I killed it by doing that either I did or the seed rattle things did. Someone said something earlier about a prima guide what is that? Is it available for when we get stuck?


May happiness come on secret winds and surround you forever in the ways of beauty. An American Indian Blessing.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107014
10/09/04 08:54 PM
10/09/04 08:54 PM
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Yes, well I'm stuck also - I got that blasted chair moving and am now hanging below it with no clue what to do. There are three gears in front of me and I can pull each one down once and they lock in place and the only way to release them is to press the levers under them - is that what they are supposed to do? I think I'm missing something somewhere - help

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107015
10/09/04 09:23 PM
10/09/04 09:23 PM
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I found the crystal by the crab when I first landed. I am not sure but there may be another one I cant get to. There is a dry grass area and a shiny spot on an axe stuck on a stump but my hand wont pull the axe out nor can I access the shine. Is there a crystal here I am supposed to find. I am just wandering around the island and cant find anything to do. Guess I must be really dumb or just lost. I found the totem with the drawing on it. Cant open the controls to the bridge. They sure made this game hard to figure out. I thought I was smarter than this. I just dont find anything that helps me get anywhere with anything. I have been all over the island for 2 hours now with no idea of what I am doing here.


May happiness come on secret winds and surround you forever in the ways of beauty. An American Indian Blessing.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107016
10/09/04 11:53 PM
10/09/04 11:53 PM
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EDIT: Sorry, posted before I saw that you made it to the gears, Syd. Those gears should be moveable to any of the notches. You need the correct tension to solve the next puzzle. There are clues to it in the documents Sirrus left around. Stop reading now, and go back and read up, or....

Move left gear to the 4th notch (important note... you START on notch #1 for each gear, not notch #0), center gear to notch 3, and right gear to notch 7. Then go up for the toughest (perhaps) of all of the Myst IV puzzles, tuning the crystals.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107017
10/10/04 12:15 AM
10/10/04 12:15 AM
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OK, you have asked so many times, but I don't think it will help you. I think my earlier advice is your best bet. But.. here is what line 5 and 6 say:

5. W2 turn for .5 sec; W1 turn for .5 sec
6. W1 turn for .5 sec; w3 turn for 1.5 sec

Good luck!


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107018
10/10/04 12:30 AM
10/10/04 12:30 AM
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I'll try to answer all of your questions:

Spider chair; it really doesn't look like a spider... just has some metal arms that are shaped vaguely like a spiders laegs. Doesn't even have eight of them.

Haven gate puzzle: There are some great posts here (I know, hard to find, but also hard to retype again and again) that help solve it. Try page 12 of this quest in a response to Viz to understand what the goal is. You have to flip the rockers up and down, then slide the rows right and left.

Haven crystals: I don't remember crystals being something of interest in Haven. Get the totems symbols, photo the pages you find with mangrees (monkeys) and read the Quest posts for the best clues. Ingame hints help also.

Prima guide: Yes, there is one. Get it. Most computer game software stores have it. There are also some walkthroughs in progress. You and I are the types that like the walkthoughs I suspect.

Haven: Drawbridge... again great hints in this long topic called Myst IV Quest. Worth a read... even though it may be many pages, it is better than frustration. I have a screenshot of the solution to the puzzle, but there are clues in the readings (in the game) that will give the solution. Find the way into the shipwreck and read the journals.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107019
10/10/04 01:46 AM
10/10/04 01:46 AM
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I went back to the gate the top and bottom sliders won't move. The latches are open the hand grabs the slider but cannot get either of them to move. Do I have to do something first before they move?


May happiness come on secret winds and surround you forever in the ways of beauty. An American Indian Blessing.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107020
10/10/04 04:19 AM
10/10/04 04:19 AM
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dadguy, you are the best! Thank you for helping so many of us here. I really should go through the thread and note which puzzles are addressed on each page!

Those of you skimming through this great thread for answers

-- in general, the solutions to puzzles have a Spoiler Warning. So you don't have to read the entire thread to find solutions if you go through looking for something like this:


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107021
10/10/04 05:19 AM
10/10/04 05:19 AM
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INDEX TO PUZZLE HELP -- If you don't see what you need here, there's an updated index to puzzle help on page 40

Important Note: This is NOT an index to all the help in the thread, just to the puzzles that seem to be giving the most trouble.

Reading all the way through the thread will give you significantly more help than if you just refer to this index.

Flying the ship in Spire – page 3, 12

Fireplace puzzle – page 11

Spire spider chair crystal tuning puzzle – page 11, 14, 20, 22, 29, 37 -- hanging below spider chair gear help page 24

Gate puzzle in Haven – wooden gate, puzzle on the left – page 12, 25

Bookcase puzzle in Yeesha’s bedroom – page 13

Haven drawbridge puzzle – page 13, 15

Haven Mangree/Camoudile puzzle – page 15, 16, 23, 27-29, 38

Serenia dreamworld strategy – page 16, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33

Monkey wheel totem puzzle – page 17

Getting to Serenia – page 20

Haven elevator balls in box puzzle – page 20 and 21

Serenia spirit guide puzzle -- page 26, 28, 32

Serenia colored marbles lock -- page 30, 31, 34, 38

Harvester/water wheels -- page 32, 33, 37

Location of Spire medalion -- 35

Serenia Snake -- page 38-39

Spire -- book that won't open in linking chamber -- page 40

Teledahn crystal viewer and telescope – (different solution than in the Prima Official Game Guide)
In the interest of total completeness (and because other people will have this problem) I have written down a list of the crystal shapes and what number they are on the slider -- the slider moves so quickly that it's easy to miss them.
Here they are:
Slot 1 -- tear drop
Slot 2 -- single spire
Slot 3 -- double spire, short, close together
Slot 4 -- fox ears
Slot 5 -- engagement ring
Slot 6 -- multiple spikes
Slot 7 -- double spire, tall, close together
Slot 8 -- single spire, angled top

So using these (admittedly strange) descriptions, the puzzle is solved this way: (note the console I'm talking about with buttons is UNDER the static view screen)

Red multiple spikes (hit leftmost button on console)
Light blue double spire, short -- close together (hit next button to the right on the console)
Yellow single spire -- angled top (hit next button on the console)
Green single spire -- angled top (hit next button on the console)
Dark blue single spire (hit last button on the console)
Then hit the middle button on the console.

To get the telescope working -- you must go up in the chair and look at the viewer in close-up (magnifying glass). The thing that seems to turn the crystal viewer on is pushing the button on the top right of the telescope console (looks like there's a lighthouse on the button). When you push this, you'll see the light become bright orange and you'll hear static starting on the crystal viewer. When you get out of the chair and look at the crystal viewer, you'll now see static on the view screen there.

Hope this helps.|

What to do if your game is slowing down significantly as you progress through the game:

BillyBob: I deleted all but my first and last save and the game "loosened up" and ran a lot faster. I haven't been able to figure out where the pictures taken with the "camera" are located but that's probably because they are associated with the individual saves (my guess) and that would help to account for the size of the saves.

Jenny on how to delete saves: You don't have to go into the computer to delete games, --just go to "load" in the options. The middle option (I'm pretty sure it's the middle, but it's labelled anyway) is to "delete", so you just highlight a save and click that. There will probably be a box asking it you want to delete it.

Skippidy: I just copied my savegame files to another directory as CES had suggested. I'd hate to DELETE something I'd like to use again later.
However, the advice was good. Things move faster with less savegames. Jenny's advice is good for deleting saves, but there are faster ways to do it using Windows Explorer. But, stick to what you know and are comfortable with.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107023
10/10/04 10:09 AM
10/10/04 10:09 AM
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Thanks dadguy - I had a slapforehead moment last night - forgot that gears had teeth in them rolleyes I was yanking them puppies down as far as they would go - geeez. Anyway I think I have them set but I seem to be missing a crystal. Guess now I go on a crystal hunt but I don't seem to recall any that can be picked up. I thought maybe I could grab one on that wheel thingie in the bedroom but nope - all I can do is turn it a little. So I have the hardest puzzle ahead of me huh? Oh boy I can't wait (not) laugh

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107024
10/10/04 10:17 AM
10/10/04 10:17 AM
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Syd--There are 4 crystals there. This was discussed in an earlier post. If you have the gears properly set, now comes the fun of tuning the crystals. I urge you to view the posts on pgs. 11,14,19,20,and 22.

Good luck to you.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107025
10/10/04 10:28 AM
10/10/04 10:28 AM
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Hi Jayne - yep I just read that a minute ago laugh And I'm looking at a piece of paper with the chess piece on it right now - so it makes sense. Now if I can figure out now the keyboard works I may actually get somewhere today - then again - maybe not rotfl

Can I complain now about this grabby hand cursor being the pits especially in a timed sequence??? Half the time I'm tapping instead of grabbing frown I can see this tuning crystal thing is going to take some time - I think I'll go kill some sth soldiers in KOTOR for awhile - it's less frustrating.

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107026
10/10/04 11:27 AM
10/10/04 11:27 AM
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Syd-- It took me two extremely frustrating days to get the crystals tuned. I hated the cursor too. I finally got it by tuning one set and immediately pressing Escape. Then when I was ready (sometimes after several hours) I would come back and tune the next set and immediately press escape, etc. I suggest you practice the settings a number of times before you actually go for it. When you move all of them to 12, all your lights should go off. It took me awhile to figure out that what I thought was 12 was eleven. The tuner tends to move one down from where you think it is.

Best of luck to you. This one is very hard.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107030
10/10/04 02:13 PM
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Syd: One thing that really helped me on the crystal tuning in Spire was to turn the cursor color setting down to its lowest level (like it helped me to turn the cursor to red in Haven). You can then set the cursor directly over the top of the slider and actually see the green marker through the slider and know when to stop. This puzzle seemed impossible at first but a little practice, like Jayne said, quickly pays off.
If I can do this, anybody can do it!

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107031
10/10/04 02:24 PM
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Joanie, how does one turn down the color on the cursor?

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107032
10/10/04 03:03 PM
10/10/04 03:03 PM
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In the options, Jerry, there is a slider to make the cursor more transparent--I don't think you can actually change the color...

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107033
10/10/04 03:10 PM
10/10/04 03:10 PM
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Yes, you can change the cursor color if you want. I changed it because I wanted it to look like a cursor, not a real hand.

Dawna -- if I'd known on September 30 that by October 10 there would be 369 posts, I MIGHT have been smart enough to split the thread up into Quests for each world. But probably not.

For Myst 5, I'll arrange things better! It's exciting that everyone is enjoying themselves this much.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107035
10/10/04 06:49 PM
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I am at the gates in Haven I cant get the top or bottom sliders to move the hammers are open but they sliders will not move. The middle slider moves freely. How do I get the top and bottom slider to loosen up?


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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107036
10/10/04 07:11 PM
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OK, here's how the lock works. There are three sliders that you can grab and move left or right. Also, there are two vertical "rockers" that can be toggled up or down. You have to understand how they work, and the only way to do it is to try playing with them. Try grabbing and lifting the metal rockers up and down, and after doing that, then try to slide the three sliders left or right. Try all three. I guarantee that at least one of them can move. It's a game of toggling the rockers up and down then sliding the sliders that are "free" right and left. You work the puzzle until the little metal buttons no longer have the sliders covering the two little buttons. When you have achieved this you can then toggle the rockers onto the two buttons to open the gate.

You have to get to the point where you understand the movement, and it sounds like you haven't gotten there yet.

SLIDERS: move left and right when the rockers are engaged in the right spot.

ROCKERS can be grabbed and toggled up and down to release the sliders.

These are my terms for these elements... they are the best I can come up with.


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