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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107096
10/12/04 03:59 PM
10/12/04 03:59 PM
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Okay, now I did it with the water spirit, this time I went back got my bubble near the cave where the linking book is, about 3 careful click and there was the guide waiting, got close,moved my hand with the bubble, click right away, the bubble flowed out of my hand and through some spirkles, and the guide disappeared, went to the memeory chamber, the lady was waiting for me..

Now I am in dream world, with color lights, have to turned them all white, which is not an easy task, time consumming and lots of patiences..

I will try the way gremlin suggested...Wish me luck and wish all at this point luck as well..

Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir:
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107097
10/12/04 04:56 PM
10/12/04 04:56 PM
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I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT !!!!!, I put the bad guy to sleep in the Mangree puzzle. I realized what I was doing wrong I was trying to open the nest first. Then all of a sudden I thought you dummy try the attack mode and it worked 2nd time!!!! Now if I can get the rock ship to work dont know what the problem is there but will try to figure it out. If I can't there is always GB'sbravo happydance happydance bravo bravo


May happiness come on secret winds and surround you forever in the ways of beauty. An American Indian Blessing.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107099
10/12/04 05:24 PM
10/12/04 05:24 PM
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ARG!!! mad I'm having a heck of a time at this wooden gate with the metal plate to the left. Tried moving the peg and sliding each of the 3 rows back and forth and nothing. When I took a peek at the hints there were something like 23 steps and of course I am having similar problems as others, where the bottom half of the page is missing. No help there I guess. Anyone have a spoiler for this thing. help

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107100
10/12/04 05:33 PM
10/12/04 05:33 PM
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I got to the spider chair to adjust the crystals I touched the slider on the left and sparks flew out of the machine next to the door and all the lights went out on the spider chair control and the panel went dead. Was I supposed to fix that machine somehow before I tried to adjust the crystals?


May happiness come on secret winds and surround you forever in the ways of beauty. An American Indian Blessing.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107101
10/12/04 05:36 PM
10/12/04 05:36 PM
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A simple hint for the spider chair, dogpenny, is that you've just blown the fuse... you have too much power connected to the chair.

More information available upon request. smile


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107102
10/12/04 06:03 PM
10/12/04 06:03 PM
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dadguy...dream puzzle....I studied all the suggestions and tryed all different ways and I've wracked my brain on this.
All day long and I can't seem to grasp the method needed to do this.
Sometimes the screen is almost white with all the right ones but then colors keep destroying all I do.
Is it possible to give an example of how to do a 3 color triangle using some colors to explain?
And how do I move on without the others getting wrecked?
Sorry for my inability. duh


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107103
10/12/04 06:09 PM
10/12/04 06:09 PM
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Rocking -- Welcome to Haven. Look at Dadguys post about the Gate on pg. 25. It was what made things clear for me.

I haven't had a chance to play yet today. Maybe tonight. You will doubtless be ahead of me by then.

Good luck!!


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107105
10/12/04 06:27 PM
10/12/04 06:27 PM
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Originally posted by SKIPPIDY
And how do I move on without the others getting wrecked?
The next triangle will almost certainly have light(s) in common with the previous one.

Just keep going round the triangle until a light goes white, and then modify your triangle, repeat, until all triagles go white.

Patience, patience. wink


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107106
10/12/04 06:32 PM
10/12/04 06:32 PM
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dogpenny Offline
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I bet I have to turn off the docking station. Will go back and try that. I saved the game before I brought the control panel down in the spider chair. I blew the circuit. Went back and turned off the docking station. When I try to reload the control panel all the lights are on on the picture to load but when I load the panel is dead and the lights are gone. I hope I don't have to start the game all over again!! I cant get past this point is the control panel live then when I load it it is dead???


May happiness come on secret winds and surround you forever in the ways of beauty. An American Indian Blessing.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107107
10/12/04 06:50 PM
10/12/04 06:50 PM
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Do you necessarily need all the power from distant sources, if you can take some from closer to home?


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107108
10/12/04 07:20 PM
10/12/04 07:20 PM
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Hi Dadguy,

I finished the tree house puzzle and have gone back to the hut, middle of raised walkway, by drawbridge. I have gone to chair and can't seem to interact with anything except the drawing of the old mangree. What exactly am I looking for here, or am I in the wrong place?

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107109
10/12/04 07:38 PM
10/12/04 07:38 PM
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I cant unlock the crystals from the spider chair control panel. I have tried and tried forever and they just wont unlock I count the lights as they go on and off and the count is correct still they wont unlock is there an easier way to unlock them? How do I know they are unlocked?


May happiness come on secret winds and surround you forever in the ways of beauty. An American Indian Blessing.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107110
10/12/04 08:23 PM
10/12/04 08:23 PM
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The crystal lock puzzle in Spire is deplorable. I've been trying to solve it for over a week.The worst thing is that the little sliders won't stay where you put them.Tried downloading a savegame but can't find any saved games in the Myst folder, even though there are nine of 'em in game.
Any ideas?

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Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107112
10/12/04 08:30 PM
10/12/04 08:30 PM
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The savegame folder is under My Documents and is called "myst4-revelation savegames".


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107113
10/12/04 09:11 PM
10/12/04 09:11 PM
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Hi everybody.I am in serinia trying to unlock the door to the work shop.I did the dreamworld and got the colors when i turned all the spheres white.I drained the hole to the door.I tried the color combos every way i know how. Every time i press the button the door closes and resets the puzzle.Does any one know the correct placement of the marbles?I have been trying for almost 2 days.I sure do need some help. Thanks,By the way this is a great Quest.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107114
10/12/04 09:22 PM
10/12/04 09:22 PM
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jerry, to solve the colored marble puzzle, you need to find a clue in Spire. Without this clue, the puzzle's pretty hopeless.

You'll need to make sure you've finished ALL of Spire, then get a good look at the elevator there.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107115
10/12/04 09:37 PM
10/12/04 09:37 PM
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Jeepers, you went back too far.

From the mangree/camoudile hut, go down and then go only a few clicks, till you get on the walkway, then turn around (don't go back to the treehouse in the middle of the lake) and go down to where the camoudile is sleeping. The treehouse I mentioned above is off to the right.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107116
10/12/04 09:39 PM
10/12/04 09:39 PM
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Gave up on the locked crystals and went on the Sernia. Now I can't find the linking book went out the arch with the bell and looked all around everywhere and cant find the linking book back to Tomahna. Can anyone tell me where the darn book is?


May happiness come on secret winds and surround you forever in the ways of beauty. An American Indian Blessing.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107117
10/12/04 09:43 PM
10/12/04 09:43 PM
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thanks Dadguy, found it and that was one ugly snake! I am now in Spire and would like to know if that chair setting behind the metal gate is the "Famous Spider Chair"? If so, how do I get the door open?

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107118
10/12/04 09:44 PM
10/12/04 09:44 PM
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I went to spire and took a picture of the round thing hanging on the elevator.That thing has a purple marble on it.There is no purple on the lock that is on the door.Starting from the top going clockwise i had red -cyan- red- green -purple -blue.The colors you get in dreamworld are
green -red- blue and pink-yellow-cyan.Is this correct?

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107119
10/12/04 09:48 PM
10/12/04 09:48 PM
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Glad to hear it!! Way to go!

Explore a bit. There is another way down.

Or... read through this (LOOONG) post for clues. They are in here...

Have fun.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107120
10/12/04 09:54 PM
10/12/04 09:54 PM
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Yeah, I know what you mean... the colors are a bit different...

I found out by experimenting that Purple (Spire) = Pink (Serenia) and that Green = Green and LightGreen = Yellow.

So, the purple is easy... treat it as pink on the door combo.

But, the real question is whether you saw a green or lightgreen on that medalion. For me it was easy because I had both Green and a LightGreen on the medalion and I figured it out.

I have a screen capture from my completed lock that helps understand the lock. I'll only link it if you can't figure it out.

EDIT.. ALSO: The code from the medalion is different for all of us, so we can't give you an absolute solution, only advice.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107121
10/12/04 10:00 PM
10/12/04 10:00 PM
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I see you figured out the Mangree puzzle without using the save. Good for you! Remember that by moving ahead and starting Serenia, you will not be able to use any saves from other games. It will "erase" your progress from YOUR saves.

The link book back to Tomahna is EXACTLY in the same spot you linked in. It is at your feet where you linked in. It brings you to an interesting location in Tomahna.

Regarding the Spire spider chair, there is lots of help in this quest. Use the guide on page 24.


Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107122
10/12/04 10:13 PM
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After having left Haven I couldn't help thinking about that "compass" hanging in the tree. Does anyone know if it has any future relevance to the game? I sort of forgot all about 'till now.

Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert #107123
10/12/04 10:27 PM
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If you push the compass, it swings back and forth...back and forth...


Nope, other than some vague significance to the plot, I don't think it had a use. Not that I ever found, anyway.

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