Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/18/04 08:28 PM
10/18/04 08:28 PM
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Finished the game this evening. Did any one else notice the brass plate on the deck in Tomahna with "The End has not yet been written" on it? Is this a clue there will be a Myst 5? Viz
Just for today, I will not sit in my living room all day in my pajamas. Instead, I will move my computer into the bedroom.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/19/04 10:21 AM
10/19/04 10:21 AM
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hunched over my computer
Originally posted by Vizagoth: Finished the game this evening. Did any one else notice the brass plate on the deck in Tomahna with "The End has not yet been written" on it? Is this a clue there will be a Myst 5? Viz I didn't notice that until I came back from Haven! Was that there all the time  ? I have heard somewhere thay a Myst V is already under development, but it may just be a rumour... Getting close to the end game, I think and I'm really sad about that. WW
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/19/04 04:44 PM
10/19/04 04:44 PM
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hunched over my computer
I didn't notice the thing in serenia (or haven't yet). The book in Spire wasn't there to be opened, I don't think, but you should have got some information from the amulet when you zoomed in.
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/20/04 10:22 AM
10/20/04 10:22 AM
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hunched over my computer
no, the drained out cavern is the one that Achenar stole the (forget the name) really significant stone artifact from, the one that's shaped like a head from the outside and when you turn the water back on it comes out the mouth. The reflector thingie is inside there, and I was sure there was going to be some point to it, but I haven't found it!
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/21/04 08:37 AM
10/21/04 08:37 AM
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The Medieval Lady
The Medieval Lady
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UPDATED DIRECTORY (INDEX) TO PUZZLE HELPWell, here it is. An index to some of the puzzle help in this thread. I'm posting the updated version on page 40, as it is becoming annoying to have to get back to page 24.... Important Note: This is NOT an index to all the help in the thread, just to the puzzles that seem to be giving the most trouble. Reading all the way through the thread will give you significantly more help than if you just refer to this index. If you read all the way through, you will be entertained and inspired. You also might need to take time afterwards to rest your eyes. TomahnaBookcase puzzle in Yeesha’s bedroom – page 13 Fireplace puzzle – page 11 Teledahn crystal viewer and telescope – (different solution than in the Prima Official Game Guide) In the interest of total completeness (and because other people will have this problem) I have written down a list of the crystal shapes and what number they are on the slider -- the slider moves so quickly that it's easy to miss them. Here they are: Slot 1 -- tear drop Slot 2 -- single spire Slot 3 -- double spire, short, close together Slot 4 -- fox ears Slot 5 -- engagement ring Slot 6 -- multiple spikes Slot 7 -- double spire, tall, close together Slot 8 -- single spire, angled top
So using these (admittedly strange) descriptions, the puzzle is solved this way: (note the console I'm talking about with buttons is UNDER the static view screen)
Red multiple spikes (hit leftmost button on console) Light blue double spire, short -- close together (hit next button to the right on the console) Yellow single spire -- angled top (hit next button on the console) Green single spire -- angled top (hit next button on the console) Dark blue single spire (hit last button on the console) Then hit the middle button on the console.
To get the telescope working -- you must go up in the chair and look at the viewer in close-up (magnifying glass). The thing that seems to turn the crystal viewer on is pushing the button on the top right of the telescope console (looks like there's a lighthouse on the button). When you push this, you'll see the light become bright orange and you'll hear static starting on the crystal viewer. When you get out of the chair and look at the crystal viewer, you'll now see static on the view screen there.
Hope this helps.| SpireFlying the ship in Spire – page 3, 12 Spire spider chair crystal tuning puzzle – page 11, 14, 20, 22, 29, 37, 46 -- hanging below spider chair gear help page 24 Location of Spire medalion -- 35 Spire -- book that won't open in linking chamber -- page 40 HavenGate puzzle in Haven – wooden gate, puzzle on the left – page 12, 25 Haven drawbridge puzzle – page 13, 15 Haven Mangree/Camoudile puzzle – page 15, 16, 23, 27-29, 38 Monkey wheel totem puzzle – page 17 Haven elevator balls in box puzzle – page 20 and 21 SereniaGetting to Serenia – page 20 Serenia dreamworld strategy – page 16, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 42 Serenia spirit guide puzzle -- page 26, 28, 32, 45 Serenia colored marbles lock -- page 30, 31, 34, 38 Harvester/water wheels -- page 32, 33, 37 Serenia Snake -- page 38-39 Serenia Map -- page 42 What to do if your game is slowing down significantly as you progress through the game: BillyBob: I deleted all but my first and last save and the game "loosened up" and ran a lot faster. I haven't been able to figure out where the pictures taken with the "camera" are located but that's probably because they are associated with the individual saves (my guess) and that would help to account for the size of the saves.
Jenny on how to delete saves: You don't have to go into the computer to delete games, --just go to "load" in the options. The middle option (I'm pretty sure it's the middle, but it's labelled anyway) is to "delete", so you just highlight a save and click that. There will probably be a box asking it you want to delete it.
Skippidy: I just copied my savegame files to another directory as CES had suggested. I'd hate to DELETE something I'd like to use again later. However, the advice was good. Things move faster with less savegames. Jenny's advice is good for deleting saves, but there are faster ways to do it using Windows Explorer. But, stick to what you know and are comfortable with.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/21/04 10:42 PM
10/21/04 10:42 PM
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Yes, they do sleep a lot, don't they? I must have returned 6 times to listen to them snoring...
I can tell you this; the Protectors didn't wake for me up until I finished turning the final water valve down by the workshop (the one with the snake puzzle on the wheel). After I did this I took the long walk around to the drawbridge to get to the workshop, and on the way, I checked the Protectors and they were awake finally.
If that doesn't work for you, it may be that it's just a time thing that will eventually trigger.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/22/04 06:15 AM
10/22/04 06:15 AM
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Henny Tiben
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I realy need a saving for after the crystals in the spiderchair, because my hands are not able to do such little movements. I`m sorry, that I have to ask for this, because solving by myself is much more rewarding, but I can`t. Please help me.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/22/04 11:29 AM
10/22/04 11:29 AM
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Grande Olde Dame
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Henny, the problem with getting a save from someone else is that you may miss a big chunk of the game, or have to repeat a lot of stuff. Several lovely Boomers have been taking saves from people who are having trouble, and playing through the part that is difficult, then sending a new save back. Let me see if I can get in touch with one of them...
"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/22/04 04:26 PM
10/22/04 04:26 PM
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Dadguy, you have been SO helpful.  I will go back and try another wakeup call. By the way I saw that you also downloaded the latest drivers from Nvidia, at least I think it was you. I did the same and still had the problem with reading hints. Did you also experience the same problems???
Nancy While no trees were harmed in the transmission of this message, thousands of pixels were inconvenienced.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/22/04 04:55 PM
10/22/04 04:55 PM
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Yes, I actually downloaded the "beta" drivers. The most current are version 61.77 (I think) for my GeForce card. I downloaded the beta version 66.72 which work great (fixed numerous 3D graphic problems with sunshine and fog, plus fixed the notes view). I read somewhere that you should re-install DirectX version 9.0C after you upgrade the drivers, but I don't know if this will help.
The downside is that I have a few problems with Uru now (snow like surfaces in Relto, etc.).
But, I can live with that for now...
Let us know if the Protectors wake up.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/23/04 10:29 AM
10/23/04 10:29 AM
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Dadguy, the Protectors finally woke up. I was looking in the wrong place for the middle aged lady. I swear when I did find her she said "It's about time." Could have stuck my tongue out at her. Anyway, I am finished with the game. WHAT A GREAT GAME!!! The graphics are super along with the music. You just wanted to hang around and take it all in. Myst sets a high standard. Thanks again for all your help. Jayne, if you are out there, it sounds as if you have also finished. I will probably go back and play again. What's the next game to play?
Nancy While no trees were harmed in the transmission of this message, thousands of pixels were inconvenienced.
Re: Myst IV Revelation Quest Here -- Directory for Puzzle Help Page 40 -- Spoiler Alert
10/23/04 02:45 PM
10/23/04 02:45 PM
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Hi Rocking-- Congratulations!!! It's a great feeling to get it done but also pretty sad, isn't it? I love the Myst worlds. I'm playing Sherlock Holmes Silver Earing right now but it's not the type of game I really enjoy. I'm waiting for Atlantis Evolution (should arrive next Tues) for some serious game playing. I've only been playing Adventure games for about a year...and not full time. Someone I know said I had a mind that was just like a Myst game (I'm not certain that was a compliment). At any rate I looked up Myst (which I first spelled Mist) on the interent and the rest is history. I enjoy games without much dialogue. Anyway, on Tuesday/Wed I will start Atlantis Evolution. Care to join me? Again, great job on getting it done. I can't believe you're going to do the Spider chair again! You must love mental agony and stress. Take care. Jayne