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Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108164
04/01/05 08:14 PM
04/01/05 08:14 PM
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I have a really dumb question - I've been playing at this game for three nights now and can't figure out how to maneuver the cards and cube into the picture. Whenever I find something and click on it, it just disappears, as did the first cube I assembled. I'm still stuck in rooms 0 and 1, and have found everything there is to find in those two rooms (I think)

I've been able to examine everything in the inventory, have read the note, but just can't do anything with them. Where did they go, and what's with all the clanging gong sounds???

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108165
04/01/05 08:22 PM
04/01/05 08:22 PM
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You place a cube on the shelf like thing beside a door to enter through that door. It is the 'key' for another room.
The cards are for a later puzzle.
smile I can't remember the gong sound at all.

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108166
04/01/05 08:37 PM
04/01/05 08:37 PM
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Mag, my cube disappeared as soon as it assembled itself. I don't know where it went in order to put it on that little shelf.

The clanging noise seems to come from the flashing inventory items, and it changes rhythm whenever I find a piece.

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108167
04/01/05 08:48 PM
04/01/05 08:48 PM
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The cube should be on the right columns of the screen. It covers the label of the room. You take and click it on the shelflike thing. luck

Nice clue sound then! smile

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108169
04/01/05 09:53 PM
04/01/05 09:53 PM
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Thanks Mag, the problem was my browser. I switched over to IE and it's working find now. Now no more clanging, and when I find a piece it goes into my empty inventory box, and I can drag the pieces to where ever I need them.

I got into to bedroom, turned it right-side up, but now I can't find where to put my 3rd cube. I'm still looking.

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108171
04/02/05 12:28 PM
04/02/05 12:28 PM
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One more question - I'm in the kitchen, can't find any inventory item in this room. I can't open any cupboard doors, and I think I know where the stairs are (to the right of the big cupboard???) but I can't go in there. I don't know where to find the cube or the cross - sure would appreciate another hint.

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108172
04/02/05 01:13 PM
04/02/05 01:13 PM
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There's an item (card) at the open shelf right of the table. I think it is third right shelf.
Click the door of the cabinet that you thin is 'stairs'. It will close the door and the shelf behind it will show an item (cross). luck

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108173
04/02/05 06:04 PM
04/02/05 06:04 PM
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I'm in the 3rd rm looking at the safe behind the picture. I have the little picture with the letters on the bottom, but the safe has numbers. I don't get it. I went back and checked the phone(there's only one right?)but I don't know what the clue is. I guess I need some help.

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108174
04/02/05 06:09 PM
04/02/05 06:09 PM
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Look at your own phone and see the letters under the numbers. Have fun!

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108176
04/02/05 06:46 PM
04/02/05 06:46 PM
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No, don't feel that way - I actually tried to solve it first by changing the letters to numbers like A is 1, B is 2, etc... That didn't work, so tried other ways. No, dear. We were making it more complicated than it should be. lol

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108177
04/02/05 06:53 PM
04/02/05 06:53 PM
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Thanks for the hints Mag, I'm going to try them. I thought I had clicked on everything possible in the kitchen,but I must have missed that shelf and door.

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108178
04/02/05 07:16 PM
04/02/05 07:16 PM
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I finally got out of that house! Yeah!! Thanks for all your help, Mag, that card in the kitchen was really hard to find.

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108180
04/03/05 09:14 AM
04/03/05 09:14 AM
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I'm in the 3rd rm. I need a card I think. Can't find the last one. It's the room with the medical profile. I guess it's the 2nd rm. Where is it?

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108181
04/03/05 09:42 AM
04/03/05 09:42 AM
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Hi Midge,

At right book shelf, click on book at end of second from top shelf. It has the card. wave

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108184
04/03/05 01:16 PM
04/03/05 01:16 PM
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I had to start over and now I can't find the piece of the cube in the 0 room. Where is it? MaG said it's on the radiator but I can't find it on either one. This is maddening.

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108186
04/03/05 01:46 PM
04/03/05 01:46 PM
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OK Now I need 2 items in the bedroom but I can't find either one. I got into the kitchen ok and found what I needed there but I'm stuck in the bedroom. I need some help please.

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108187
04/03/05 01:49 PM
04/03/05 01:49 PM
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I found one item. I still can't find the last one.

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108188
04/03/05 02:15 PM
04/03/05 02:15 PM
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I need something in the bedroom. I don't know what it is. I have the card. What am I missing?

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108189
04/03/05 02:17 PM
04/03/05 02:17 PM
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Before you turn the bedroom correct side up - you should have gotten a paper from the floor.
Then when it is now right side up, I think the item is inside the side table. I'll replay.

--- Then use the cube you got from behind the safe-picture that turned the bedroom right side up under the cabinet on the other wall. wave

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108190
04/03/05 02:57 PM
04/03/05 02:57 PM
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Hi MaGs, I did all that but I can't find what's in the side table. I got what was under the pillow. I've been upstairs also and now all I need is the item from the side table in the bedroom. It's all black in there. This is frustrating. Oh oh. Maybe I have to replay it. I can't remember if I got the paper from the floor when the room was upsidedown.

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108191
04/03/05 03:06 PM
04/03/05 03:06 PM
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Are you sure you haven't picked it up already?

If you have been upstairs, then you should be able to go out.

Do you have all the pieces of the letter - then put them together.

Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108192
04/03/05 03:12 PM
04/03/05 03:12 PM
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I've got all the letter pieces. Where do I put them together?

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108193
04/03/05 03:14 PM
04/03/05 03:14 PM
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I got it! I got it! Thanks MaG. That was fun.

Just do it.
Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108194
04/03/05 06:34 PM
04/03/05 06:34 PM
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Hi, everyone!

By the size of this thread, I figured "Doors" must be a pretty good little game, so I decided to give it a shot.

I've been able to access two rooms and have picked up cube pieces, letter pieces, a picture and a card. Unfortunately, I can't do anything with any of those items. I assume the picture contains the code for opening the safe, but when I press the corresponding numbers on a telephone dial, nothing happens. I also assume that I'm supposed to put the cube together, but I can't figure out how to do that. Ditto for the letter pieces.

Any hints to get me started?


Re: DOORS: A little something to drive ya'll crazy #108195
04/03/05 06:53 PM
04/03/05 06:53 PM
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Once the first set of pieces are collected, they will form a cube automatically. The rest will be preformed cubes. Since you got the picture you must already have accessed another room with a cube.
The letter pieces will be for later in the game.
If you entered the corrected numbers on the dial behind the picture, it should open. smile

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