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Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109910
10/14/05 05:18 PM
10/14/05 05:18 PM
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yes I can a circle for the head a curved line for the back at the bottom line a leg going to the right between the head and the leg a line going to the right I believe is a arm there is a another circle in back of the head I hope this description help also there is a picture of it in the walk through


Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109911
10/14/05 06:39 PM
10/14/05 06:39 PM
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Hi Norm..

You are using the correct symbol.

You need to stand on the pressure plate...draw the symbol and then drop the slate onto the pressure plate. Don't look around to see the Bahro..skeedaddle on over to the wall device and pull it up...then...skeedaddle over to the elevator. As soon as it gets to the top...IMMEDIATELy get off it..before it starts to go down again.

The KEY is to not waste time at the bottom.

Stand on plate...draw symbol...drop slate...pull up on wall device...get to elevator...ride to the top...get off. Try to be as fluid as possible with your movement...NO TIME TO WASTE..!!

I hope this least until dadguy gets back..!! LOL

Done by Dunn
Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109912
10/15/05 01:38 PM
10/15/05 01:38 PM
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No matter what I do i still can not get off of the elevator I've tried almost everything but when I get up there my cursor disappears so I can not get off the elevator do you have any other suggestions


Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109913
10/15/05 06:11 PM
10/15/05 06:11 PM
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Originally posted by norm:
No matter what I do i still can not get off of the elevator I've tried almost everything but when I get up there my cursor disappears so I can not get off the elevator do you have any other suggestions

If you've read the whole thread here norm, you'll see a couple of us had particular problems, even when we were doing the correct method, and using the right symbol on the slate.. Bahro just would not stay long enough for elevator to go up and for us to run off on the second floor.

The only thing that finally worked for me was to go back a little to an earlier savepoint, before I had touched the counterweight puzzle at all, and do it according to dadguy's method. (PS it also worked well if I dropped the slate with the singer symbol on it, while facing AWAY from the door.. that ended up having the slate sitting not quite on the pressure plate, and the Bahro would link there right through the door, and be standing on the plate while 'singing', and it was long enough for me to get up to second floor and run off).

Hopefully you have an earlier save in Laki'ahn where you don't have to repeat too much?

Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109914
10/15/05 11:36 PM
10/15/05 11:36 PM
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I've tried all your suggestions, but the problem is when I get to the top the hand cursor is not there it disappears without the cursor I cannot move forward had anyone else run into that trouble help help help mad mad

Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109915
10/16/05 01:03 AM
10/16/05 01:03 AM
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hmmm, I don't think I've had that happen any of the times I've played through that part, so I'm not sure what to suggest. Maybe someone else has experienced this? Anybody?

Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109916
10/16/05 10:57 AM
10/16/05 10:57 AM
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Nope. It sounds like he is doing it correctly. Maybe it's a question of using the SHIFT key to have him RUN off the platform at the top.

I have no other suggestions. Sorry.


Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109917
10/20/05 05:23 PM
10/20/05 05:23 PM
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Has anyone found out or have had the same problem that I have the elevator always up but when I get to the top there is no cursor the will let me get off of the elevator I tried and tried but nothing seems to work for me I just wondering if anyone else has had this problem appreciate any help that I can get so I can finish this game


Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109918
10/21/05 12:03 AM
10/21/05 12:03 AM
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Originally posted by norm:
Has anyone found out or have had the same problem that I have the elevator always up but when I get to the top there is no cursor the will let me get off of the elevator I tried and tried but nothing seems to work for me I just wondering if anyone else has had this problem appreciate any help that I can get so I can finish this game

I'm wondering which mode you are doing the game in norm? There are different movement modes - I usually just stick to the Classic, but perhaps you are using one of the others? Maybe that is interfering with you getting an active cursor to move off of the elevator pad?

Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109919
10/21/05 01:27 AM
10/21/05 01:27 AM
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I am in the classic mode and i tried the other one to but the same problem persist and let me tell you it sure is flustrated


Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109920
10/21/05 02:10 AM
10/21/05 02:10 AM
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And the hand will only appear when the elevator gets right to the top and stopped moving. And you need to be looking ahead not down or up.

Have you tried using the arrow keys instead of the mouse - it's much easier.

Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109921
10/21/05 02:36 PM
10/21/05 02:36 PM
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the only trouble is when the elder reaches the top it only stop for a split-second not enough time to get off anyway I found a way to get around getting off of the elevator there's a way to do this without getting on the elevator at all when you'd do you can go backwards to the doors to get to the top of the second floor anyway thanks all of you who tried to help me on my way to the end of the game now thanks once more for the help

Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109922
10/21/05 08:47 PM
10/21/05 08:47 PM
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I just replayed it (using the advanced mode) and when I got off the elevator at the top, I had time to walk to the end of the hall and then turn around, wait three seconds, THEN the elevator started to drop.

It makes me wonder if the Bahro is recognizing the SING symbol you are writing. I would spend my energy on that.

Good luck, Norm.


Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109923
10/26/05 03:47 PM
10/26/05 03:47 PM
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I dont know if this will be of any help, but I had a lot of trouble getting to the second floor of the arena. I couldnt get the counterweight to take me to the second floor, It always went to the third floor and when I got on with the slate it went down to the counterweight floor again. So I deducted my weight 1 (one) and set the controls on the posts to the following right (screen) begins. 2@1, 2@3, 2@4. I then went back to the bubble and collected the slate and linked to the 3rd pedestal and lo and behold I was there. Its a miracle. bravo thumbsup

Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109924
10/28/05 09:59 PM
10/28/05 09:59 PM
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I am in back of the windmill trying to get wind the 2nd time. I did the 1st time OK but after doing the slate wi/the 2 backwards triangles & getting back to the windmill, press the wind sign on the slate, sign draws itself (thank goodness) but I get no wind I tried to move the levers anyway but still no wind.



EDIT Got it !! Just needed to drop the slate.

Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109925
10/29/05 10:29 AM
10/29/05 10:29 AM
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NEW problem. I linked into the cage w/pedestal & am in the(a) Arena staning in the middle. WT says climb up a slope wall. Wellll, my cursor won't let me climb anything. As usual did I leave something out before I got here???



Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109926
10/29/05 09:26 PM
10/29/05 09:26 PM
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Mome, if you are in the water in the center of the arena (which looks like a Colosseum) then there are a couple of sloped concrete-looking slabs on either side of an elevated pedestal. I just walked right up them, but I was using the ADVANCED game control that doesn't require the cursor to be active... you just walk where you want.

Anyway, that's where you are headed.

Good luck.


Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109927
10/31/05 12:31 PM
10/31/05 12:31 PM
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I'm still stuck here. I have gone back to the beginning of this age but still can't get anywhere after doing wind the 2nd time. Is perhaps my problem that the cage gate is not open the right way?? the pedestal front is facing the entrance that you come into the water area just before goiing to windmill (behind bars) & when I step out I am behind the pedestal going into an arena? but my cursor takes me nowhere. I have redone the windmill pulling Llever once & R lever 3x (read to do that somewhere) & I have pulled & pressed red buttons as WT says to do but still I am going nowhere.



Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109931
11/05/05 11:04 PM
11/05/05 11:04 PM
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Okay, I can get the cage to turn, but it doesn't turn so that I can enter the arena. Any tips? slapforehead

Thomasene Muse

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Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109932
11/05/05 11:12 PM
11/05/05 11:12 PM
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Thomasene, this is what was said on another thread about the cage: SPOILER
The cage doors should be open looking toward an triangular tunnel with it's doors swung open and out. You have to SQUEEZE around the pedestal and walk into the water to move forward to the tunnel.

If the triangular doors are not open you have to go run the WIND again, pull the left lever to activate the machine, then click the LEFT of two buttons to open those doors.

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Re: Myst V: End of Ages -- Hints and Spoilers for Laki'ahn #109933
11/06/05 12:33 AM
11/06/05 12:33 AM
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bravo bravo bravo I owe you Jenny. I've gotten into the arena and am now at the point where I have to get the platform to stay up. Wish me luck.

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