Re: Savegame question
[Re: Mikael]
03/13/17 12:25 AM
03/13/17 12:25 AM
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Oh, yes... definitely much prefer a manual save in addition to exit. Having to replay a certain part of a game just because life intervenes is SOOOO aggravating.
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Re: Savegame question
[Re: Mikael]
03/13/17 09:46 AM
03/13/17 09:46 AM
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Autosave on exit is fine, but I still like creating save game points on my own. I despise save points in games. It's usually a deal breaker for me because I grab little bursts of time to play and can't always get to a save point. i do appreciate a game that saves all your progress as you exit though in case I forget. Ana 
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Re: Savegame question
[Re: Mikael]
03/13/17 11:20 AM
03/13/17 11:20 AM
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still save manually, but i like save on exit.
one reason is because we have sudden , inexplicable power burps,
and i don't want to repeat things because of it.
also not fond of hint systems that give a hint and the solution on
the same "page"
so yes , not being able to save when i want means i won't play that game.
Last edited by niteowl07; 03/13/17 02:02 PM.
Re: Savegame question
[Re: GreyFuss]
03/13/17 04:12 PM
03/13/17 04:12 PM
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... The games that force you to play to specific save point in the game is absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense why any developer would use such nonsense. I really don't know why they would do that or who it benefits... Also in agreement with the futility of that style of save system. Unfortunately, it's fairly heavily rooted and most likely began with Dark Side style games; FPS, Action Adventure and so on. The original logic put forth was to allow the player to remain completely immersed in the gameplay and not create the potential for a critical lag in-game as the result of an Autosave. This can be an issue with twitch oriented gaming where every move makes the difference between making the goal or not. It could be argued that with today's more advanced machines, the potential for lag has less probability, but as machines advance, so does the demand by game graphics - At least that's what some production groups use as a justification. The main reason it's adopted by other games is to make a shorter game appear longer by forcing the gamer to replay the last sequence of events each time they fail to make a save checkpoint. It's even done on low graphic demand platform style games, for just that reason; it stretches out the gaming experience to increase the game's "perceived value." It's all about the bottom line 
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Re: Savegame question
[Re: Ewil02]
03/13/17 05:47 PM
03/13/17 05:47 PM
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Good question, Mikael My preference is always to have the option of saving when and where I want and not be forced to accept an "auto save" system. The only "auto save" I am happy to accept is that on exiting a game Cheers. Mad 
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Re: Savegame question
[Re: Mikael]
03/13/17 10:51 PM
03/13/17 10:51 PM
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There are 3 general types of autosave features:
1. The game can be saved manually, and also saves automatically at exit and/or check points. I see no negative sides here. The player can choose to save and load any scene in the game, regardless of current progression, or choose to never save, and simply start up the game from the last autosave in the next gaming session. I have a little pet peeve about the saving icon that sometimes appears in one corner of these games (and sometime inadvertently alerts you that something dramatical is about to happen), but that's just a detail. Sometimes you can turn off the autosave feature in these games, which makes the system perfect.
2. The game only saves on exit and sometimes also at checkpoints. I don't like this, for the same reasons that have already been mentioned here. And who's to say that the player doesn't want to revisit a scene that isn't available at the point he or she has progressed to? The point of a game is not just about rushing though a number of scenes just to get to the end!
3. The game only saves at checkpoints. This method should be criminalized. When I come across it in a game, I always feel like the game is punishing the player. And for some reason the checkpoints are often very far and few between in these games, forcing the player to repeat large portions of the game.
I always make plenty manual saves. But I'm old school. In the old Sierra games, not saving frequently was crucial, since one could reach a dead end if one hadn't performed a specific action prior to certain scenes. I particularly remember being tied to a bed forever if one hadn't bought wine to the wino outside the store earlier in the game.
Re: Savegame question
[Re: Mikael]
03/14/17 06:00 AM
03/14/17 06:00 AM
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Oh...thank goodness Mikael. I thought that because you asked this question you were contemplating changing the Save system in future Carol Reed games..whew.  Speaking of the old school games and manual saves, in my opinion the perfect save system was one that you didn't have to leave the game screen to save. With some of the older games all you needed to do was hit a certain "F" key or the "S" key. To me this is perfect as it doesn't make you pause when you are drawn into a game. This is optimal when you like to save a lot like us old timers that are programed to do this because of the chances of a game crashing at a most challenging part. Some games now-a-days have too many clicks just to manually Save and click back to where you were. Yes, bring back the one click Save and have the choice of Loading any at the beginning of a session.
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