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Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118442
07/20/17 06:50 PM
07/20/17 06:50 PM
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In the Naughty Corner
1. Among the Sleep
2. Barrow Hill
3.Barrow Hill The Dark Path
4. Botanicula
5. Candle
6. Fire
7. Fran Bow
8. Karma Incarnation
9. Last Crown: Midnight Horror
10. Leaves The Journey
11. Leaves The Return
12. Lumino City
13. Machinarium
14. Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock
15. Nibiru
16. Runaway 3: A Twist of Fate
17. Samorost 3
18 Secret Files 1: Tunguska
19. Tormentum
20. Vanishing of Ethan Carter, The

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118498
07/21/17 07:57 AM
07/21/17 07:57 AM
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gamern Offline
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Anacapri the Dream
Carol Reed: Profound Red
Culpa Innata
Dark Eye: Memoria
Dreamfall Chapters

Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Life is Strange
Memento Mori
Murder in the Abbey (Director's Cut)

Next Life
Post Mortem

Sherlock Holmes versus Arsène Lupin / Nemesis
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper
Tesla Effect
Yoormurjak's Ring

Thank you

Re: 2017 The List [Re: gamern] #1118505
07/21/17 08:26 AM
07/21/17 08:26 AM
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[ I worked it out Mad - one game can't replace that other one, so I chose two !! ]

Hehehe !! Might have known you'd find some sort of a solution, flotsam lol

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118639
07/22/17 06:33 PM
07/22/17 06:33 PM
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flotsam Offline OP
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And so it ends, and with a new number 1. bravo
As always, two lists follow, one numerical, one alphabetical. The numerical list starts with the Hall of Fame games, and they are included in the alphabetical list marked **.
As with last year, the numerical list shows placings rather than votes. You can see the votes in the alphabetical list.
I have tried in the past to use full as well as alternate titles where I have known them, but I am getting old and there are so many games. I no doubt missed a few. I have also taken some liberties with names to get series together where possible in the alphabetical list, and numbered series games to assist with the order in which they were developed. Be warned - they may not be sequels, just additional games in a series. And when you get prequels, the whole numbering thing falls apart crazy
Episodics are marked as well, and they can be confusing too (is Journey Down episodes or sequels??).
A couple of rather darkish games crept in, and some that I am not sure are games at all, but we are all friends.
Awesome thanks to Chief who helps with the count and apologies up front for any mistakes, which are all mine.

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118640
07/22/17 06:34 PM
07/22/17 06:34 PM
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AmerZone: The Explorer’s Legacy
Black Mirror
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood
Dark Fall: The Journal
Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Grim Fandango
The Longest Journey
The Lost Crown
Lost Horizon
Still Life
Syberia 2
Zork Grand Inquisitor
Zork Nemesis

1 Tex Murphy 6: The Tesla Effect

2 Carol Reed 12: Profound Red, The Longest Journey: Dreamfall Chapters (episodic), Yoomurjak's Ring

3 The Book of Unwritten Tales, Kathy Rain

4 Culpa Innata, Discworld 3: Noir, Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned, Gray Matter, Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island, Thimbleweed Park

5 Atlantis 2: Beyond Atlantis, Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle, Barrow Hill : The Dark Path, Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse, The Dig, The Last Crown: Midnight Horror, Life is Strange, Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle, Obduction, Oxenfree, Primordia, Quern: Undying Thoughts, Runaway 1: A Road Adventure, Secret Files 1: Tunguska, Tex Murphy 4: Pandora Directive

6 Blackstone Chronicles, Carol Reed 11: Shades of Black, Cat Lady, Morpheus, Myst 3: Exile
4 Outcry/Sublustrum, Scratches, Shivers

7 Agatha Christie 1: And Then There Were None, Amber: Journeys Beyond, Aura 1: Fate of the Ages, Blackwell 5: Epiphany, Blade Runner, Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror, Carol Reed 3: Time Stand Still, Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller, Contradiction: Spot the Liars, Dead Reefs, Dark Fall 2: Lights Out3 Faust: Seven Games of the Soul, Firewatch, Fran Bow, Kings Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow, Machinarium, Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island, Moment of Silence, Murder in the Abbey/The Abbey, Myst: Uru Chronicle, Mysterious Journey 1: Schizm, Niburu, Prominence, Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches, Sherlock Holmes 6: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, Sinking Island, Tormentum,

8 Alida: The Enigmatic Giant, Anacapri: The Dream, Barron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok, Black Sails: Ghost Ship, The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Botanicula, Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon, Carol Reed 5: The Colour of Murder, Carol Reed 6: Black Circle, Carol Reed 7: Blue Madonna, Carol Reed 10: Bosch’s Damnation, Conspiracies, Daemonica, Dark Eye 2: Memoria, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gone Home, Haven Moon, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, The Journey Down: Chapter 1, Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time, Keepsake, Kings Quest (episodic), The Last Express, Loom, Memento Mori, Memoria, The Minims, Myst 4: Revelation, Obsidian, Overclocked: A History of Violence, Post Mortem, Resonance, Return to Mysterious Island, Rhem 4: The Golden Fragments, Runaway 3: A Twist of Fate, Samarost 3, Sherlock Holmes 3: The Awakened, Sherlock Holmes 5: Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper, Simon the Sorcerer 1, Simon the Sorcerer 2: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe, Stasis, Talos Principle, Technobabylon, Tex Murphy 3: Under a Killing Moon, Tex Murphy 5: Overseer, Toonstruck, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, The Walking Dead Season 1 (episodic), Zak McKracken and the Alien Mind Benders, The Wolf Among Us (episodic), Witness,

9 The 7th Guest, A New Beginning, Agatha Christie 2: Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie 3: Evil Under the Sun, AGON: The Mysterious Codex (episodic), Alone in the Dark, Among the Sleep, Ankh 1: Reverse the Curse, Anna (Extended Edition), Ark of Time, Armikrog, Arthur’s Knights : Secrets of Merlin, Arthur’s Knights : Tales of Chivalry, Art of Murder 2: Hunt for the Puppeteer, Art of Murder 3: Cards of Destiny, Bad Mojo/Bad Mojo Redux, Belief and Betrayal, Black Dahlia, Black Mirror 2, Blackwell Legacy, Blackwell Deception, Blackwood Crossing, The Book of Unwritten Tales: Critter Chronicles, Candle, Carol Reed 1: Remedy, Carol Reed 2: Hope Springs Eternal, Carol Reed 4: East Side Story, Carol Reed 8: Amber’s Blood, Carol Reed 9: Cold Case Summer, Casebook 1: Kidnapped, Casebook 2: The Watcher, Casebook 3: Snake in the Grass, Cassandra Galleries, The Crows Eye, CSI 1: Crime Scene Investigation, The Dame Was Loaded, The Dark Eye, Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls, Darkness Within 1: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder, Dead Secret, Deathgate, Deponia, Discworld 1, Discworld 2: Missing Presumed..?/Mortality Bites, Downfall: Redux, Dracula: Origin, The Dream Machine, Dreamweb, Dust: A Tale of the Wired West, Echoes of the Past, Echo: Secrets of the Lost Cavern, Erevos, Everybody Has Gone to the Rapture, The Eyes of Ara, Feeble Files, The Filmmaker, Fire, Force Majeure 2: The Zone, Forgotten: It Begins, Fort Boyard : La Legende, Gadget: Invention, Travel, Adventure, GAG, Gemini Rue, Goetia, Golden Gate, Green Moon, Hamlet: A Murder Mystery, Her Story, I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream, Incarnatia, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit, Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker, The Inner World, Jack the Ripper, The Journey Down: Chapter 2, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage, Journey to Wild Divine: The Wisdom Quest, J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars, Karma Incarnation, Kentucky Route Zero, Kings Quest 4: The Perils of Rosella, Kings Quest 7: The Princeless Bride, Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirit Eye, Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon, Layers of Fear, Leaves 1: The Journey, Leaves 2: The Return, Legend of Kyrandia 1: Fables and Fiends, The Legend of Lotus Spring, Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards/Reloaded, Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals, Lifestream, Lighthouse: The Dark Being, Lost in Time, Lumino City, Maize, Maniac Mansion, Mirage, Moebius: Empire Rising, Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck’s Revenge, Monkey Island: Tales of Monkey Island (episodic), Morningstar: Decent to Deadrock, Myst 5: End of Ages, Nancy Drew 11: Curse of the Blackmoor Manor, Nancy Drew 13: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon, Nelly Cootalot 2: The Fowl Fleet, The Neverhood, Next Life, Night Café, Night of the Rabbit, Paradise, Perry Rhodan: Immortals of Terra, Phantasmagoria 1: A New Nightmare, Police Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel, Police Quest 2: The Vengeance, Police Quest 3: The Kindred, Police Quest 4: Open Season, Portal 2, Puzzle Agent, Quest For Glory 5: Dragonfire, Qin, Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief, Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender, Rhem 2: The Cave, Rhem 3: The Secret Library, The Riddle of Master Liu, Riddle of the Sphinx 1: An Egyptian Adventure, Room, Room 2, Root of Evil, Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle, Safecracker, Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis, Secrets of Da Vinci: The Forbidden Manuscript, Shady Brook, Shannara, Shardlight, Sherlock Holmes Lost Files: Case of the Rose Tattoo, Sherlock Holmes; Mystery of the Mummy, Sherlock Holmes 4: Nemesis/vs Arsene Lupin, Space Bar, Starship Titanic, Tales of Cosmos, Titanic: Adventure Out of Time, Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths, Torin’s Passage, Void, The Walking Dead Season 2 (episodic), The Wardrobe, The Whispered World 2: Silence, Xing (demo), Yesterday, Zork: Return to Zork

Last edited by flotsam; 07/23/17 04:18 PM. Reason: error fixed

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118641
07/22/17 06:35 PM
07/22/17 06:35 PM
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flotsam Offline OP
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1 The 7th Guest

1 A New Beginning
3 Agatha Christie 1: And Then There Were None
1 Agatha Christie 2: Murder on the Orient Express
1 Agatha Christie 3: Evil Under the Sun
1 AGON: The Mysterious Codex (episodic)
2 Alida: The Enigmatic Giant
1 Alone in the Dark
3 Amber: Journeys Beyond
1 Among the Sleep
** AmerZone: The Explorer’s Legacy**
2 Anacapri: The Dream
1 Ankh 1: Reverse the Curse
1 Anna (Extended Edition)
1 Ark of Time
1 Armikrog
1 Arthur’s Knights : Secrets of Merlin
1 Arthur’s Knights : Tales of Chivalry
1 Art of Murder 2: Hunt for the Puppeteer
1 Art of Murder 3: Cards of Destiny
5 Atlantis 2: Beyond Atlantis
3 Aura 1: Fate of the Ages

1 Bad Mojo/Bad Mojo Redux
2 Barron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok
5 Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle
5 Barrow Hill: The Dark Path
1 Belief and Betrayal
1 Black Dahlia
** Black Mirror**
1 Black Mirror 2
2 Black Sails: Ghost Ship
4 Blackstone Chronicles
1 Blackwell Legacy
1 Blackwell Deception
3 Blackwell 5: Epiphany
1 Blackwood Crossing
3 Blade Runner
7 The Book of Unwritten Tales
2 The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
1 The Book of Unwritten Tales: Critter Chronicles
2 Botanicula
** Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars/Circle of Blood**
3 Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
5 Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse

2 Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon
1 Candle
1 Carol Reed 1: Remedy
1 Carol Reed 2: Hope Springs Eternal
3 Carol Reed 3: Time Stand Still
1 Carol Reed 4: East Side Story
2 Carol Reed 5: The Colour of Murder
2 Carol Reed 6: Black Circle
2 Carol Reed 7: Blue Madonna
1 Carol Reed 8: Amber’s Blood
1 Carol Reed 9: Cold Case Summer
2 Carol Reed 10: Bosch’s Damnation
4 Carol Reed 11: Shades of Black
8 Carol Reed 12: Profound Red
1 Casebook 1: Kidnapped
1 Casebook 2: The Watcher
1 Casebook 3: Snake in the Grass
1 Cassandra Galleries
4 Cat Lady
3 Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller
3 Contradiction: Spot the Liars
2 Conspiracies
1 The Crows Eye
1 CSI 1: Crime Scene Investigation
6 Culpa Innata

2 Daemonica
1 The Dame Was Loaded
2 Dark Eye 2: Memoria
1 The Dark Eye
** Dark Fall 1: The Journal**
3 Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
1 Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls
1 Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder
3 Dead Reefs
1 Dead Secret
1 Deathgate
1 Deponia
5 The Dig
1 Discworld 1
1 Discworld 2: Missing Presumed..?/Mortality Bites
6 Discworld 3: Noir
1 Downfall: Redux
1 Dracula: Origin
1 The Dream Machine
1 Dreamweb
1 Dust: A Tale of the Wired West

1 Echoes of the Past
1 Echoes: Secrets of the Lost Cavern
1 Erevos
1 Everybody Has Gone to the Rapture
1 The Eyes of Ara

3 Faust: Seven Games of the Soul
1 Feeble Files
1 The Filmmaker
1 Fire
3 Firewatch
2 Flight of the Amazon Queen
1 Force Majeure 2, the Zone
1 Forgotten: It Begins
1 Fort Boyard, La Legende
3 Fran Bow

** Gabriel Knight 1: Sins of the Fathers**
** Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within**
6 Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
1 Gadget: Invention, Travel, Adventure
1 Gemini Rue
1 Goetia
1 Golden Gate
2 Gone Home
6 Gray Matter
1 Green Moon
** Grim Fandango**

1 Hamlet: A Murder Mystery
2 Haven Moon
1 Her Story

1 I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream
1 Incarnatia
2 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
1 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
1 Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit
1 Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker
1 Inner World

1 Jack the Ripper
2 The Journey Down: Chapter 1
1 The Journey Down: Chapter 2
1 Journey to the Centre of the Earth
1 Journey to Wild Divine 1: The Passage
1 Journey to Wild Divine 2: The Wisdom Quest
2 Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
1 J.U.L.I.A. Among the Stars

1 Karma Incarnation
7 Kathy Rain
2 Keepsake
1 Kentucky Route Zero
1 Kings Quest 4: The Perils of Rosella
3 Kings Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
1 Kings Quest 7: The Princeless Bride
2 Kings Quest (episodic)

2 The Last Express
1 Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirit Eye
1 Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon
1 Layers of Fear
5 The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
1 Leaves 1: The Journey
1 Leaves 2: The Return
1 Legend of Kyrandia 1: Fables and Fiends
1 The Legend of Lotus Spring
1 Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards/Reloaded
1 Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals
5 Life is Strange
1 Lifestream
1 Lighthouse: The Dark Being
** The Longest Journey**
** The Longest Journey 2: Dreamfall**
8 The Longest Journey: Dreamfall Chapters
2 Loom
**The Lost Crown**
1 Lost in Time
** Lost Horizon**
1 Lumino City

3 Machinarium
1 Maize
1 Maniac Mansion
5 Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle
2 Memento Mori
2 Memoria
2 The Minims
1 Mirage
1 Moebius: Empire Rising
3 Moment of Silence
6 Monkey Island 1: The Secret of Monkey Island
1 Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck’s Revenge
3 Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island
1 Monkey Island: Tales of Monkey Island (episodic)
1 Morningstar: Decent to Deadrock
4 Morpheus
3 Murder in the Abbey/ The Abbey
** Myst/RealMyst**
** Myst 2: Riven**
4 Myst 3: Exile
2 Myst 4: Revelation
1 Myst 5: End of Ages
3 Myst: Uru Chronicles
3 Mysterious Journey 1: Schizm

1 Nancy Drew 11: Curse of the Blackmoor Manor
1 Nancy Drew 13: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon
1 Nelly Cootalot 2: The Fowl Fleet
1 The Neverhood
1 Next Life
3 Niburu
1 Night Café
1 Night of the Rabbit

5 Obduction
2 Obsidian
4 Outcry/Sublustrum
2 Overclocked: A History of Violence
5 Oxenfree

1 Paradise
1 Perry Rhodan: Immortals of Terra
1 Phantasmagoria 1: A New Nightmare
1 Police Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel
1 Police Quest 2: The Vengeance
1 Police Quest 3: The Kindred
1 Police Quest 4: Open Season
1 Portal 2
2 Post Mortem
5 Primordia
3 Prominence
1 Puzzle Agent

5 Quern, Undying Thoughts
1 Quest For Glory 5: Dragonfire
1 Qin

1 Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief
2 Resonance
2 Return to Mysterious Island
1 Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
1 Rhem 2: The Cave
1 Rhem 3: The Secret Library
2 Rhem 4: The Golden Fragments
3 Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches
1 The Riddle of Master Liu
1 Riddle of the Sphinx 1: An Egyptian Adventure
1 Room
1 Room 2
1 Root of Evil
5 Runaway 1: A Road Adventure
1 Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle
2 Runaway 3: A Twist of Fate

1 Safecracker
2 Samarost 3
** Sanitarium**
4 Scratches
5 Secret Files 1: Tunguska
1 Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis
1 Secrets of Da Vinci: The Forbidden Manuscript
1 Shady Brook
1 Shannara
1 Shardlight
1 Sherlock Holmes Lost Files: Case of the Rose Tattoo
1 Sherlock Holmes; Mystery of the Mummy
2 Sherlock Holmes 3: The Awakened
1 Sherlock Holmes 4: Nemesis/vs Arsene Lupin
2 Sherlock Holmes 5: Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper
3 Sherlock Holmes 6: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
4 Shivers
2 Simon the Sorcerer 1
2 Simon the Sorcerer 2: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe
3 Sinking Island
1 Space Bar
1 Starship Titanic
** Still Life 1 (sequel to Post Mortem)**
2 Stasis
** Syberia 1**
** Syberia 2**

1 Tales of Cosmos
2 Talos Principle
2 Technobabylon
2 Tex Murphy 3: Under a Killing Moon
5 Tex Murphy 4: Pandora Directive
2 Tex Murphy 5: Overseer
10 Tex Murphy 6: The Tesla Effect
6 Thimbleweed Park
** Timelapse**
1 Titanic: Adventure Out of Time
1 Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths
2 Toonstruck
1 Torin’s Passage
3 Tormentum

2 The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
1 Void

2 Walking Dead Season 1 (episodic)
1 Walking Dead Season 2 (episodic)
1 The Wardrobe
1 The Whispered World 2; Silence
2 Witness
2 The Wolf Among Us (episodic)

1 Xing (demo)

1 Yesterday
8 Yoomurjak's Ring

2 Zak McKracken and the Alien Mind Benders
** Zork Grand Inquisitor**
** Zork Nemesis**
1 Zork: Return to Zork

Last edited by flotsam; 07/23/17 04:16 PM. Reason: fixed error

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118648
07/22/17 08:57 PM
07/22/17 08:57 PM
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Chief Offline
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Super list, flotsam. bravo

Chief wave

Re: 2017 The List [Re: Chief] #1118649
07/22/17 09:36 PM
07/22/17 09:36 PM
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Thank you so much for the time and effort put into this. bravo

I will be looking over the list carefully for future reference. smile

Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118652
07/22/17 10:55 PM
07/22/17 10:55 PM
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Thank you from me too. I enjoy seeing the lists.

Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118655
07/22/17 11:03 PM
07/22/17 11:03 PM
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Kudos to you Chief praise

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118660
07/22/17 11:46 PM
07/22/17 11:46 PM
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Thank you so much flotsam and chief for your hard work of tallying the games! Much appreciated!

Ana wave

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Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118670
07/23/17 03:22 AM
07/23/17 03:22 AM
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meryl Offline
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Very much appreciate all the hard work that goes into this.

Lots of highly rated games to investigate.

Re: 2017 The List [Re: meryl] #1118673
07/23/17 07:12 AM
07/23/17 07:12 AM
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Thank you flotsam & Chief for your hard work on putting these lists together!
I enjoyed reading the top choices of others & my own list of 'must plays' grows forever longer!
There's just one thing if you don't mind me mentioning - I was curious to see who else had voted for Echoes of the Past which received 2 votes but I could only find the 1 vote for Echo - Secrets of the Lost Cavern which is a much older & completely different game. Echoes of the Past is a relatively recent AGS Freeware game actually set, unlike Secrets of the Lost Cavern, in the present day. lol

Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118675
07/23/17 09:17 AM
07/23/17 09:17 AM
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chrissie, it should state 1 Echoes of the Past and 1 Echo-Secrets of the Lost Cavern. You are correct. Unfortunately (and fortunately), when using Excel and you start to type, it finishes your sentence with something previous to auto complete. I'm sure that's what happened.

Ana wave

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: 2017 The List [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1118678
07/23/17 09:36 AM
07/23/17 09:36 AM
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Bravo flotsam and Chief for yet another magnificent job completed !!!! bravo

We all very much appreciate the time and effort you have put in yes

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118701
07/23/17 02:04 PM
07/23/17 02:04 PM
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Thanks again flotsam and Chief! It's always fascinating to see everyone's choices and how they add up. urock

Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1118714
07/23/17 04:14 PM
07/23/17 04:14 PM
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Thanks chrissie - i will sort!
Tis done.

Last edited by flotsam; 07/23/17 04:19 PM. Reason: fixed

Quantity has a quality all of its own
Re: 2017 The List [Re: flotsam] #1119296
07/29/17 09:53 AM
07/29/17 09:53 AM
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Arcadia (twin world of Stark)
Thanks very much for another great year of the list, flotsam and Chief! praise

I was happy to see many of my favorites did so well, Dreamfall Chapters in particular. woot It's especially interesting to see what people come up with without being able to vote for the Hall of Fame games. yes

Interrogator: [True or false?] All mangoes are golden. Nothing golden is cheap. Conclusion - all mangoes are cheap.

Helena: Where are these mangoes?
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