How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 09:11 AM
08/24/05 09:11 AM
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Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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I mean what really got you hooked I mean he had a serious addiction and in my mind he needed  . On occasion I would stand behind him and watch him over his shoulder as he played Alien vs Predator online. I would think to myself theres no way I could play I mean it was just a blur ! Then one day we were talking and the subject came up and I said to him that all these games were just for kids, and that he needed to grow up a bit.  He vehemently denied this and said how can you make that statement when you have never actually played a game before. Well, I said after watching you on the computer and my son on his Nintendo. I said there's just no way! I mean, I don't have the manual dexterity or the co-ordination (plus the ole eyesight and reflexes just aren't what they used to be) to play those games. Ah he said, but there are games that I could play that didn't require all that stuff. He said all I needed was just my mind to play and to prove it he said he had a game just for me. Well, the year was 2000 and the game was Myst! By the time I finished Myst I was hooked  I mean it was beautiful, it was challenging and it required me to think in ways I never dreamed of before. I went on to play a few more games . Now it's my wife's turn to say to me. "When are you going to stop acting like a kid and grow up." That's My Story and I'm Stickin to it!!!
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 10:17 AM
08/24/05 10:17 AM
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Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Your very welcome, Sis! I got started after I had surgery and was off work for six weeks. I was bored to tears, started surfing the net for games, ran into a demo for Pandora's Box and enjoyed the game so much, I purchased the full version at Media Play. After I ran out of puzzle games (Contraptions, and Even More Contraptions), the store clerk recommended adventure games. My first was Riddle of the Sphinx. Introducing SS to adventure games has made it even more enjoyable. Always more fun to game with her! So many laughs and so much discussion! This past weekend we played Echo together (though she had already played through it once solo). I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if I played it on my own. She even forgave me for the expletive I blurted out in front of my nephew after getting eaten by the bear the first time! 
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 10:58 AM
08/24/05 10:58 AM
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My first computer was a Commodore 64. At that time I really wasn't into any type of computer gaming at all. I was however a big Douglas Adams fan (go figure  )and when I came across the text adventure "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" based on the books I had to buy it. I enjoyed reading so it really wasn't difficult for me to become "immersed" in the game even though it was just text. That was really the last time I played anything like that. Then a couple years later I upgraded to a 386 (woo hoo! can't you just feel the power!  ) and picked up MYST. I played it for a very short period of time, but was way too busy with work and school to really get into it. Maybe a year later, after building my first 486 (we're getting better  ) I picked up MYST again and it was an instant hook. Then of course came Riven and then the 7th Guest and so on, and so on...been hooked ever since. Problem is that darn thing called a career keeps getting in the way of my gaming now! 
“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!” ---------------- Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 11:19 AM
08/24/05 11:19 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 11,903 The Garden State
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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The Garden State
When we bought our laptop, it was going to be used strictly for work. I didn't have time for frivolous games.  I would take the computer with me to do paperwork at my school, and my husband would use it on evenings and weekends if I wasn't tying reports. That worked out very well for over a year until he read me a blurb in one of the gaming magazines about a game concerning a wayward spaceship and a crazy parrot that was written by Douglas Adams. He wondered if I might like to try it. Being a great fan of Adams and lover of parrots, I said yes. Soon after, we bought another computer for him. 
Wake me when it's spring.
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 11:48 AM
08/24/05 11:48 AM
Joined: Nov 2004
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Sorta Blonde
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I did my 'first' gaming while I was teaching in 1987 in an alternative school that had computers hooked to a system that was then called "Plato". A very difficult student refused to do any work (these were dropouts and the 'rejects' from regular schools). Not all bad kids, just different needs than the regular school setting. So as an incentive I said he could game on the computer the same amount of time as he did real school work for me. That was a total success UNTIL he upped the ante to "I'll only do my school work if YOU learn this game I'm playing". Ugh...I was totally computer illiterate but he became the 'teacher'. In no time I was hooked on an interactive game called "Avatar". No graphics, just invisible mazes and little icons that you moved around and killed monsters, got goodies, upped your health points. Sort of like dungeons and dragons, but on a local scale, and you could 'chat' in real time at the bottom of the screen with others who were playing. Actually you had to to be successful, since you had to 'join' your character to theirs to kill the really big monsters. It was so addictive. I got one of my fellow teachers hoooked too. And the happy ending...the kid who started it all did his school work, gained valuable social skills from all the chatting with others and GRADUATED! And of course I've 'graduated' to full color graphic Adventure Games. Wow...I'm still hooked, thanks to that kid who said, "Aw, you can do it, I'll teach you". Role reversal? Yeah.
WARNING! This person is extremely blonde...please type SLOWLY.
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 12:30 PM
08/24/05 12:30 PM
Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 233
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Vely Intelesting ! 
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 01:34 PM
08/24/05 01:34 PM
Joined: Apr 2005
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Joe's Diner Proprietor
Joe's Diner Proprietor
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I used to notice all these computer games whenever I'd go to Best Buy or Comp USA. The boxes and pictures always grabbed my interest. When I bought my first computer, a small Compaq laptop, I decided to try one of those games and I bought Beyond Atlantis. That was "it"! Nough said.  joe
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William Butler Yeats
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 02:05 PM
08/24/05 02:05 PM
Joined: Dec 1999
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Grande Olde Dame
Grande Olde Dame
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I'm one of the ones who was hooked by Myst--there are a lot of us, it seems... 
"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 02:22 PM
08/24/05 02:22 PM
Joined: Jul 2005
Posts: 943 Jacksonville, Florida USA
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Jacksonville, Florida USA
I had no idea these games existed. I thought the only games were Nintendo and such. One day while watching Oprah, believe it or not, a lady mentioned she had been playing a Nancy Drew game for 3 months. I had to find out what this was so I bought my first game. Secrets Can Kill. Well now I've played them all and can't wait for the next. Now Playing Lights Out.
Dogs have owners, Cats have staff! Smiles are contagious; Let's infect the world!
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/24/05 08:23 PM
08/24/05 08:23 PM
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 2,932 Sumrall, MS
Addicted Boomer
Addicted Boomer
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Sumrall, MS
My first was Riddle of the Sphinx... got stuck in the tent and some kind soul at the R.O.T.S. forum told me to use a walkthrough and gave me the link for gameboomers. Well that was many games ago and lots and lots of printed walkthroughs later and I can tell you, the thrill ain't gone yet. I used to hear how I was cheating with a w/t until said persons started using them too... you still gotta do everything by yourself, you just have someone telling you where to go. I followed R.O.T.S. with the Cameron Files and Amerzone and there was no turnin' back. 
So many games, so little time.