Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 12:01 AM
08/25/05 12:01 AM
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Guess it really started with the two Atari game systems that first came out. Then Atari released their first computer, then we bought a 486 machine and I was introduced to Doom and Myst. Loved Doom, but kept getting wipped. Bought Myst when it came out and it was love at first sight. The CD drive I had at the time made the game run a bit slow, especially in the light house, but I loved it. I've not played many, I'm rather selective, but I've played Riven, Exile, started M4 but haven't finished it yet, ROTS, Crystal Key, and a few others.
If something gets your goat, it just proves you have a goat to get.
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 12:39 AM
08/25/05 12:39 AM
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Originally posted by Jenny: I'm one of the ones who was hooked by Myst--there are a [b]lot of us, it seems...  [/b] SAME FOR ME!
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 02:36 AM
08/25/05 02:36 AM
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I had played adventure games for a while but as far as getting hooked is concened I guess Under A Killing Moon did it for me. I played Myst and others that were enjoyable but UAKM caused loss of sleep and a few strands of hair, laser puzzle, but after finishing that game I was hooked for life and as the saying goes, "the rest is history".
carol It doesn't cost a dime to be kind ---------------------------- Currently playing The Moment Of Silence
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 05:37 AM
08/25/05 05:37 AM
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My sister Carolyn was playing Adventure Games and talked me into trying them. I was reluctant at first but I am sooo glad she encouraged me! I love Adventure Games and I have even branched out and tried Tomb Raider Games and Broken Sword and am having fun with action games. My first game was Riddle of the Sphinx and boy was that hard! Then I played Myst and that got me hooked! If it wasn't for my sister I never would have know about GameBoomers either! I love this site and feel very safe and happy to visit! Thanks to Kaki, my dear sister!! 
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 06:19 AM
08/25/05 06:19 AM
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Hi all, Well we have had a computer in our home since the Commodore 64. I use to type my own games from magazines which went something like this. 0001000021000 and so on.....boring but I got to play a game when I was done with all of that. I don't remember which game was my first or which one got me started but I do have many many games since I started and don't think I will ever stop.
Love Thy Neighbor
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 06:31 AM
08/25/05 06:31 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
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Gee I forgot about all that typing. After the intelevision we got the Atari computer with the external disk drive. I spent many an evening typing away to get those games done so the kids could have something new to play.
Remember only Robinson Crusoe got his work done by Friday.
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 12:19 PM
08/25/05 12:19 PM
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I got hooked about 3 years ago. My sister-inlaw was always on the computer. She liked the 3-d landscape and house building type cds. I watched her use that and tried it myself. I thought it was neat but I didn't dream about it. Then she got my daughter a Barbie Detective game. It was so much fun! Then I bought my first game ever. ND the Royal Tower. I thought it was so neat! The music, the puzzles, the sound effects and atmosphere! I was hooked then and there. At the beginning I even had dreams about the tunnels and mazes but never solved them in my sleep.  I guess there's no turning back now.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.-Marcel Proust
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 01:21 PM
08/25/05 01:21 PM
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My first computer was a Texas Instruments TI99-4/A, which my parents bought me after TI got out of the home computer business (the only reason we could afford it). Given the nature of the beast (it, not me), one of the first games I played on it was a pirate adventure game, which had to load into the computer from a tape cassette player...oy...
Let's see...then I got a Commodore 128 and found HHGG available for it. Woo hoo! Then...then the epiphany happened. I bought a CD-ROM drive for my 386 (or was it a 486? Hmm, don't remember) for the express purpose of playing...
haven't you guessed?
...Myst! And after years of platform games, I finally found my niche.
We need to band together! Remember, there is no "I" in "VICTORY"! Oh wait...
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 01:40 PM
08/25/05 01:40 PM
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I was vaguely interested in platform games as a result of supervising and then having to help problem solve for my own and friends' kids on the Sinclair Spectrum. Then I got myself a Gameboy and discovered Prince of Persia: then I heard about PoP 3D and played it... (took about three months) Then I moved on to HalfLife... Slowed the pace a little with Amerzone and Syberia 1 & 2... Now I have a stack of games I have not played yet, and a tolerant wife! 
Life is what happens while you're making other plans.
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/25/05 09:30 PM
08/25/05 09:30 PM
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Welcome ,Dashia, You are among friends here. There is nothing you can say,do,mess up,talk about, ask,or flub up that we can't help you with. Because [we have done it to].... 
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/26/05 11:17 AM
08/26/05 11:17 AM
Joined: Dec 1999
Posts: 31,224 Northwestern New Mexico, USA
Grande Olde Dame
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I've already said that it was Myst that introduced me to adventure gaming, but that wasn't until I got a "real" computer. My first computer was a Tandy 1000 that my father gave me when his macular degeneration reached the point that he could no longer use it. Of course that was DOS based, and had no internal hard drive, and I frankly didn't get much use out of it. When I got a computer with Windows and a hard drive, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven!!! And Dashia, 
"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/26/05 02:40 PM
08/26/05 02:40 PM
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Our first computer was a Mac and, not knowing too much about computers, Mac, PC or otherwise, we began to read magazines for Mac users. It was around Christmas one year when I was sort of leafing through one of these magazines and happened on an article naming the games they most recommended for that year. A couple of them especially impressed me but, alas! you had to have a CD player to run them. Anyway, that year I asked "Santa" (my husband) for Myst, Gadget and a CD. He not only gave me those two games, but installed my first CD (about a 2x, I think!) and from the moment the screen darkened and the games came on - I felt I had entered a new and exciting world - like being on vacation without leaving my desk. Obviously, I was hooked and have remained so - even through several different computers, CDs, DVDs - and more and more games. BTW - I think you may even be a bit newer here than I am, Dashia, so  welcome from another newbie
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/26/05 07:09 PM
08/26/05 07:09 PM
Joined: Dec 1999
Posts: 31,224 Northwestern New Mexico, USA
Grande Olde Dame
Grande Olde Dame
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Originally posted by Dashia: I haven't spent any time on the RPG forum because I don't really know the difference between adventure games and RPG games. Probably the easiest way to characterise the RPG is that your character learns skills which you can constantly upgrade through quests--also it is necessary to keep a close eye on your health, because if you let it get too low, you'll die. One of the most popular RPG with GameBoomers was Divine Divinity which came out several years ago. (There is another now that I think is a sequel, but don't take that for gospel--I don't do much with RPG). If you want to get an idea of how an RPG works, check out the review of Divine Divinity that's here on our website...
"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: How did you get started in gaming?
08/27/05 08:13 AM
08/27/05 08:13 AM
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I started way back "in the day" --- 1983 --- my first was a little text adventure known as "The Adventure of The Collasal Caves" from there followed some of the Infocom Games such as ZORK and Wishbringer --- but then 2 active sons - work - and running an art studio began to take preference and gameing was all but forgotten for a very long time.
Then in 1999 -- with the boys grown and the move here to TEXAS --- I was left with an incredibile amount of free time on my hands --- I hated just sitting in front of the TV by myself night after night (Braveheart worked very long hours) One of my sons had sent me his computer and the software which went with it (as he entered the Navy) Anywho -- the first game was "Riven" --- took about a month or so without a walkthrough (didn't know what those were at the time, heeheee) The beauty and stillnes is what hooked me, then Amber came next and I was hooked ...line and sinker! The rest is history.
Watching: Dark Shadows Reading: Angelique's Descent Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden