Are you playing the cd version or one from Steam? Per the post here on Win 7 games it should work... a techie will come along soon... Ps.... It also has controls perhaps you could turn them down at least for this part and see if it will let you get by.
- High Quality April Model. This box is checked by default. If you have a slow
computer or video card, or the game seems to be running slowly, try deselecting this
option. The April character will look less detailed, but the game may run faster.
- Special Effects. This turns on and off the particle effects in the game. If you have a
slow computer, and the game is choppy, uncheck this box.
- Shadows. When checked, all characters cast shadows. If the game is running slowly,
try deselecting this option.
- High Quality Video. Depending on the speed of your computer and CD-ROM,
you may choose to enable or disable high quality video. In order to run the video
sequences in high quality, you will need a PentiumÒ II 266 or better. If your system
does not meet this requirement, please keep this check box clear, or the video sequences
will appear choppy.
Last edited by Winfrey; 01/07/18 09:36 AM.