Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/09/03 10:08 AM
12/09/03 10:08 AM
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I'll be getting Uru for Christmas. Just curious what the other Riven lovers think of it. I know it's not really a Myst game. I am anxiously awaiting Myst IV. ~Dee 
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/09/03 11:06 AM
12/09/03 11:06 AM
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Think of Riven graphics but in realtime 3D. I've loved the game so far and Riven is one of my favorites! Just make sure you have a fast processor and a fast video card.
What do you see Crispeto? I see URU Live!
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/09/03 11:34 PM
12/09/03 11:34 PM
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Maybe you know from previous posts, Riven is my favorite. I love the "exploration".
I really loved Uru. It gives us the beauty and a bigger world (look in 360 degree directions... walk where you want). Like RealMyst, it gives us moving clouds, setting suns, night time views, lightning storms. It's beautiful!
Some don't like that you have to make a few jumps... that is the big difference I think. But, no mazes, no slider puzzles... I think you will like it. The jumps are not hard... you may have to try several times on one or two of them, but it's not bad.
Best of luck! Learn to use the mouse to walk (left mouse button) and run (press both mouse buttons). Experiment with 1st and 3rd person views to use what is best for each situation.
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/09/03 11:50 PM
12/09/03 11:50 PM
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It's interesting because I've actually liked the so-called action sequences. I'd rather be in a 3d world with some action than in a static slideshow. Personal preference. URU is definitely not an action game though. It can't be put into the same category as Half Life or Deus Ex. Also, don't expect URU's plot to grab you the way Riven did. Riven was the unfolding of a really good drama. URU doesn't go quite that deep. Still a great game though. Graphically it's the best I've seen!
What do you see Crispeto? I see URU Live!
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 02:25 AM
12/10/03 02:25 AM
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Lucky's Rainbow
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I already mentioned BJ's URU Diaries article and it was roundly ignored. In it, he focuses on comparing/contrasting URU with Myst & Riven. Die-hard fans of the original fans should give it a look before they rush out and buy URU.
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 07:11 AM
12/10/03 07:11 AM
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Hi there,
The two games do not compare well, as they are so different. I didn't have a problem controlling my movements, and found some of the Uru locations stunning to look at and explore.
Most of the puzzles, however, really disappoint. I won't be specific (to save on spoilers) but they lacked the logic and depth of the previous titles, and often felt like a chore. Yes, Riven also sported some tedious puzzles, but the atmosphere and tone of the world often made up for that.
I also still feel the 'avatar' options could have been expanded upon. Greatly. The generic 'casuals' are dull, but perhaps this will be improved as the online community grows. Other realtime worlds, such as Morrowind, sport many races and creatures. Uru's options look very primitive in comparison, and may insult some global gamers.
As for pacing, Riven is a much more leisurely experience, due to its static nature. Each screen was built with a great artistic eye, and is an art form in its own right. Some elements of the Uru worlds (plants in particular) can look very comical and, dare I say it, Zork-like. The wildlife is a nice touch, but no more so than Riven's various beasts.
As for story, it is very thin on the ground, and often feels like an advert for the online version. I could be wrong, but I am sure one age hints at a future online team based game. Which could be fun to take part in, but you would have to pay for the privilege.
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Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 09:58 AM
12/10/03 09:58 AM
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I ordered Uru for Jonathan and he let me take a peek at it before I sent it on to him. I never left the cleft but I got the gist of the movement which I wasn't thrilled with but kind of got used to. I actually found it easier to use the arrows. It looked to be a beautiful game and I didn't mind the jumping too much. The game engine reminded me of Nightfall. Uru reminded me more of Ring II in it's play. Laura tells me the game doesn't really open up until after you get out of the cleft. I won't be able to play online though, still have dial up.  Any of you playing online? Any of you finish Uru without playing online? I play Uru in 1st person but it kept changing to 3rd person on it's own. I loved the character make up though. I made her look just like me with a bright purple shirt. I know how much you loved Riven Jonathan, sorry to hear Uru doesn't measure up, but I knew it wasn't really a Myst game. <sigh> Thanks all. Interesting to see different opinons from those that loved Riven. ~Dee 
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 11:02 AM
12/10/03 11:02 AM
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Interesting comments. I've read all the Myst books and played all the games several times. I'm a rather big Myst series fan. I find URU to be a great addition to the series. I've enjoyed the puzzles, graphics, story,(I wonder if everyone really gets the story), and overall game experience. It's kind of the way I felt the other games should have been all along.
What do you see Crispeto? I see URU Live!
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 11:17 AM
12/10/03 11:17 AM
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That's very true, Crispeto. I don't think I would ever play the original Myst now that I have RealMyst. I wonder what Riven would look like, given the same treatment.
I certainly don't dislike Uru, but it left me quite cold. After finishing (single player), I placed it on the shelf thinking I would be visiting again shortly, but haven't been back since. I find it a very cynical and self conscious affair.
Although, it is great to see that the game can generate differing reactions, and also prompt us to chat about it. That's always a good sign.
P.s. The DVD versions of the other games, which came bundled, are a huge bonus too!
The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 11:36 AM
12/10/03 11:36 AM
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Salar of Myst
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Shorah Lucky's Rainbow, I somehow missed your announcement of Bicardi Jim's review. I just read it this time & I am glad I did. I have been hearing this "its not a Myst game" thing over and over from some beta testers but on the face of it, this sounds silly. Its called the Ages beyond Myst & its the same universe so how could it not be Myst? BJ just explained for me without ruining anything. (Well done, Jim!) I look forward to exploring these beautiful places & unlike the first players I am warned about the un-Riven-ish elements I will find. (still waiting on a newer graphics card. Should have it in the mail soon) I have heard in online chats that they intend in future to have Uru Ages that suit the various adventure players, allowing gamers to tailor their experience as they do that avatar. Thus some worlds will be more puzzle/story oriented and some more physical. Sounds like they tried to give a sampling of that plan in the offline version. Too bad they disabled some of the D'ni culture based puzzles. I intend to do what remains anyway <img border="0" alt="  " title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" /> Salar 
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 06:06 PM
12/10/03 06:06 PM
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Salar of Myst, which graphics card did you go with? Just curious.
What do you see Crispeto? I see URU Live!
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 06:07 PM
12/10/03 06:07 PM
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I liked Riven the best of all the previous games; it really grabbed me. Less so with Exile, but it was fun, too. I find Uru very frustrating in comparison. The time it takes to recover from missed jumps and the avatar's inability to pick up anything result in the player spending seemingly endless cycles going over the same ground in order to make progress in the game. I sent e-mail to Cyan World telling them that, if the next Myst game is like Uru, I won't buy it. They ruined what could have been a really great game, in my opinion. Borrow a copy and try it before you shell out $50 for it.
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/10/03 06:56 PM
12/10/03 06:56 PM
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One of the main points made in favor of Uru's graphics is the ability to look and move in 360 degrees at any given spot in the game. While Riven is a 2-D node-based game, I discovered, when I recently replayed it, that at every node you could turn completely around, seeing the whole panorama, giving you a great feeling of space. It's not quite as realistic as Uru's navigation, but it's pretty darn close.
I was also disappointed that in Uru you couldn't look down, if you wanted to see over the edge of a cliff or down a hole, unless the camera angle arbitrarily took you there. There were several occasions when I would have liked a much better view of my intended jumping target before making a disasterous leap.
Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/11/03 12:06 AM
12/11/03 12:06 AM
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Riven is one of my favorite games. I go back to it often just for a little stroll. For some reason I find it peaceful in spite of the fact that it starts with violence. One knows about the possible danger still it feels somehow safe and familiar.
When I started to play Uru I had no specific expectations. I did not think that it would be the continuation of any of the other games. Therefore I was able to go along with the game and enjoy what was available.
Beside the wonderful graphics there is more tension in this game than ever was in the Myst games. There are the dark overtones of the D
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Re: Riven lovers opinion on Uru?
12/11/03 07:49 AM
12/11/03 07:49 AM
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In the spirit of shameless self-promotion, here's an excerpt from my review that acompares Uru and Riven: [quote] I know there are Myst aficionados who will be wondering if the 3D graphics in Uru rival the 2D graphics in Riven. Uru has more realistic water effects, and does a much better job with wind, clouds, mist and drifting leaves. You can stand in the rain, watch the sun set and see the stars come out. Uru