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TimeScape Journey to Pompeii #1137004
12/31/17 07:34 PM
12/31/17 07:34 PM
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oldbroad Offline OP
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I played this game years ago in a Virtual PC 98 that I had running in my XP computer. I'm guessing it would not install in my XP and that is why I tried the Virtual PC.

Anyway, I thought I'd try it in the XP I have now but sadly, it would not install. I had a Setup Failure: cannot copy osc: access is denied.

E:\data\sy\Image\osc.bmp could not be copied

I'm not looking to troubleshoot unless there is something VERY simple to try. I'm more just curious about it, and sad. duh12

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137005
12/31/17 07:43 PM
12/31/17 07:43 PM
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You can try changing compatibility mode on the setup.exe (or whatever the installation exe is called) on the game CD before running the Setup.

If your XP is newer than SP1, you can also try installing to a location other than C:\Program Files

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137011
12/31/17 08:36 PM
12/31/17 08:36 PM
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Thanks Jenny! I did try to install in Documents but that didn't work. For some reason I couldn't find where to change compatibility. I'm sure I can find it if I look again. I guess I'm not used to XP anymore and especially this one. It seems much different than mine was. I think it has SP2 on it. I may try it one more time. I would love to replay the game.

Meanwhile, I installed Road to India. It installed fine but I haven't tried playing it yet. I previously played it in my old XP and I did have some glitchiness but it was playable.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137014
12/31/17 08:47 PM
12/31/17 08:47 PM
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Open the contents of the CD in My Computer
Right-click the Setup.exe file (or whatever the installer file is called).
Compatibility tab.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137024
12/31/17 10:08 PM
12/31/17 10:08 PM
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So, guess what. What I did not mention in my original post is that when that error stopped the installation it was also showing me that McAffee detected a Trojan. This computer is NOT online and has not been online for over 6 years. The McAffee shows that it is running in real time. HOW??

Anyway, I did not believe this was an issue but I did restart the computer as it said I should do. Game still would not install. Kept getting the same error and Trojan message. I could not find anywhere to disable McAffee while I tried to install the game though it showed it was scanning and I was able to pause that.

So, I found where to change the compatibility but that gave me an error almost immediately. I did not write it down as I just thought this was going to be a lost cause. I tried compatibility for 95 and for 98/2000 (I think it was). I was also getting message about disk space but there is plenty of room on the hard drive. Again, I didn't write down what it said but gave me the option to try anyway which I did. I also tried changing the disc at the error which of course didn't work but after I put the first disc back in again I saw the installation continue and the game did install. Somewhere in there the McAffee popped up again saying it removed the Trojan.

The game is installed and I have played a short portion, saved, exited, and gone back in. My save is there but I haven't resumed play. The audio goes in and out and drops some conversation. It does not match up with the captions except at the end, the conversation repeats until it catches up and matches up. I don't really know how to explain it, but this also happened when I played The Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin. I was able to follow and play that alright so hopefully I can with this game also.

Thanks again Jenny!

Upon going back into the game, I am having trouble saving. The first save I made did not work the first time I tried it but after exiting the building it worked. The booklet says that you can save ANY time but I cannot. I wouldn't care so much if you couldn't die in this game but...

Not sure what to do about this issue. Will keep trying and see if I get lucky again.

Last edited by oldbroad; 01/01/18 12:34 AM. Reason: added save info
Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137033
01/01/18 01:10 AM
01/01/18 01:10 AM
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If this computer is not on-line, there is really no reason for it to have McAfee installed on it. I would uninstall McAfee. Which might be tricky as sometimes you have to use one of their uninstallers to do it.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137034
01/01/18 01:57 AM
01/01/18 01:57 AM
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oldbroad, the saving issue in Arxel Tribe games on newer versions of Windows is very well known. I think I have written about it somewhere in this section of the forum. I have a friend who has made a patch for me for that issue.
Here it is:;q#Post1109892
See below that post for more info!

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137037
01/01/18 02:17 AM
01/01/18 02:17 AM
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Drac, my sister had the McAfee on the computer. I never tried to get rid of it since I didn't figure it was hurting anything. Maybe I'll see about trying to uninstall it.

Iurii, thanks for your info and link. I am running it on XP, not really a "newer" version of Windows. If I download the file and save it to a disk to install on the XP, is that all I have to do?

I did manage to get it to save again 2 more times, but what a pain not knowing if I'll be able to or not.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137040
01/01/18 03:41 AM
01/01/18 03:41 AM
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I think you need to get rid of the McAfee. It sounds like it blocked parts of the game installation and McAfee could also be interfering with your attempts to save.

You can download the McAfee removal tool (MCPR) either from the McAfee website or from

Since the computer is offline, you'll probably need a USB flash drive to transfer the McAfee removal tool from your online computer to the XP computer.

I don't know of any cases where it wasn't necessary to use the removal tool to get rid of all traces of McAfee. The removal tool is easy to use (just double-click it), but I think you may still need to uninstall McAfee through Add/Remove Programs before using the removal tool. Reboot after using the tool.

And after getting rid of McAfee you may want to reinstall the game to make sure it's installed properly. If you still have problems saving after removing McAfee, then check the patch Iurii linked to.


You may need to turn audio acceleration off (or down) to keep the sound from cutting out. I found these instructions with Google:
Start>Settings>Control Panel>Sounds and Audio Devices Properties

Click Volume tab, Advanced, Performance

Move top slider to the left, reducing acceleration.

OK the change.

I don't remember if you have to reboot afterwards with XP.

Check this picture for what the slider looks like on XP.

You can reduce audio acceleration by one or two notches, or even turn it all the way off. It's not something that's used by old adventure games like Pompeii. When I played Hitchcock: A Final Cut (also developed by Arxel), I had to turn audio acceleration all the way down to nothing to keep the audio from cutting out.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137063
01/01/18 06:58 AM
01/01/18 06:58 AM
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oldbroad, I think that XP is still too 'new' for these games :)
I remember having similar saving problems there as well.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137111
01/01/18 01:38 PM
01/01/18 01:38 PM
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OK, thanks Iurii.

Jenny - thank you for ALL of that info and the link for the McAfee removal tool. I did see some things in that older forum link that Iurii linked to about the installation, same problems I was having (except the Trojan thing).

I'm surprised I don't remember that older thread as I recently played Pilgrim, Legend, and Alamut. It's from around when I was playing those games and I usually read, or at least skim, all the posts.

Edit: I turned down the acceleration and the audio is working great now. Also, my first attempt to save - worked. I hope that had something to do with it also. Like, it needed time to catch up to something, just like the audio. (We'll see about that later though but fingers crossed!)

Ach. So much for being optimistic. lol12 Haven't been able to save again yet.

Last edited by oldbroad; 01/01/18 04:41 PM.
Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137163
01/01/18 10:59 PM
01/01/18 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted By: oldbroad
So much for being optimistic.
Haven't been able to save again yet.

Might have to use Iurii's patch then -- or use Virtual PC.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137168
01/01/18 11:28 PM
01/01/18 11:28 PM
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Malwarebytes wouldn't let me go to Iurii's patch and I don't have Virtual PC set up on this machine (or any working machine now).

I have been able to save some more and am now on Day 3 (about half way through the game). Even though the booklet says you can save anywhere, I don't know if that is accurate. I can bring up the save screen and type a save name in at any time but then it will give me a warning that I cannot save (such and such name). It's almost like in a lot of games where you can't save in the middle of a puzzle but I'm not in the middle of a puzzle. But, it almost seems like it is only certain places that you can save. I don't know. I'm sure I'll make it through the game though so...

I am thankful that the audio works now. I wish I would have known to do that when I played Legend and Alamut, but I still enjoyed those games too.

I did download the McAfee removal tool but haven't done anything with that yet.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1137399
01/04/18 01:41 AM
01/04/18 01:41 AM
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Finished game tonight. It was all there and I made 13 saves today but did attempt a lot more.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1138295
01/13/18 10:36 AM
01/13/18 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted By: oldbroad
Finished game tonight. It was all there and I made 13 saves today but did attempt a lot more.
Hi Oldbroad,

I'd failed to notice this thread, but I'm very glad it worked out fine, and you were able to finish the game!

I played the game on Windows XP, both as a host system, and in emulation (VMWare Player), and I encountered very few installation or playing problems. In fact, I still revisit parts of the game now and then, mainly the Visit Mode or Encyclopedia.

Here's another thread devoted to this game.

So I can quote myself from this thread:
I'm playing this Windows 95/98 compatible game on a Windows XP Home Edition system. I had hardly any installation problems, though you do get that familiar old Cryo/Dreamcatcer "no disk space left" message when only, in this case, 262 MB are required! Old school limited disk space, I guess.

In the past, I used to install it on a 1 GB USB flash drive to avoid this, but this time straight installation to the C-drive turned out fine.

There's also more information on Iurii's patch in the thread.

I don't remember having trouble saving the game once I knew I had to type in distinct names for saving points. For instance, I was able to save just before I went out of the main house (House of the Cithara Player) and came across the stubborn mule, and near the end when I tried to sneak into Sophia's garden at night. This was after I'd found out I could easily die in these spots, I must admit. wink

Oh, by the way, if an anti-virus program protests or blocks access to or installation of a site or program, you can usually specify an exception, trusted location or trusted software to bypass it. It's happening a lot with the Kaspersky protection I use, and more often than not, I ignore these warnings and specify exceptions when I regularly use the links or applications.



Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1138379
01/14/18 12:06 AM
01/14/18 12:06 AM
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Hi RichAlexis wave

Yes, I was glad I was able to eventually get the game installed and replay it. The save situation was a little weird and bothersome. I usually like to save after solving something (such as the donkey part) but it seemed like I could only save prior to starting some new sequence of events, not directly after doing something. In the end, it sort of worked out the same though.

I wrote that at one point during installation I inserted disc 2 even though it was not asked for and that it, of course, didn't do anything. Actually though, I think it did help with some data file that popped up. Anyway, whatever it was, I enjoyed my replay and plan to go back in to visit mode soon also.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1138388
01/14/18 08:01 AM
01/14/18 08:01 AM
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Hi OldBroad!

Thanks for your comments!

I see what you mean now by the save situation. It's indeed true that you can only save prior to starting some potentially tricky task. Otherwise you run the risk of dying.

I also realize we cannot completely compare our experiences. I own the multilingual DVD version, so it has only one disk, and it is to be expected that installation and playing would function somewhat differently.

Multilingual Pompei game front cover.
Happy gaming! wave2



P.S. Here is some reasonably high-resolution original concept art from the game I came across. You can easily download it if you wish. It has a particularly nice view of the House of Venus and the Four Gods ("Taberna della Quattro Divinita"; the gods are Apollo, Jupiter, Mercury and Diana), which was obscured by heavy shadows during gameplay. It is assumed to have been a shop where felt was made and sold. As you can see here, the reconstruction and location are true to what it actually looked like.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1138423
01/14/18 02:22 PM
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I'm glad you understand about the saves. I wasn't sure I was explaining it right. The game booklet says that you can save ANY time but that was not quite accurate in my experience. If only I had figured out sooner when I could actually save, I wouldn't have spent so much time on it, as it did take my focus away from the gameplay. And, of course, I did die several times. lol

Thanks for those links. Very interesting!

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: RichAlexis] #1138991
01/20/18 12:29 AM
01/20/18 12:29 AM
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Originally Posted By: RichAlexis

Ah, that's my recent upload to Mobygames smile
The DVD version is not much different from the usual CD - you don't even have to switch the disks in the latter case, as all the game is on 2nd CD except the installation and the intro.

Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: Iurii] #1139058
01/20/18 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted By: Iurii
Originally Posted By: RichAlexis

Ah, that's my recent upload to Mobygames smile
The DVD version is not much different from the usual CD - you don't even have to switch the disks in the latter case, as all the game is on 2nd CD except the installation and the intro.
Hi Iurii,

I was just wondering if I could tentatively "confront" you with your full name, because I'd already made the connection that you must have been the uploader, but you beat me to it, so there are no beans for me to spill! razz

It's really great that you are uploading so much often little-known cover art, and indeed full game information, to MobyGames. To me at least, they are all pretty obscure, apart from 'Carol Reed', so I assume they make very worthwhile additions.



Re: TimeScape Journey to Pompeii [Re: oldbroad] #1139090
01/21/18 01:44 AM
01/21/18 01:44 AM
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Hi Rich,
Thanks for your kind words smile

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